Sinopsis :
Aristotle is an angry teen with a brother in prison. Dante is a know-it-all who has an unusual way of looking at the world. When the two meet at the swimming pool, they seem to have nothing in common. But as the loners start spending time together, they discover that they share a special friendship—the kind that changes lives and lasts a lifetime. And it is through this friendship that Ari and Dante will learn the most important truths about themselves and the kind of people they want to be
Review :
Novel ini kutemukan tanpa sengaja dan didorong sama temen juga akhirnya mau menyempatkan baca ternyata dalam waktu dua hari kelar begitu saja. Anw yang interesting dari cerita di buku ini adalah dimana pengarang mampu menghidupkan karakter dan orang-orang disekitarnya, terutama keluarga sang tokoh utama, Ari dan Dante. Lucunya juga kedua tokoh utama nya menggunakan nama filsuf terkenal. Baik Dante dan Ari sama-sama punya masalah dan pertemuan mereka membawa satu pencerahan dan membuka tabir rahasia-rahasia semesta yang mereka cari selama ini. Novel bertemakan LGBTIQ+ ini memberikan pengaruh yang besar bagi dunia penulisan dan ceritanya pun sangat personal dari sisi penulis.
Kalau ada yang tertarik buat baca bisa banget kok gua bagi karena bentuknya digital dan bahasa inggris yah edisinya
, cantumin aja emailnya apa.
Selain itu juga ada buku yang tema gay yang baru gua baca judulnya WE ARE THE ANTS
Sinopsis :
Henry knows that his mom is struggling to keep the family together, and coping by chain-smoking cigarettes. He knows that his older brother is a college dropout with a pregnant girlfriend. He knows that he is slowly losing his grandmother to Alzheimer’s. And he knows that his boyfriend committed suicide last year.
What Henry doesn’t know is why the aliens chose to abduct him when he was thirteen, and he doesn’t know why they continue to steal him from his bed and take him aboard their ship. He doesn’t know why the world is going to end or why the aliens have offered him the opportunity to avert the impending disaster by pressing a big red button.
But they have. And they’ve only given him 144 days to make up his mind.
The question is whether Henry thinks the world is worth saving. That is, until he meets Diego Vega, an artist with a secret past who forces Henry to question his beliefs, his place in the universe, and whether any of it really matters. But before Henry can save the world, he’s got to figure out how to save himself, and the aliens haven’t given him a button for that.
gua ada kok ahahaha, mau?
nih say
e ... nih baca aja
Gue baca ini ngebayangin salah satu putih salah satu item item Meksiko gitu
Gue baca beberapa buku shaun David juga.. Yang The edge of universe sama 5th stage of Andrew, belum kelar baca yang we're the ants.. Sama juga gue baca The edge of universe Juga pasangan beda ras.. Penuh imajinasi..
Coba baca something like series nya Jay bell.. Masih kepikiran suka baca ulang
Gua lagi mau baca The Inexplicable Logic in My Life nih tapi nunggu surut dulu ah otak, capek banget gua baca 5 buku dalam waktu seminggu. Gua juga udah baca yang 5th stage of andrew ampe ada komik nya juga di dalam situ, ahahahah