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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.




  • RealRadit wrote: »
    yg lain pada jago bahasa inggris, gue doang yg ganteng

    No problem dude. We are still ib learning here. Yeah, the moat handsome gay around the world, hhehe...

    Iya deh yang ganteng, pasti playboy kan? Hahhaha

    You must be playboy cause you are handsome like u told me.
  • Try calisthenic. Indobarian. You dont have to gym to make abs. And you don't have to wait till college. You can start about now.

    What the kind of sport those are you said dude? I don't even know about them, forgive my innocent, hihi... Umh, I guess I am not really confident to do it now, even soon is better. And I have a lot of activities at school, still dont have any time to do it. I will realize it later.

    Search on google. Watch youtube. It only takes 30 minutes a day. No need for gym. Just do it at home. Find bar at park. If you can workout for free, then why spend money on it?
  • yes I have..just for one month..

    I'm such a lazybones..hehehe..
  • Try calisthenic. Indobarian. You dont have to gym to make abs. And you don't have to wait till college. You can start about now.

    What the kind of sport those are you said dude? I don't even know about them, forgive my innocent, hihi... Umh, I guess I am not really confident to do it now, even soon is better. And I have a lot of activities at school, still dont have any time to do it. I will realize it later.

    Search on google. Watch youtube. It only takes 30 minutes a day. No need for gym. Just do it at home. Find bar at park. If you can workout for free, then why spend money on it?
    I guess I ever knew about it before, I ever watched it on TV, it was a boy that do a workout outside and anywhere, it looked like a community. Thanks a lot, it's clear enaugh, dude. I am interesting about you, may we contact later? Do u have an account such as LINE or something else? I just want to vent bout something random with you, I think you are a kind of person.
  • Contact more in LINE : ade hamka
  • Contact more in LINE : ade hamka

  • jeje00 wrote: »
    gay klo udah pergi ke gym pasti udah dan akan ml nantinya

    Really? How could you say that? explain more.

    when conq have a musel n abs, they'll show em up on socmed n then another conq will notice to make a some kinda flirt or sumthing and when conq in the mood so well (high testosterone), sex is god choice, much later again when lookin on mirror so ngaceng you know when see self body so hawt. :'D #klopakeinggrisakuberasadijahyellowabsurdngawurdangaknyambungTHANKYOU
  • RealRadit wrote: »
    setuju atas aing

    padahal saya tidak setuju :/
  • anu den, mboten saget baratan
  • ebot fiucer
  • Cari disko gay atau gay cafe bar atau tempat pertemuan gay di Jakarta, saya dapat membantu saya Saya dari Arab Saudi akan pergi ke Jakarta
  • Contact more in LINE : ade hamka

    I dont think it's a real line id.
  • Contact more in LINE : ade hamka

    I dont think it's a real line id.
    How could u say that? Hmm, have you checked it out dude? I guess you couldn't find it cause its case sensitive, just search it as Ade Hamka
  • jeje00 wrote: »
    jeje00 wrote: »
    gay klo udah pergi ke gym pasti udah dan akan ml nantinya

    Really? How could you say that? explain more.

    when conq have a musel n abs, they'll show em up on socmed n then another conq will notice to make a some kinda flirt or sumthing and when conq in the mood so well (high testosterone), sex is god choice, much later again when lookin on mirror so ngaceng you know when see self body so hawt. :'D #klopakeinggrisakuberasadijahyellowabsurdngawurdangaknyambungTHANKYOU

    Anjeng pe ak bgt loe =)) =))

    Hitting the gym, needs a lot of dedication n commitment. doing it half assed wont reap max benefit, only costs u time, money, n energy. ur problem is actually in ur small frame rite? in order to build a bigger one is a matter of combination between doing routine exercise-sufficient intake of food or supplement-and enough rest. the form of the exercise doesnt necessarily have to be only hitting the gym.
  • adhywibawa wrote: »
    I was 'huge' (witshouldn't back to 15 years ago. As I was getting older and older, i saw that having a healthy physic would be benefit for older men. That the main reason why I subscribed a local gym membership. No need for expensive trainer.

    After years of persistent training at gym, I am pretty much in better shape (i wouldn't say i am athletic but I'm quite confident with myself), health and happy.

    So, go get an excercise. Any exercise. It must be good for you.
    Well, it has just clear now. Really? Did you ever left the days with a fat body? Umhh, I guess you were funny, hihi. I have a friend with an overweight body, he has about 82 Kg. But, should I have to make my body become fatter then now before I go for training? Cause its definitely not ideal body that I have.

    Dude, thanks for support. Thanks a lot, I dont even know whether will can I do that or not, I just have a plan for that. hihi, I am not really desperate.

    I was 90, and now i am 75. My dad passed away because he has heart attack. I should not end like that, aren't I?. :-)
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