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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

is there any true relationship?



  • zyre wrote:
    fun fun macem kau seorang penyair yang dah terbitin buku lah..hehehe.. tp ok deh atas respon kalian smua..i hope for the best thiing ever..yup.. i think i do believe there is a soulmate for us anyway.. just when that come?? who knows.. it's bore me.. hehe..
    faith faith faith ^_^ and faith.....
    soal waktu kita nggak bisa terlalu memaksakannya.....
    tuh ada fertigo..... ^_^ dia juga lagi nyari tuh....
  • fun_way wrote:
    zyre wrote:
    fun fun macem kau seorang penyair yang dah terbitin buku lah..hehehe.. tp ok deh atas respon kalian smua..i hope for the best thiing ever..yup.. i think i do believe there is a soulmate for us anyway.. just when that come?? who knows.. it's bore me.. hehe..
    faith faith faith ^_^ and faith.....
    soal waktu kita nggak bisa terlalu memaksakannya.....
    tuh ada fertigo..... ^_^ dia juga lagi nyari tuh....

    Ada juga fun_way....dia punya HAMTARO lucu lho....hehehe
    :lol: :lol:
  • bhingo wrote:
    fun_way wrote:
    zyre wrote:
    fun fun macem kau seorang penyair yang dah terbitin buku lah..hehehe.. tp ok deh atas respon kalian smua..i hope for the best thiing ever..yup.. i think i do believe there is a soulmate for us anyway.. just when that come?? who knows.. it's bore me.. hehe..
    faith faith faith ^_^ and faith.....
    soal waktu kita nggak bisa terlalu memaksakannya.....
    tuh ada fertigo..... ^_^ dia juga lagi nyari tuh....

    Ada juga fun_way....dia punya HAMTARO lucu lho....hehehe
    :lol: :lol:

  • pilatme wrote:
    bhingo wrote:
    fun_way wrote:
    zyre wrote:
    fun fun macem kau seorang penyair yang dah terbitin buku lah..hehehe.. tp ok deh atas respon kalian smua..i hope for the best thiing ever..yup.. i think i do believe there is a soulmate for us anyway.. just when that come?? who knows.. it's bore me.. hehe..
    faith faith faith ^_^ and faith.....
    soal waktu kita nggak bisa terlalu memaksakannya.....
    tuh ada fertigo..... ^_^ dia juga lagi nyari tuh....

    Ada juga fun_way....dia punya HAMTARO lucu lho....hehehe
    :lol: :lol:


    Pilatme.... bhingo emang Jijai bajai bajuri.... LOL
  • gw jadi inget lagunya carpenters nyang judulnya "I Need To Be In Love"

    the hardest thing I've ever done is keep believing
    there's someone in this crazy world for me
    the way that people come and go through temporary life
    my chance could come and might never know

    i used to say "No Promises, lets's keep it simple"
    but freedom only helps you say goodbye
    it took a while for me to learn there's nothing comes for free
    the price i paid is high enough for me

    i know i need to be in lov
    i know 've wasted too much time
    i know i asked perfection of this quite imperfect world
    and fool enough to think that's what i'll find

    so here i am with pockets full of good intention
    but none of them will comfort me tonight
    i'm wide awake at 4:00 am without a friend inside
    i'm hanging on a hope but i'm all right

    back to reff:

    bagi2 lirik boleh khan?....... :lol:
  • frix wrote:
    gw jadi inget lagunya carpenters nyang judulnya "I Need To Be In Love"

    the hardest thing I've ever done is keep believing
    there's someone in this crazy world for me
    the way that people come and go through temporary life
    my chance could come and might never know

    i used to say "No Promises, lets's keep it simple"
    but freedom only helps you say goodbye
    it took a while for me to learn there's nothing comes for free
    the price i paid is high enough for me

    i know i need to be in lov
    i know 've wasted too much time
    i know i asked perfection of this quite imperfect world
    and fool enough to think that's what i'll find

    so here i am with pockets full of good intention
    but none of them will comfort me tonight
    i'm wide awake at 4:00 am without a friend inside
    i'm hanging on a hope but i'm all right

    back to reff:

    bagi2 lirik boleh khan?....... :lol:

    :arrow: boleh frix ... tapi kapan kita bisa ketemu neh ...
    kamu sibuk banget ya ...
  • frix wrote:
    gw jadi inget lagunya carpenters nyang judulnya "I Need To Be In Love"

    the hardest thing I've ever done is keep believing
    there's someone in this crazy world for me
    the way that people come and go through temporary life
    my chance could come and might never know

    i used to say "No Promises, lets's keep it simple"
    but freedom only helps you say goodbye
    it took a while for me to learn there's nothing comes for free
    the price i paid is high enough for me

    i know i need to be in lov
    i know 've wasted too much time
    i know i asked perfection of this quite imperfect world
    and fool enough to think that's what i'll find

    so here i am with pockets full of good intention
    but none of them will comfort me tonight
    i'm wide awake at 4:00 am without a friend inside
    i'm hanging on a hope but i'm all right

    back to reff:

    bagi2 lirik boleh khan?....... :lol:
  • pilatme wrote:
    bhingo wrote:
    fun_way wrote:
    zyre wrote:
    fun fun macem kau seorang penyair yang dah terbitin buku lah..hehehe.. tp ok deh atas respon kalian smua..i hope for the best thiing ever..yup.. i think i do believe there is a soulmate for us anyway.. just when that come?? who knows.. it's bore me.. hehe..
    faith faith faith ^_^ and faith.....
    soal waktu kita nggak bisa terlalu memaksakannya.....
    tuh ada fertigo..... ^_^ dia juga lagi nyari tuh....

    Ada juga fun_way....dia punya HAMTARO lucu lho....hehehe
    :lol: :lol:

    yah udah... nanti di ganti tikus putih aja yah..... ^_^
  • pilatme wrote:
    bhingo wrote:
    fun_way wrote:
    zyre wrote:
    fun fun macem kau seorang penyair yang dah terbitin buku lah..hehehe.. tp ok deh atas respon kalian smua..i hope for the best thiing ever..yup.. i think i do believe there is a soulmate for us anyway.. just when that come?? who knows.. it's bore me.. hehe..
    faith faith faith ^_^ and faith.....
    soal waktu kita nggak bisa terlalu memaksakannya.....
    tuh ada fertigo..... ^_^ dia juga lagi nyari tuh....

    Ada juga fun_way....dia punya HAMTARO lucu lho....hehehe
    :lol: :lol:

    yah udah... nanti di ganti tikus putih aja yah..... ^_^
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