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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.




  • @Sicilienne maksudnya penasaean sm cerita ldrnya.. ._.
    @rezadrians php knp bang?
  • @killerz_angel itu kan cuma imajinasiku LOL
  • @killerz_angel itu kan cuma imajinasiku LOL
  • @Sicilienne gubrak. haha oke deh
  • Hiruma wrote: »
    Clau wrote: »
    Hiruma wrote: »
    baru denger malah

    Ini dah pembukaan gel.2 loh kakak. Ikutan gih.

    s1 aja belom kelar tant -_-

    Gadun mulu sih
  • @killerz_angel kakanya udah PK? atau mau PK?
  • Gw Udahan don makanya bias cerita, Lu gimana? Kpn?
  • @killerz_angel please gw masih semester 8. Mention dong kalo bales
  • @Sicilienne wah bentar lagi kelar bro. Coba aja daftar dr skrg mayan lulus s1 lgsng ke luar negeri :p
  • @killerz_angel belum siap bang. Belum tes IELTS, belum bikin LoA buat daftar di univnya. Intinya kalo ngisi cv masih belum menarik :')
  • Whatever you do, do it with all your heart. Good luck, fellas.

    They don't always happen when you ask
    And it's easy to give in to your fears
    But when you're blinded by your pain
    Can't see the way, get through the rain
    A small but still, resilient voice
    Says hope is very near..

    There can be miracles when you believe
    Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
    Who knows what miracles you can achieve
    When you believe, somehow you will..
  • suka deh ama abang satu ini --> @lightsaber <3
  • edited March 2015
    @Sicilienne oke, kok kalo udah tahu mesti ngapain that's a good start, sukses ya kuliahnya bro!

    @lightsaber eh, words of encouragement are nice and all. But I honestly don't understand what does Whitney Houston's song has to do with our current convo, a little bit of context perhaps? :-/
  • edited March 2015
    Honey, there are many people here and out there facing their own crossroad, you know, a high school student choosing his future college debating with his parent, or a college student stressed with his thesis, or you guys in this thread who are making a way for a scholarship, trying to make a better future for yourself.

    And in the crossroad, people sometimes lose their faith and confidence. So, I sing the song to inspire other people to get through whatever kind of things they go through in their personal life. To remind us that we must have a lil faith in this.. struggle (?).

    (((Hey look, I'm so angelic tonight. Haha..)))
  • @killerz_angel bang PK berapa? Kaka tingkatku PK 31 kali aja sePK
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