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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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BRIDEGROOM: A documentary about marriage equality


Dari Wikipedia:
Bridegroom chronicles the story of Shane Bitney Crone and his same-sex partner Thomas Lee "Tom" Bridegroom, who died in a tragic accident. After Bridegroom's death, Crone found himself cut off and deprived of any legal protection. The film tells the story of their 6-year-long relationship, and the struggles Crone faced after Bridegroom's death, including the family not allowing Crone to attend the funeral of his life partner.

Crone made headlines in May 2012 when he released a video on YouTube titled "It Could Happen to You," in which he spoke of the devastation he faced after the unexpected death of his longtime life partner, Tom Bridegroom, a year earlier. Bridegroom was an actor and songwriter who hosted the TV series The X Effect. While Crone's own family was loving and accepting of his sexual orientation, Bridegroom's family was not, and had gone so far as to threaten Tom with physical violence and to blame Crone for "making" Tom gay. After Bridegroom was accidentally killed in a fall from a rooftop in May 2011, Crone was threatened with physical violence if he dared to attend Bridegroom's funeral and was not mentioned in Bridegroom's obituary or memorial service. Crone had also been denied hospital visitations and other rights accorded married couples because he was not recognized as Bridegroom's partner or family.

LInk It Could Happen To You:

Link Bridegroom

Komentar TS setelah menonton:

Nangis! Salah satu film paling sedih yang gue tonton..mungkin karena kisah nyata jadi the loss is real and you can't handle the tears.

Ada yang udah nonton film ini?


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