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SOTUS Fanfic : Our Love Story

Yang belum tau Sotus, silahkan baca dulu ya. Cek spoiler..
Sotus nih series BL terbaru dari Thailand. Udah tamat tanggal 14 Januari kemarin (total 16 episode)

Ni series recommended banget buat ditonton. Best Thai BL series so far sih menurut gw :D

Link download atau streaming bisa cek di situs (sub english)

Atau di Youtube (sub english)
SOTUS The Series พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง:

Untuk sub Indonesia bisa di cek di






Nah, berhubung gw agak susah move on dari series ini, gw coba bikin fanfic sendiri ttg series ini. Cerita gw mulai setelah 2nd kiss mereka (ep 14 di series)

So far udah 7 chapter, lengkapnya ada di wattpad


Bakalan gw update jg tiap chapternya disini..

Happy reading :D


  • edited February 2017

    Chapter 1 : Something you need to know, P’Arthit.

    "Are you free this Saturday?", Arthit asked, trying to hide his ashamed feeling.

    " This Saturday? Yeah I'm free. Do you want to buy something else,
    P'Arthit?", Kongpop answered.

    "Nope.  I'm asking you to a date.."

    As Arthit answered, Kongpop could easily see happiness on his boyfriend's
    face, and his too. He never had imagine before that this lovely man sit
    beside him, saying his love word, without any hesitating.

    "Are you hungry, P'Arthit?", Kongpop tried to speak as this quite situation
    happen just about 10 secons.

    "Mmm.. Actually, we had meal before we're getting here. Haven't you eaten
    anything, yet? Let's go then", Arthit noticed that Kongpop is hungry.

    " Is it okay? Accompanying me when you're already had meal.", Kongpop
    asked, just to make sure his feeling.

    "Kongpop, why are you having such question? Once you said
    you'll go whereever I will go without knowing where to go or where the
    destination is, do you think I would not do the same?"

    Arthit's answered making him go quiet for a while. He surprised, for real.

    "Thank you, P'Arthit."

    "So, what do you want to eat?"

    "Mmm.. What about McDonalds? There's another you could take as light
    dessert in there", Kongpop answered, wondering the place where Arthit could
    get some other things to eat too.

    "Okay. Let's go."

    It's not far from the place where Thank You Senior Party held, they reached
    McDonalds by walking in just 5 minutes.

    "P'Arthit, is it true what P'Nott said?" Kongpop asked, once they had
    their table and meals.

    "What was it?"

    " That you... in a rush... to come to the party..", Kongpop said in a very
    slow intonation.

    "Of course not! We're done with our task!", Arthit took a sip to his
    Mango-float, trying to hide something that Kongpop shouldn't know the truth.

    " Oh.. I thought it was true.", Kongpop showing disappointed face, thinking
    that someone in front of him maybe lying.

    "Knott said that we could make it to the party on time once we're done, so
    I agree with him to go. And... yeah, I wanted to see you too, and others."

    Kongpop smiled.

    "What about you? Why did you write such letter? You can text me if you
    want." Arthit added, before getting another confrontation from Kongpop.

    Kongpop stared at Arthit, a bit smiling, while finishing his chewing to the

    "Don't you like it, P'Arthit?", he asked.

    " Just answer it, first!".

    Kongpop took a sip to his Mocha-float.

    "Mmm.. Actually, I wonder if you like such things if I say it to you
    directly. Even if I made a call to you to say that, I'm afraid for
    bothering you. So I'd go with letter."

    Arthit knew he would answer that.

    "You're crazier that I thought, you know."

    "I need to know what you like and dislike, P'Arthit. That's why I'm doing
    such things."

    Arthit's smiled. True smile, as he's showing to world that he's happy this time.
  • Chapter 2 : Another things should be revealed

    "P'Arthit, can I ask you for help?", Kongpop opened conversation again once they got down off the taxi, in front of their dorms.


    "Can you sleep over in my dorm tonight?".

    Arthit's startled, a little bit. Wondering Kongpop's question is real enough. It's not like what he thinks like he slept over before.

    "Why'd you ask?".

    Kongpop amazed with Arthit's ask back.

    "It's okay if you don't want to..".

    Kongpop's trying to go back to the dorn. Arthit's in all confusion.

    "Wait. Okay then. I'll get my clothes first."

    "Let me go with you, P'Arthit."

    Arthit nodded, agreeing. He knew that his boyfriend would never let him walking alone since then.


    Once they got Kongpop's dorm, Arthit ask to get shower first. It's 11pm already, he knew for sure that Kongpop also tired as him.

    "P'Arthit, are you going to sleep now?", Kongpop ask him while preparing to bed.

    "Yeah. But not too sleepy though", the man who already on the bed replied.

    "Okay, I'll just turn off the light then."

    As the light off, Kongpop went to bed toward Arthit. There's a silence about 1 minute before Kongpop started to talk.

    "P'Arthit, how'd your task today with P'Nott and P'Prem?"

    "It's done, not that difficult actually. We're just getting information from the places where we knew before. But yeah, we're a bit tired of the trip itself.. What about you? Everything's gone well?"

    "I'm good, P'Arthit", Kongpop answered shortly.

    "Yeah, good then."

    Arthit stared at Kongpop a while. Trying to guess what kind of conversation he wanted to talk.

    "P'Arthit, please don't get me wrong. But is it okay for us to come out to others about our relationship like we did in the party?", Kongpop broke the silence again.

    " Yeah, I wonder you would ask that too, Kongpop. You want to know for sure?"

    Kongpop nodded.

    "Actually, I don't know for sure. But I can tell you that.. Mmm..."

    "What is it, P'Arthit?", Kongpop asked, curiously.

    " You're my first, Kongpop. You knew that I had crush to another person before, but
    we didn't make it. As for you, it's the first time for me, to love, and getting love back. And... you're a man too. It's just.. totally new for me.. I don't even know how to treat you well as boyfriend. I just want our
    relationship would go smooth, without thinking any jealousy like a little kid. I bet you have a lot of girls who crush on you. I'm just, don't want any other person bothering our relationship just because they don't know that there is me, who happen to be your boyfriend."

    Arthit took a deep breath for a while, as Kongpop staring to him when he's

    "It's the same for me too, Kongpop. I don't need anybody else hoping to get me. If there's one, of course. I just want it to be clear. People would look at me as yours, and.. yeah, you as mine."

    Arthit tried to look at Kongpop, as his eyes keep staring at him too.

    Five seconds in silence.

    "Don't look at me like that!! Say something", Arthit's yell making Kongpop
    a bit startled.

    "Do you know what makes me like you, P'Arthit..?", Kongpop tried to make another hard question, unintentionally.

    "What was it? Just tell me."

    "First time I met you, you're a gentle person. I never knew that there's still one person who tried to make a chat like that to a stranger. Moreover, you convinced me to what I was thinking before that uncertain.
    Then I knew it was you in the first day of hazing. I swore to you, P'Arthit, every yells that you made to us, or even to me, it didn't change my point of view at all to you. You're still P'Arthit who I met in the very
    first day I was here. You got my attention since then. Especially, when you gave me those 2 oranges.. You're kind person, P'Arthit".

    Kongpop saw a smiling face on Arthit's as he smiled.

    "And thank you for letting me know the reason why you want our friends know
    about our relationship. It doesn't mean that I'm afraid what my friends think about me."

    Arthit tried to speak but Kongpop interrupt.

    "But I'm concerned about you too, P'Arthit".

    Arthit startled when Kongpop tried to stroke his hair, but he's letting him doing that. He felt.. somehow comfortable.

    "Those 4 friends of mine accepted you, by the way. Actually, Nott knew there's something since.. I was avoiding you that time. But why'd you should concern about
    me? Why should I give a damn to what people thinks? Just ignore them", Arthit sounds mad by Kongpop's question

    "I didn't mean to, P'Arthit. As I said, I'm just concerned. I'm afraid if.. you'll go upset with me just because too many questions from your friends, and others. I'm sorry, P'Arthit. I'm just worried."

    Now Kongpop's feeling guilty. Arthit's staring making him.. quiet for a while, without saying anything.

    "Kongpop, would you promise something for me?", Arthit asked.

    " Yes, P'Arthit."

    "Promise me that you'll never overthink of anything before asking me".

    Arthit's body is heading to Kongpop's now.

    "I promise, P'Arthit."

    Now their body heading to each other. There's smile on Arthit's face, once Kongpop touching his cheek.

    " You know, P'Arthit, when the party started a while ago, I can't stop thinking about you. Wondering if you would come. Though I knew that you said you can't make it when I called you."

    Arthit tried to reach Kongpop's hair with his hands. Tried to feel comfortable by doing such things.

    "Sorry for making you wait that long."

    Arthit whispered. Softly. As Kongpop's face getting closer to him. Locking his lips to Arthit's, long enough until his hands trying to reach Arthit's chest and play with it.

    "Kongpop.. Wait..", Arthit's a bit startled by Kongpop's move to his chest.

    "Mmm.. Can we go sleep now, please?", Arthit's whispering.

    Arthit's not ready.

  • Chapter 3 : The very first time, with you..

    It's 8AM, Sunday morning.

    Kongpop's just got back to the dorm bringing breakfast. He saw P'Arthit
    still lying on bed, playing his phone.

    "Where did you go? Why don't you bring your phone."

    Kongpop's smiling.

    "I bought breakfast, P'Arthit. I won't wake you. Do you want to have breakfast now, P'Arthit?", Kongpop asked.

    Arthit get off the bed. Trying to find what Kongpop brings.

    "Okay..", Arthit answered.

    While Arthit's go to bathroom, Kongpop's preparing the breakfast. He knew
    for sure that Arthit probably would be angry to wake this "early", but not
    since they're being together.

    "Where did you buy it, Kongpop?", Arthit break the silence, when they started eating.

    "Usual place. It's good, isn't it?", Kongpop wondered.

    "Yeah. Let's try to cook ourself next time. I'll cook for you. We can save more money if we cook ourself, you know".

    Kongpop suddenly cough when hearing "I'll cook for you" words. It's like..

    "You'll cook for me, P'Arthit?", Kongpop asked, like he can't believe what
    he had just heard.

    "Yeah, why not? You don't believe my cooking skills, huh?".

    Just a very bright smile, that's the answer he could give to Arthit. It's the very first time they had another talk about their improvement life since they're being together.

    "Let me clean the table, okay?", Arthit offered once they finished the meal.

    "P'Arthit, do you want to go somewhere today?", Kongpop asked, while
    sitting in the bed, and turning on the TV.

    "Mmm.. I think I want to buy some stuffs for the project. You wanna come?".

    "Yeah, wanna go now?".

    "What about at 11?"

    "Okay, P'Arthit".

    It's still around 90 minutes to go. Then Arthit decided to go watching TV
    with Kongpop. Although the show is kinda uninteresting. So, he tried to make clear
    things up, about last night.

    "Kongpop, about something you wanna do last night, are you upset?", Arthit sat next to Kongpop, asking without seeing his eyes.

    "What is it, P'Arthit?"

    "Mmm... I'm sorry. I'm just.. not ready to do that".

    Kongpop looked at Arthit, still wondering.

    "For real, I've never done that with anyone, Kongpop. So.. It would be the
    first.. with you", Arthit saying, a little bit shy.

    "You're not angry, aren't you?", he added.

    Now Kongpop got what Arthit's mean. It took long enough for him to know,
    actually. It's just, something that sounds awkward to talk in the morning.
    But again, it's Arthit who started, he can't deny.

    "P'Arthit.. Mmm.. I've never done 'that thing' before too...", Kongpop answering, slowly.

    "You kidding, right? Don't say you've never had girlfriend/boyfriend before!", Arthit shocked for sure of Kongpop's answer.

    "P'Arthit, should we talk about this?"

    "Why not? Is it wrong?"

    Kongpop hesitated.

    "Hope you're not angry at me, P'Arthit. Actually.. I had a girlfriend, just
    one. When I was 10th grade. But it's not long, maybe around 2 months. There's nothing happened between me and her, if you know what I mean. I was just found out that, she only wanted me to buy some stuffs from me. Then she's getting too much, so I decided to reject everything she wanted me to buy for her. And the other days, I caught her being with another guy at mall."

    Kongpop took a deep breath.

    "Since then, I decided to focus on my study, only.."

    Arthit surprised to what he heard. Just like a-common-school-boys soap opera, he thought.

    "You can asked Aim, if you don't believe me. We're going to same high school and he knew that girl too", Kongpop added.

    "Who said I don't believe you? You said it yourself! I'll go shower first."

    Arthit embarrassed. He got the bathroom quickly, hiding all his awkward-and-shy feelings. He suddenly figure, maybe that was something he doesn't have to talk to, even to his boyfriend. Or not, maybe. It's common thing, he thought. He needs to let everything out of his chest, and Kongpop
    wouldn't mind for sure. At least he should know what's going on his mind.

    Once he undress, something's telling his head again. So he decided to waist
    the towel, open up the bathroom's door a little bit.

    "Kongpop..", he yells a bit.

    " Yes, P'Arthit.."

    "Do you wanna get shower together?"

    Kongpop stood up immediately. Wondering if he heard something clearly, and
    get to the bathroom's door where Arthit's head appeared.

    "You mean it?", Kongpop asked, make sure.

    "It's limited offer. If you won't, then I'll close the door!"

    Arthit's threat made Kongpop hesitate, actually. But again, everything that
    started by Arthit, he won't deny it, for sure.

    Once Kongpop in bathroom, he's a bit amazed of what he saw. Arthit just in
    towel, something he never seen before. He started undress. Shirt, pants.. and the last piece, the underwear.

    It's not like he doubt to take all the clothes off in front of other guy, or even to his boyfriend. It's just.. having such thing for the first time, it's kind of.. frustating, actually.

    Once he undress, he turn around to the shower, when he realize, he saw the
    naked body started to get all his body wet. Totally naked.

    "Come help washing my back, would you?", the man inside the shower asking
    for help, breaking his mind.

    "Yes, P'Arthit", he felt like being hypnotize, anything his boyfriend wanted, he'll do it.

    He took the liquid soap, and started to wash Arthit's back. Gently. As his
    own body started to get wet, he turned Arthit's body toward him. He
    completely saw the whole naked body.


    "Yes, P'Arthit.."

    Kongpop knew for sure, Arthit could easily see all his naked body too. It was something, that he can't control. He kissed Arthit. Deep enough. He touched Arthit's cheeks on each his hands, as Arthit started to touch his little-boy. He felt the thing raising, as Arthit's too.

    Suddenly Arthit ended up his kisses, and hug him, tightly, and panted.


    "Don't talk, P'Arthit. Let me finished it", Kongpop whispered. He hugged Arthit passionately.

    Arthit knew what Kongpop wanted to do next. All this time, he did it by himself, with any fantasy he had that time. Now, there's Kongpop, so real, in front of him, doing his little-boy to get the climax.

    "Do you like it, P'Arthit?", Kongpop whispered, 20 minutes later after
    both of them getting climax.

    "Yeah.. What about you?", Arthit asked back, making sure his boyfriend also
    satisfied for what he did.

    "Much better than I thought", Kongpop smiled.

    "Let me wash your back", Arthit offered, before his face getting more red.
    He turned Kongpop's back toward him.

    He just can't believe he finally did such thing. He didn't think that he doesn't want this thing happen. He's not ready at first. He thought, let's say he accepted his feeling for Kongpop, mentally. What about physically? He needs time. It's about a month since he gave that stolen kiss to Kongpop in that bridge. Nothing much happened after that. He's busy with his own stuff, so did Kongpop. They kept texting each other, all day and night
    though. Making a call sometimes, when they can't meet each other at least more than 1 day. Accompanying each others' with voices before sleelping. Just like another couple. He loves Kongpop, for sure. Something he just said yesterday, before he got the 2nd kiss from him..

    "Are you ready, P'Arthit?", Kongpop asked, making him a bit startled while he comb his hair.

    "Wait, Kongpop.."

    During getting dress, sometimes they caught each others' smiling. It's the
    most awkward-but-happy moment, ever.

    Once they're ready, Kongpop hold Arthit's hands.

    "I love you, P'Arthit..",

    He kissed Arthit on the lips. Just a second, gently.

    " Let's go..", Arthit's "answering", with red face.

  • aku engga ikutin serinya ... ini dari buku aslinya ...?
  • @lulu_75 cerita fanfic ini murni dr karangan gw sendiri sih, kelanjutan dari yg ada di seri nya..

    nah, you should watch the series then.. It's recommended!
  • oh gitu ... oke ... tapi ada yang bahasa indo engga @potter_squad ...
  • Ada yg versi indonya kah kakak? @potter_squad
  • Sementara pake english aja, biar bs go international, wkwkkwkk @lulu_75 @Tio_25

    Englishnya jg standar kok bahasanya, yg simple2 :smiley:
  • edited February 2017
    Chapter 4 : Love you, my friends..

    'P'Arthit, do you have class this morning?', a message from Kongpop, also with 3 missed calls from him. It's Monday, 7.30AM now.

    'Yes, at 9.30AM. What about you?', - Arthit sent.

    'I have a class at 9AM. Get ready then', - Kongpop sent.

    'Okay, take care', - Arthit sent.

    'Yes, P'Arthit. Love you',  Kongpop sent.

    30 minutes later, Kongpop appeared in front of Arthit's dorm. He knocked the door. Just a second Arthit's face show up.

    "Kongpop, haven't you gone to campus?", Arthit asked, wonder why he's here.

    "It's still 8AM, P'Arthit. I bring you breakfast", he entered the room as Arthit allowing him.

    "I can have breakfast in the canteen as usual, you know."

    "Not this time, P'Arthit".

    Arthit can't reject for sure. Kongpop, in his mind, is always kind. And he's more kind, for real.

    "I see you get dressed, P'Arthit."

    "Yeah, I'm about to go, actually. Let's have breakfast first."

    Arthit smiled.

    "Mmm.. Can I have your class schedule, P'Arthit?",

    "Sure. Give me yours too.."

    Arthit knew for sure why Kongpop asking for that. It was something he wanted to ask weeks ago, actually. But he's too busy with his own project outside the town, it took almost 2 weeks. And now, Kongpop beat him to ask him first.

    "How many class you have today, Kongpop?",

    "Mmm.. 3 classes. End up at 4PM. You?",

    "Only 2. End up around 3PM maybe".

    "Okay, just text me once you're done, P'Arthit."


    This little conversation is something they started to do since they happen to meet each everyday. But not for the past 2 weeks since Arthit's business.

    "Let me give a ride to campus, P'Arthit", Kongpop offered, once they finished their meal.

    "Yeah, let's go.."


    'P'Arthit, where are you?', - Kongpop sent.

    'I'm still in class, Kongpop. You?', Arthit sent.

    'I'm about to go to canteen for lunch, with Aim and others. Wanna join me later?', - Kongpop sent.

    'Go ahead first. I'll be with others too for lunch. No idea when the class done', - Arthit sent.

    'Okay then. I love you, P'Arthit', - Kongpop sent.

    No more replied from Arthit. He never expected to had another "I love you"
    words back from Arthit. Maybe his boyfriend is not that kinda type of
    person who... He tried to stop thinking something "not good" about his boyfriend. He still his own friends at campus. Even more he meets them everyday in almost in all same class. At least he knew for sure that there is time for his friends.. and his boyfriend.

    "Kongpop, may I join you?", a tall girl asked permission before sitting in an empy long chair in front of Kongpop. There's May, with Prae and Maprang, with their lunch on their hands.

    "Oh.. May.. Yeah of course..", Kongpop answered, with smile.


    Maprang, someone who's secretly had something on Arthit, suddenly she looked happy once seeing Kongpop. Since she, and almost all the students in the campus knew their relationship.

    No one asked directly to Kongpop about that, except Aim maybe, which happened to be his very bestfriend since high school.

    "Kongpop, where is P'Arthit?", Maprang asked, directly, like there's common question to ask.

    "Oh Maprang, should you ask about that?", Prae who sat in the middle among the girls interrupting.

    "Why? Did I say something wrong?", Maprang added.

    "It's okay Maprang, Prae. P'Arthit's still in the class, so he can't go for lunch this time", just a short answer from Kongpop.

    May, would be the one who will go quite. She didn't even know why she should join with Kongpop and others for lunch. She just wanted to... try to be normal. And there's Aim too. She needs to.. move on, actually.

    "Kongpop, why didn't you tell us about.. you and P'Arthit?", Maprang, once again, making other girls startled.

    " Maprang, please...", Prae once again interrupting.

    There's a silence among them, for a while. As Maprang and Prae kept staring at Kongpop and their lunch back and forth. Hoping an answer.

    "Well.. Should I tell you that?", Kongpop asked back.

    Maprang nodded.

    ""I guess.. We need some time. You know, we're not like other common couple. Hope you guys... still accept me.", Kongpop answered, with lower voice in last sentence.

    "Kongpop, are you crazy? We're all happy for you both. I can't even imagine if P'Arthit didn't say it in the party, maybe I'm still hoping him, you know.."

    Maprang answer was shocking Kongpop a bit. Now all the boys staring at Maprang.

    "I'm serious, Kongpop. You're so lucky for getting him. Do you want me to make a list for you about the girls who's got a crush on P'Arthit in this campus?", Maprang is teasing Kongpop, instead.

    She took a sip of her drink first, before continuing.

    "For real, Kongpop. I think we should thank to P'Arthit though. At least we knew that he belonged to you, so we can't stop hoping P'Arthit. And he deserved to get the best one too, the Moon of the Campus!", Maprang added, with a lovely face she made up.

    Suddenly Kongpop realized one thing, words from P'Arthit, why he brave enough to announce their relationship. That was it. Arthit wanted their relationship going well, in a positive way, without any jealousy of one anothers, just because misunderstanding of another crush from each other's side. All of that, because of one thing. Their relationship is... something
    new, for both of them. Especially they still need time to accept each other, in every single aspects.

    "And now the Star of the Campys herself still searching her own princess.. Haa..", now Maprang is teasing Prae.

    "Maprang, are you crazy..?", Prae complained, smiling.

    They're all laughing.

    'Thank you, guys', maybe those words isn't enough to say,, even he said it
    in his heart, but Kongpop finally knew that all his closest friend accepted him. Nothing to worry.

    "Tiew, Oak, what about you? Don't tell me that you guys still single!", now Tiew and Oak's turn that teased by Maprang.

    "Don't worry Maprang, we can wait for the right girl comes to us. It's just about time. Let's wait for Aim and May first to announce theirs, hahaha..", Tiew teased Aim now.

    Aim hit Tiew's head, softly. Feeling ashamed. As he saw May showed her
    smiling face, with red face.

    Once their lunch done, they go back to class.


    'Kongpop, where are you?', - Arthit sent.

    It's 3.30PM.

    'In class, P'Arthit. But it's about to end. Your class done?', - Kongpop

    'Yeah. I'm in the canteen. Lunch', - Arthit sent.

    'Lunch? Why'd so late?', - Kongpop sent.

    'Please don't ask', - Arthit sent.

    'Okay, P'Arthit. I'll be there soon', - Kongpop sent.

    So late lunch, what happened to him? That would the only thing Kongpop thought. After the lecturer gone, he permit himself to others to go first.

    He only saw Arthit and Nott in the canteen bench. There's few students in
    there too, maybe for same reason.

    "Oh... Kongpop, join us", Nott noticed Kongpop appeared first, as he already finished his meal.

    "Thank you, PNott..", Kongpop answered. Sitting in front of Arthit. Smiling.

    "Arthit, I'll go first then. I'll text you what things should be prepared tomorrow, okay?", Nott permit himself to go.

    Arthit nodded, as he still chewing the food. About a minute later, he's done.

    "Don't have time for lunch today, P'Arthit?", Kongpop asked.

    "Yeah, the lecturer suddenly changed the schedule. I don't know why. Oh... Are you done with everything?"

    "Yes, P'Arthit. Wanna go home now?"

    “Yeah, but drop me first in the copy center, just for a while..”

    “Okay, P’Arthit..”

  • edited February 2017
    Chapter 5 : One important decision

    'Kongpop, what are you doing?', - Arthit sent.

    'I'm just finished shower, P'Arthit. You? Had dinner?', Kongpop sent.

    Kongpop looked at the clock on the phone. It's 6.30PM.

    'I'm doing my task. I didn't. Wanna go here?', - Arthit sent.

    'Yes, P'Arthit. I'll be there soon', - Kongpop sent.

    After he's getting ready, he's out of his dorm immediately. Once he knew that Arthit didn't have dinner, he decided to buy some meals first, 'cause he knew that Arthit wouldn't have times to buy by himself while he's doing his task.

    Kongpop knocked the door once, then Arthit's face showed up immediately.

    "Kongpop, I forgot to ask you for help, buying some dinner, but..", Arthit talked fast once he saw Kongpop.

    "I already bought it, P'Arthit",

    "Oh.. Thank God", Arthit sighed, as he saw 2 food boxes that Kongpop brought.

    Once Kongpop entered the room, he saw many books scattered. No wonder he looked at Arthit's face was a bit messy too.

    "Kongpop, are you hungry yet?"

    "Not really, P'Arthit. But if you wanna eat now, then I'll eat too.."

    Arthit looked flustered.

    "Let's eat, then.. I'll get this books tidy first".

    As Arthit working on his book, Kongpop prepared the dinner.

    "P'Arthit, about your task, is there anything I can help?", Kongpop offered, once they started to eat.

    "Mmm.. Actually, I need to summarize some topics, I already highlighted from the books. Wanna help to type it on notebook?"

    "Of course, P'Arthit. I'll take my notebook later".

    "But Kongpop, don't you have task too?"

    "I already done it after 1st class ended, P'Arthit. Nothing to worry."


    Kongpop's smiling face made him a bit relax. It's just about the right time where he felt thankful for having Kongpop. It doesn't mean that he wanted to take advantage from Kongpop, but.. he knew for sure that Kongpop would help him just because.. they love each other.

    They finished the task around 11.15 PM. A lot to do actually. But there's Kongpop who helped, everything's done faster.

    "Kongpop, wanna go bed now?"

    "You want me to sleep over, P'Arthit?"

    "You wanna go back to your dorm? It's already 11PM".

    "Oh.. Of course I'd rather staying here, P'Arthit".

    Once the lights off, they covered themselves with the blanket. It's just the perfect time to.. have another talk.

    "Thanks for the help, Kongpop.."

    "Anytime, P'Arthit. Maybe I'll ask for help too if I had some task".

    "Yeah, just let me know.."

    There's silence about 1 minute. Arthit turned his body toward Kongpop.

    "Kongpop, maybe tomorrow afternoon, or Wednesday morning, I'll go out of town for another task. About a week maybe".

    Now Kongpop turned his body to toward Arthit.

    "Okay, P'Arthit."

    Arthit felt the touch on his hair, the gentle touch from Kongpop. Then.. a kiss on his forehead. He closed his eyes for a while, feel the warm. It's just, some moments he would miss while he go.

    "Kongpop.. Are you sleepy yet?"

    "Not really, P'Arthit. Why?"

    "Mmm.. Since our dorms close enough, I was just wondering if.. what about we live together".

    "Really, P'Arthit..?"

    Kongpop shocked, in a happy way, actually.

    "Yeah, if you want to.."

    "Of course I want it too, P'Arthit.. It means, we can save our money for other things, and.."

    "And what..?"

    "And I can take care of you more carefully, every minute.."

    In the dark, Kongpop could see Arthit's smiling face. So bright.

    "So, I'll tell the owner by the end of this month I'll move. I guess your dorm is better than mine, Kongpop".

    Kongpop nodded. Without any objection. He would agree in every single Arthit's decision, in positive way.

    "P'Arthit, do you remember, when you had punishment to run 54 laps, I was there to.. bother you.."

    "Yes, how could I forget it.."

    "Don't you know.. How worried I was?"

    Arthit stared at the eyes of the man in front of him. Trying to understand what this talk heading to.

    "All I know is.. you didn't listen to my order, Kongpop."

    "For letting you to keep running?"

    "Yeah.. You're so... stubborn, Kongpop".

    "Yeah.. You're so... stubborn, Kongpop".

    "I didn't know you're that bothered. Maybe I was wrong to show up that way, P'Arthit."

    Arthit took a deep breath. He felt.. somehow guilty, if he remembered all the things in the past between him and Kongpop. He didn't know how to say in the right way, to clear those things up.


    "Yes, P'Arthit.."

    "I'm so lucky for having you.."

    Somehow, there were tears coming down from Arthit's eyes. Just a drop. But it's worth to fall as this moments go quite sad, but happy at the same time.


    Once Kongpop saw the tears, he wiped it away. He didn't want this  thing happen to the man he loved. Never meant to make him sad by saying those things before.

    "Kongpop.. I'm sorry, I was too late realizing all the things you do in the past. I never knew that you cared that much. Even once you go here when I'm sick".

    "Please stop, P'Arthit.."

    "No. Let me finish. Once you told me that you had feeling for me that night, I was in a mess, totally. You don't know how confused I was that time. My friends felt that I changed suddenly, into somebody else that they didn't know. Or even when I talked to Namtarn, she said that there's a girl who had crush on you, but suddenly I found it weird that I don't want that girl for having you. Namtarn said that, I understand you that much. I don't know what kind of feeling that was. All my head was full of you since then. Then I met you in the milk-stand, and you were ignoring me. I was like.. shattered that time. I was shattered, Kongpop."

    Kongpop saw another tears falling down. He can't help it.

    "Do you know when we met in the wedding, I tried to reach you. I was trying, Kongpop. But, you seem so far away even though you're just 1 inch from me. I would never can say thanks enough to P'Tum, who clear up my mind. Then yeah.. I found you, then we talked."

    "There's a moment when I wanted to see your eyes as long as possible when we had dinner after the wedding. That time I knew for sure, that I can't live without you, Kongpop.."

    Then there's only sound of ticking of the clock between them for a while. Kongpop stared at Arthit's eyes, for a long time. He didn't know for sure what to answer, in the right way.

    "I love you, P'Arthit. I really do."

    There's a smile on Arthit's face. His heart was.. free, all the things he hold for all this time, just out of his chest.

    "Thanks for letting me come to your life, P'Arthit."

    "Me too, Kongpop. Thanks for caring me all this time."

    Kongpop pulled Arthit's body, letting him to lean on his arms.

    "Good night, P'Arthit..", he said, as giving the last kiss on Arthit's forehead before they fall asleep.

  • edited February 2017
    Chapter 6 : "I'm the most happiest guy in the world, P'Arthit"

    It's Saturday afternoon. As the plan before, Arthit will move to Kongpop's dorm today. Arthit already back from his task outside the town.

    It's 3PM. Kongpop awoke from his short-nap once he heard his phone's ringing.

    "Hello, P'Arthit.."

    "Kongpop, are you home yet?"

    "Yes, P'Arthit. You?"

    "I'm still at campus, my last class just finished. Guess I wanna go home now".

    "You want me to pick you up, P'Arthit?"

    "No need, Kongpop. Nott will give me a ride. I'll call you once I'm home".

    "Okay, P'Arthit. Take care."

    Arthit hang up the phone. His stuff mostly already moved this morning. Just some little things left to move, and permit to the owner. Actually, each dorms belonged to one person only. If they had another person to live in one dorm, they have to pay 25% of the total cost for more. It still save 75% of the money anyway. This was what Arthit think before, they need to.. improve their relationship by living together, no such "too soon" words, knowing they're just almost 2 months relationship.

    Kongpop heard the knocking sound of his door an hour later. There's someone he's waiting for.

    "Kongpop, come help me, please.."

    "Why don't you call me before, P'Arthit.."

    "It's okay.. It's not that heavy.."

    As got everything's in order, Arthit ask himself to go shower. It's 6 PM already. Kongpop stared at his whole dorm, a little bit changed of the look actually. But he felt.. never been happy like before.

    Arthit's phone rang, showing the name "Namtarn" on it. As the owner still in the bathroom, so he decided to do nothing with it.

    "P'Arthit, there's a phone call while you're showering", Kongpop said, once Arthit finished his shower.

    "Who was it from?"

    "Mmm.. P'Namtarn"

    "Oh.. Okay.. Don't you wanna go shower, Kongpop?"

    "Yes, P'Arthit. I'm about to go"

    Just a second after Kongpop got in the bathroom, Arthit's phone rang again.

    "Hello, Namtharn.."

    "Oon, how you doing?"

    "I'm fine. You?"

    "I'm good as always. Am I disturbing you this time?"

    "Not at all, I was in the shower before, sorry can't pick your call up"

    "It's okay, Oon. So, you're home now?"

    "Yeah, just got home from campus".

    Arthit figured that it's gonna be a long phone call, somehow. So he decided to go to the balcony.

    "Oon, I know you for so long, right?"

    "Yeah, what is it?"

    "So, I think I'm gonna ask you straightaway. I heard this from Joy, actually."

    "About what?"

    "Please, Oon. Don't act like you have no idea of what I'm talking about".

    Arthit knew it, exactly.

    "Well, Namtarn.. So.. Yeah.. It's like what you heard.."

    "Oon, I'm happy for you, seriously.. Sorry I can't help it but I already told Jay, and he's happy too, you know".

    Then there's 5 second silence.

    "So, now I guess I already knew it from you, let's celebrate it some day, Oon.  You must bring Kongpop too."

    "Oh yeah, Namtarn. Of course. Let's pick a day, then".

    "Great! Let me pick the day, I'll call you when me and Jay free, okay?"

    "Yeah. Just call me".

    And the conversation still going on for another 20 minutes until Arthit saw Kongpop's done showering. He ended up the conversation with Namtarn.

    "Kongpop, Namtarn asked us to go have dinner together, maybe around next week".

    "Oh.. Celebration something?"

    "Yeah.. She knew about us".


    "Yeah.. She knew me for so long as you know, I didn't expect she knew it from other person, actually. So.. Yeah, I'll just take it as.. good thing. Right?"

    "How did she know, P'Arthit?"

    "Her friend, named Joy, as I told you before. She's at the same year with you, don't you know?"

    Kongpop shoke his head, quite wondering the girl that Arthit's talk about.

    "P'Arthit, it's Saturday night. Let me take you somewhere".

    Arthit found it clueless where Kongpop would took him away.

    "Going where?"

    "Just get ready, P'Arthit.."

    Right after saying those words, he shoke Arthit's hair, plus a stolen kiss on Arthit's forehead.

    About an hour later, they're in a restaurant, in a hill area, where they can see the view of Bangkok in the night. They took the outside lounge, to see the view as more real.

    "Kongpop, why did you take me here? I've never been here before".

    Just like Kongpop guessed before, he bet Arthit never been there. As for him, 2 years ago he and his family went there once. And he found that place has the most beautiful view. That's why he had an idea to take Arthit there.

    "Do you like it, P'Arthit?"

    "More than like it, Kongpop. I love it".

    Kongpop could easily see the eyes of the man in front of him, full of happiness. Some feeling that he couldn't imagine before. No better feeling to describe his feeling that time. Everything's going.. perfect. There's a smile on Kongpop's face suddenly.

    "Kongpop, what's on your mind, now?"

    Arthit's question made Kongkop go quite for a while.

    "I'm the most happiest guy in the world, P'Arthit".

    Arthit's face turn red. As he knew that Kongpop would make him embarrassed, totally, again and again.

    "P'Arthit, do you wanna come to my city one day? Visit my family's factory. Maybe you could find some enlightenment for your next project, maybe?"

    "Are you serious, Kongpop?"

    "Yeah, why not? There are many things you have to see also. The village, the foods, just different things from here. I bet you'll like it, P'Arthit".

    "Yeah, I'd love too. We have 2 months holidays by the end of the semester this year. Let's arrange it from now".

    Kongpop can't stand to make another smile.

    "Agreed, P'Arthit. I'll introduce you to my parents too"

    Arthit startled by Kongpop's words. He thought, introducing as.. boyfriend?

    "When I was in high school, my friends used to come to my house. You know, studying together, and other things. My mom knew them all, mostly their faces only though".

    Arthit's thought was wrong somehow, he figured it now.

    "I want my mom know you as well, P'Arthit. Sometimes she wondered about my life's here. The environment. What kind of friends I'm making with. Even, about someone.. that I'm closed with.. or who I'm dated with..".

    Both go silence for a while.

    "Do you know, P'Arthit? I already told mom about you, actually. I mean, I told her about some senior that convincing me to choose this field, 'cause she knew that I wanted to study Economy. She's amazed really, knowing me more listen to anybody else instead of her. And yeah, she finally asked me to bring that someone. She's interested in knowing my friends, actually".

    Arthit smiled. As he could see his boyfriend's face looked so bright.

    "I bet your mom is so wonderful, Kongpop".

    "Yeah, you can say so, P'Arthit. I love her, and dad also.. I'm so proud of them".

    "You must be".

    Both smiled each other. As they're about to leave, Kongpop asked Arthit to take some pictures together. To memorize them, there's another time of their happiness, in that place as the witness.


    Author's note:

    Sorry, but I can't help it guys if there are too many sweetness, but they deserved it.

    Okay I think I need to stop to put another sweetness for the next chapter. I need some real conflict!!

    See ya soon!


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