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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Kangataz World:gimana encourage org buat workout?



  • dude, you're totally hot! If only I was still in the states or in europe. Actually, the thing I wish the most is that I wasn't indonesian. If I was out of the closet and had boyfriends, my whole family would just totally flip out! When I went to the states for college, I already knew what I was but just didn't have the courage to actually do anything. But once I go abraod again, I'm gonna go all out, lol. Well probably not all out... maybe a discreet relationship or something, 'cause wherever I go, there's bound to be someone who knows my parents. Anyway, you should consider yourself lucky. got aim?
  • t1m1de wrote:
    dude, you're totally hot! If only I was still in the states or in europe. Actually, the thing I wish the most is that I wasn't indonesian. If I was out of the closet and had boyfriends, my whole family would just totally flip out! When I went to the states for college, I already knew what I was but just didn't have the courage to actually do anything. But once I go abraod again, I'm gonna go all out, lol. Well probably not all out... maybe a discreet relationship or something, 'cause wherever I go, there's bound to be someone who knows my parents. Anyway, you should consider yourself lucky. got aim?

    thanks man, for ur compliment. As hot as my bf is, he gives me headaches with ppl constantly flirting with him.

    Haha yeah being Indonesian really sucks when ur gay. So you're done with school I take it? I'm in Indo rite now, separated from my bf it sucks! I just went for a week without internet man it feels so good to be able to go online again... Tomorrow we're off to jogja grr, why do we have to move around so much!

    yeah I have Aim, boyfunkid

  • yeah, I'm done with school. It sucks, the worst is that I actually graduated a year earlier; you know how college's suppose to be the time of your life. If you want an advice (gosh, I feel so old giving out advices, lol): stay in school, don't graduate, LOL. Make it last as long as possible. I'm back here and all of my old friends are still in college. But yeah, I can't live without internet, I was so used to having cable and staying online like 24/7. Now I must content with dial-up, limited time and slow as hell, it takes half an hour just to download a song, and you can just forget about downloading movies, though I should probably conform to what people do here; buy bootleg! Went to yogya when I just got here, it was alright, I like the fact that everything is walking-distance so I don't have to take the public transportation. This college kid who worked at this restaurant was nice enough to show me around with his motorcycle, though. I just love traveling, especially backpacking. I probably looked like a foreigner, everyone called me "Mister", I'm like, I'm only 21, double-u tee eff? But then I realized it's just what they called what they pressumed to be a foreigner, lol. That might have something to do with the fact that I speak the bahasa very formally, too. Anyway, you'll get back to your bf soon enough. Being apart makes you appreciate each other even more. l8ers...
  • deeeeh...pusing baca tulisan english smoah... :shock: btw, kangataz... lo ke jogja ???
  • ha ha ha, maaf maaf oom/pak/mas/dek kodak... maksud saya, fuji. Hanya saja saya jarang dapat berbicara bahasa inggris sejak saya kembali ke tanah air. Sulit apabila kita berpikir dalam bahasa lain, dengan teman-teman lama saya, saya sekarang cenderung lebih diam dibandingkan dulu, karena walaupun di otak saya banyak yang ingin saya bicarakan, saat diterjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia menjadi aneh.
    anyway, saya cerita ke katangaz kalau saya ke jogja sewaktu saya baru tiba, dan saya menyukainya di sana. Orangnya ramah-ramah, saya bahkan membuat teman baru. Dia bekerja di restoran dan dia meng-offer untuk menunjukkan saya keliling dengan sepeda motornya. Dia mahasiswa dan orang setempat. Baik sekali. Saya senang traveling sendiri... sebenarnya tidak ada itu (traveling sendiri) karena pasti akan bertemu dengan orang (saya sendiri jadi bingung sendiri membaca kembali kalimatnya, lol). But yeah, Saya ingin kembali ke sana lagi, melihat candi borobudur di pagi hari lagi, jalan-jalan di Marlborough street (lol), dsb.
  • well, jogja is a great places to make traveling. So much culture miracles you can find there.... and you if you're care about art, you never get bored when you are in jogja... like you said that jogja is full of kind peoples, that why jogja became the fave place to have school/ me, i like jogja with all conditions here.... and of course with high qualities of university i could find here, that the reason why i took jogja as my place to get college....
  • Jogja .... yg bagus apa yak scratchchin.gif

    Sepertinya selain kota Pelajar juga dah berkembang jadi kota Pelacur deh ... emo_pif.gif
  • LOL...LOL.... kacuuw luuuuuw Ujan... :lol: :lol:

    Tapi bener juga seh kayaknya..... banyak pelajar yg jadi pelacur yak... :shock:
  • oh iya??? dimanakah mereka bisa ditemukan? LOL. Gua ke sana dengan cara backpack, pergi sendiri hanya dengan tas punggung. Menetap di losmen... sendirian :cry: tak ada yang menemani... LOL. but like I said, there's no such thing as traveling alone, buktinya saya membuat teman baru dari sana. Banyak orang di forum ini yang dari yogya. mungkin lain kalî kalau ke sana lagi bisa ada yang menjadi guide? btw, yang pelajar di sana (fuji, rain), dari mana asalnya?
  • yep..i'm one of million students who study at Jogja... but i'm original manado guy.... :wink:

    ya...ya.... disinih bisa dibilang lots of G people.... and lots of them is a student...
  • aawww fei, don't be sad.
  • Fuji wrote:
    yep..i'm one of million students who study at Jogja... but i'm original manado guy.... :wink:

    ya...ya.... disinih bisa dibilang lots of G people.... and lots of them is a student...

    Well..... seneng nih adek seperguruan gue jadi hebat..... jadi Guide.... terusin....., inget lho yang kita bicarain waktu chat..... he.... :lol: :lol:
  • hohoohoh ...


    ... who's become a guide ?? fuji ??

    jangan deh ... tar disasarin ke kamar

    trus ditubruk dr blakang
  • intelektus wrote:
    Well..... seneng nih adek seperguruan gue jadi hebat..... jadi Guide.... terusin....., inget lho yang kita bicarain waktu chat..... he.... :lol: :lol:

    :shock: Apakah yang kalian bicarakan di chat??? Kedengarannya misterius sekali. Apakah kalian berencana untuk berpura-pura menawarkan diri untuk menjadi guide anggota forum ini untuk lalu diculik??? :shock: LOL
  • hi semua, sorry ya gue udah lama ngga muncul2 di sini, soalnya gue balik ke indo, internetnya itu susah banget dapetnya, maklum bonyok gue pada gatek, trus dibawa jalan2 terus lagi.

    belum lagi gue ama bf gue dilanda badai hubungannya, tapi malem ini baru banget kita selesaikan gitu lho, moga2 may nanti andrew bakal jadi pindah rmh ama gue hehe
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