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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
asli ger apa maksudnya? Dia itu spanish sama filipino
namanya andrew. Iya makin gue perhatiin org bilang mirip. Ga tau dech ntar dech kalo dia di sini kita cam, tapi gue rasa dia emang lebih photogenic dari gue.
stock? yg mirip ama andrew? hehe kayanya susah dech, makanya gue sayang banget sama dia...
tampaknya semua berjalan lancar buat Mr.K here......bagus lah, I'm happy for you, brow............
Now it's my turn to find that person..... *sigh*
I never know that love can b so complicated...
bahagianya dikau....
jadi pengen punya bf...
eh gue kira gue aneh soalnya gue ngga tertarik pacaran sama org indo, memangnya kebanyakan anak2 boyzforum suka sama yg kaya andrew gitu ?
T1m pada awalnya juga berpikir begitu, but then I realized, it's not about nationality or race, it's about language. I used to say to myself and to everyone else, "I can't see myself with an Indonesian (be it a girl or a guy)" but now I tell 'em, "I can't see myself with a non-anglophone."
Karena t1m hang out dengan teman t1m dari high school dulu (she's half indonesian and half flip) yang westernized, and I found myself thinking, I could fall in love with her. Jadi begitu, they gotta be, not only anglophone, but westernized as well. Terdengar sombong sekali oleh t1m, tetapi itu masalah me-click, bukan masalah memilih-milih ras.
Me-click dengan teman-teman lama t1m saja susah karena bahasa, apalagi dengan seseorang yang berhubungan lebih intimate.
Got a question for you. I saw an episode of the Oz once (about a bunch inmates), and there was this guy who was gonna get "spooned". What is that, actually? Is it what I think it is (I'm not even sure what I think it is)?
This thing came up in my mind 'cause I did this medical check-up, and they required me to give them not only a urine sample, but also a sample of... uh... "number 2". And they gave me this little tube with a tiny spoon attached to cap. I know I'm not suppose to stick it up my ass (and I don't ever intend to have anything up my ass either), but it just reminded me of that episode, and got me wondering again.
Kang, gw ga pernah mendengar lagi cerita kamu dengan your sweetheart, is he changing or still a damn cute swinger
i agree with you that is soo spot on. Soalnya hmmm I can find a "bule" yg mirip andrew yg single buat anak2 boyzforum, tapi the question is can you guys make it work with the whole language and culture barrier?
hmmm the reason andrew can work with me is the fact that we're halfway between asian-american(he's mixed, and I worked hard to understand the american culture), so theoratically if i was to bring andrew to indonesia, he wouldn't be so lost....
spooned? I have no idea....the closest thing I know to spooning is sleeping next to each other with one person behind the other, facing the side, it is called spooning cuz of the shape when you put two spoons in the kitchen drawer. but yeah that is way off from the context u said about inmates...
like moody mood swinger? ato heart changing swinger?
kalo mood swingnya si masih, cuman dia kalo udah mulai ketus, lima menit kemudian pasti minta maaf
kalo heart changing udah nggga.....
I think this valentine will a very romantic valentine for you Taz.......I kinda envy you.
I meaning heart changing swinger.......but good for both of you, keep his heart ny yours, and ask him is he had another hotties out there..hhehe
Btw on month of July I think I will went to Oz, my cousin is getting I have to go,maybe we can meet..heheheheh
untuk kangataz ,
ric ama kangataz ajah gpp kok .... LOL
i wish i get both of you... HAHAHAH LOL
I like Taz more..... :oops: :oops: :oops:
Mungkin bbrpa orang bilang Fei aneh, tapi Fei tidak begiru suka caucasian....I like Asian (in other words Indonesian :P) better, mungkin karena Fei sudah bbrpa kali menjalin hubungan dan 'hubungan' dengan beberapa (baca:banyak :P) caucasians....
iye gue juga
thank you thank you, sebenernya gue di sini rada minder abis buat kalangan caucassian, gue bukan merupakan type yg mrk cari gitu lho. yah tapi skg ada droo, jadi gue bersyukur sekale
anyways, nanti tgl 24 andrew mau dateng, ceritanya mau ngerayain belated valentines day gitu...
ide gue, gue mau beli kain yg tranparsn gitu, abis ranjang gue ranjang single dan ngga ada atepnya, rencananya mau gue kasih gorden gitu....jadi kainnya gue paku ke langit2 kamar...
trus juga ranjangnya mau gue kasih bunga dan ada sebagian langit2 yg gue kasih net pake tali kecil biar kalo ditarik, bunga2nya bisa hujan gitu...tapi mesti gue tes nich ngga tau bisa jalan ngga... ah masih ada 1 weekend lagi buat gue siapin, ada ide lagi guys...?
ps: si andrew udah ngebocorin dikit..dia beli incense oils, handcuffs, sama silk scarves, ngga tau buat apa...:)
Tapi bikin sirik juga huaaaaaaa pengen hueuheuhehe...
Ide..... hmm... kamarnya digelapin n dimaenin musik yg mallow
(Ketauan gak idenya dari bokep?)
Dah sip koq preparation nya... Moga2 sukses
bunganya jangan ada duri
Oh iya 1 lagi tp jangan ngambek