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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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i feel like need a bf

edited December 2007 in Jabodetabek
Hi my name is HomeTeaHOme...sure not my real name...
i have this feeling which finally go to the court of gay god to sue's like i need a bf...

i dont need a death gorgeous man but just the one who can complement me, and my soul....bahasa gw menjijikkan...FYI: i'm not hot but i can make u hot as the hottest man can be....i may be out of your league, but i'm cool. hahaha...once i get a bf....everything feels like off the hook.....

quoted from raul is gonna save my life...bwahahaha....

here's my recent pic...well, not really recent...
i'm 21, 170, 75.... 1_247682422l.jpg


  • Hi..mau nemanin aku ngopi?
  • rais wrote:
    Hi..mau nemanin aku ngopi?

    kamu kayak kakak adek.. LOL
  • rais wrote:
    Hi..mau nemanin aku ngopi?

    kamu kayak kakak adek.. LOL

    Panggil Koko Rais...

    DIH bisa terjemahkan gak postingannya ??? LOL
  • rais wrote:
    Hi..mau nemanin aku ngopi?

    kamu kayak kakak adek.. LOL

    Panggil Koko Rais...

    DIH bisa terjemahkan gak postingannya ??? LOL

    dilihat dari perawakan miripkan.. ?.. 'semok' gitu loh...
  • Wew...No coMMeNt... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • dave_blue wrote:
    Wew...No coMMeNt... :lol: :lol: :lol:

    yup sama ,,, no comment
  • Hi my name is HomeTeaHOme...sure not my real name...
    i have this feeling which finally go to the court of gay god to sue's like i need a bf...

    i dont need a death gorgeous man but just the one who can complement me, and my soul....bahasa gw menjijikkan...FYI: i'm not hot but i can make u hot as the hottest man can be....i may be out of your league, but i'm cool. hahaha...once i get a bf....everything feels like off the hook.....

    quoted from raul is gonna save my life...bwahahaha....

    here's my recent pic...well, not really recent...
    i'm 21, 170, 75.... 1_247682422l.jpg

    ya ampyuuun....An ngapaian lo pasang Iklan dsini, masa gara2 gw ga dateng kedepok 2bulan aja lo udh pengen nyari yg laen seh :lol: :lol:
  • cakti wrote:
    Hi my name is HomeTeaHOme...sure not my real name...
    i have this feeling which finally go to the court of gay god to sue's like i need a bf...

    i dont need a death gorgeous man but just the one who can complement me, and my soul....bahasa gw menjijikkan...FYI: i'm not hot but i can make u hot as the hottest man can be....i may be out of your league, but i'm cool. hahaha...once i get a bf....everything feels like off the hook.....

    quoted from raul is gonna save my life...bwahahaha....

    here's my recent pic...well, not really recent...
    i'm 21, 170, 75.... 1_247682422l.jpg

    ya ampyuuun....An ngapaian lo pasang Iklan dsini, masa gara2 gw ga dateng kedepok 2bulan aja lo udh pengen nyari yg laen seh :lol: :lol:
    wekekke tega na dikau 2 bulan kaga dateng
  • cakti wrote:
    Hi my name is HomeTeaHOme...sure not my real name...
    i have this feeling which finally go to the court of gay god to sue's like i need a bf...

    i dont need a death gorgeous man but just the one who can complement me, and my soul....bahasa gw menjijikkan...FYI: i'm not hot but i can make u hot as the hottest man can be....i may be out of your league, but i'm cool. hahaha...once i get a bf....everything feels like off the hook.....

    quoted from raul is gonna save my life...bwahahaha....

    here's my recent pic...well, not really recent...
    i'm 21, 170, 75.... 1_247682422l.jpg

    ya ampyuuun....An ngapaian lo pasang Iklan dsini, masa gara2 gw ga dateng kedepok 2bulan aja lo udh pengen nyari yg laen seh :lol: :lol:

    jontor...lo udah bisa berenang ya sekaran?
    nanti ke kolam renang makara lagi ya...
    terus gw kenalan sama Professor dari Jepang.
  • cakti wrote:
    Hi my name is HomeTeaHOme...sure not my real name...
    i have this feeling which finally go to the court of gay god to sue's like i need a bf...

    i dont need a death gorgeous man but just the one who can complement me, and my soul....bahasa gw menjijikkan...FYI: i'm not hot but i can make u hot as the hottest man can be....i may be out of your league, but i'm cool. hahaha...once i get a bf....everything feels like off the hook.....

    quoted from raul is gonna save my life...bwahahaha....

    here's my recent pic...well, not really recent...
    i'm 21, 170, 75.... 1_247682422l.jpg

    ya ampyuuun....An ngapaian lo pasang Iklan dsini, masa gara2 gw ga dateng kedepok 2bulan aja lo udh pengen nyari yg laen seh :lol: :lol:

    jontor...lo udah bisa berenang ya sekaran?
    nanti ke kolam renang makara lagi ya...
    terus gw kenalan sama Professor dari Jepang.
    bagian amana tuh yg jontor hihihi
  • abxis wrote:
    cakti wrote:
    Hi my name is HomeTeaHOme...sure not my real name...
    i have this feeling which finally go to the court of gay god to sue's like i need a bf...

    i dont need a death gorgeous man but just the one who can complement me, and my soul....bahasa gw menjijikkan...FYI: i'm not hot but i can make u hot as the hottest man can be....i may be out of your league, but i'm cool. hahaha...once i get a bf....everything feels like off the hook.....

    quoted from raul is gonna save my life...bwahahaha....

    here's my recent pic...well, not really recent...
    i'm 21, 170, 75.... 1_247682422l.jpg

    ya ampyuuun....An ngapaian lo pasang Iklan dsini, masa gara2 gw ga dateng kedepok 2bulan aja lo udh pengen nyari yg laen seh :lol: :lol:

    jontor...lo udah bisa berenang ya sekaran?
    nanti ke kolam renang makara lagi ya...
    terus gw kenalan sama Professor dari Jepang.
    bagian amana tuh yg jontor hihihi

    bagian yg bawah
  • parah :twisted:
  • cakti wrote:
    abxis wrote:
    cakti wrote:
    Hi my name is HomeTeaHOme...sure not my real name...
    i have this feeling which finally go to the court of gay god to sue's like i need a bf...

    i dont need a death gorgeous man but just the one who can complement me, and my soul....bahasa gw menjijikkan...FYI: i'm not hot but i can make u hot as the hottest man can be....i may be out of your league, but i'm cool. hahaha...once i get a bf....everything feels like off the hook.....

    quoted from raul is gonna save my life...bwahahaha....

    here's my recent pic...well, not really recent...
    i'm 21, 170, 75.... 1_247682422l.jpg

    ya ampyuuun....An ngapaian lo pasang Iklan dsini, masa gara2 gw ga dateng kedepok 2bulan aja lo udh pengen nyari yg laen seh :lol: :lol:

    jontor...lo udah bisa berenang ya sekaran?
    nanti ke kolam renang makara lagi ya...
    terus gw kenalan sama Professor dari Jepang.
    bagian amana tuh yg jontor hihihi

    bagian yg bawah
    mang maina make apa jeung ampe jontor gitu hihiiih
  • pake lobang pintu, atau digigit sama semut...

    btw, lets get back to previous topic. which is me...LOL
  • pake lobang pintu, atau digigit sama semut...

    btw, lets get back to previous topic. which is me...LOL
    ho oh yukk
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