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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.


edited September 2014 in BoyzRoom
Kumpulan berita-berita (di)dunia.
Saya akan memposting berita dari berbagai sumber online disini. (mudah-mudahan)regularly.
Teman-teman sekalian juga dapat ikut berkontribusi dengan mem-posting-kan berita yang menarik perhatian teman sekalian.
Jangan takut juga untuk mencantumkan OPINI pribadi kalian mengenai berita tersebut.

The more, the merrier.


  • edited September 2014
    iPhone 6 rumour round-up: Design, specs, price and more!
    By Naina Khedekar / 06 Sep 2014 , 15:31

    The big Apple ‘iPhone 6′ launch is just around the corner. If the new report is to be believed then Apple has scheduled a “big” media event related to the iPhone for September 9. The iPhone 6 is set to be the biggest change in Apple’s smartphone strategy and the new features expected could end up boosting overall sales of the iPhone this holiday season.

    In the past couple of months, rumours around the next generation Apple iPhone–which the press has named iPhone 6– are gaining more pace than ever. A lot more videos and images of the device are getting leaked. Earlier reports suggested the device will go in mass production in July and hit stores in September.

    It is now believed that Apple could include NFC-based payments system in upcoming iPhone 6. A leaked video also give us the clearest view of Apple’s dainty device and another leaked image shows the prices for the various models.

    A report by Feld & Volk gives us the clearest look so far of the new device. It has put together the iPhone 6 using parts and components and the completely assembled device looks absolutely stunning, and in line with leaks so far.

    According to another report, leak suggests that the iPhone 6 may feature haptic technology. Earlier this week, another news report hinted at the long-time rumoured sapphire glass display protection for the iPhone 6. Let’s take a quick look at all we know about the iPhone 6.


    Earlier this month, Taiwanese celebrity Jimmy Lin – who showed a pre-release iPhone 5 – revealed supposed images of the iPhone 6, and now yet another picture of the iPhone 6. He was soon followed by Sonny Dickson tweeting out the image showing both models. It was the first time we got a glimpse of the 5.5-inch variant. We also got a sneak peek into the leaked rear shells in multiple angles. Moreover, prolific apple tipster Sonny Dickson has also given a sneak peek of both models.

    Get ready to SMASH! - SSB for 3DS News

    Super Smash Bros. for 3DS is coming! The wait is only one more week (9/13/14) for Japan and less than a month for North America and Europe (10/3/14). With that being said, Nintendo is definitely pushing out more promotion for this beloved title.


    featuring AKB48 (YAAASSS)
    Nintendo Italia ‏@NintendoItalia

    Ecco la confezione Super #SmashBros. for Nintendo #3DS Double Pack: due copie del gioco a prezzo scontato! BwNM2aNIcAIJJWo.jpg

    Nintendo will release the Super Smash Bros.-branded Nintendo 3DS XL on Sept. 19, according to an allegedly leaked and unconfirmed Walmart ad.


    Nintendo of America said it had "nothing to announce at this time" when asked to confirm the stateside release of the limited edition 3DS XL.

    Nintendo of Europe announced the red, black and white Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS handheld in August. The 3DS XL will be released in Europe on Oct. 3 and include a copy of the fighting game. Nintendo Japan will release a similarly styled handheld in November, but in the form of the New Nintendo 3DS LL.

    Walmart's rumored circular shows two versions of the handheld, one in red, one in blue, each listed for $199.96.

    Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS will launch on Oct. 3 in North America. A Wii U version is planned for this holiday.
    source 12

    HARRY POTTER: Is a Patronus Test Coming to Pottermore?
    09/07/14 05:49pm

    You’ve already gotten your wand and been sorted into one of the four Hogwarts houses. So what else could you learn about your wizarding self in the online Pottermore game? How about finding out the form of your Patronus?

    There’s nothing official yet, but author JK Rowling hinted at the idea while answering a slew of fan questions on Twitter today.


    For those of you who aren’t huge Potter fans or who haven’t yet made it to Prisoner of Azkaban, the Patronus Charm is conjured to battle a Dementor, a creature who feeds off of human happiness by sucking it out of them, and leaving the person feeling nothing but sadness and depression. When a corporeal Patronus is cast it takes the form of an animal, based on the personality of the person casting it. Harry’s is a stag, Hermione’s an otter, and Ron’s Patronus is a dog (specifically, a Jack Russel Terrier).

    Since there’s no information on a Patronus test so far, there’s no way to know how Pottermore would go about choosing your Patronus’ form, or how many options there would be. But if it’s anything like the wand and Sorting tests, we could be looking at another questionnaire of choices based on our ambitions, fears, and personal preferences.

    Would you like to know your official Patronus? What do you think it would be?

    Identity of notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper finally unveiled
    Vital DNA evidence has finally uncovered the identity of notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper.

    The man behind the grisly killing spree in London’s East End has been unveiled as Aaron Kosminkski, a 23-year-old Polish immigrant who ended up dying in an asylum.

    A blood soaked shawl, purchased by author Russell Edwards, led to the breakthrough when a scientist matched DNA evidence left on it to descendants of Kosminski.

    Mr Edwards, 48, from Barnet, north London, was "captivated" by the murder mystery and had been investigating it in his spare time, but had come to the conclusion it could never be solved.

    Biaya Administrasi ATM Bersama dan ATM Prima Naik 1 Oktober
    Jakarta -Perbankan dalam negeri selalu membebankan biaya administrasi kepada nasabah, mulai dari biaya tabungan sampai tarik tunai di jaringan ATM Bersama dan ATM Prima. Mulai bulan depan biaya administrasi di ATM ini akan naik.

    Salah satu bank swasta dalam negeri sudah mulai menyebarkan info rencana kenaikan biaya administrasi ini kepada nasabahnya. Kenaikan ini berlaku efektif mulai 1 Oktober 2014.

    "Per awal Oktober ada kenaikan untuk biaya transaksi tarik tunai, tranfer, cek saldo melalui ATM Bersama, ATM Prima, dan ATM lainnya," kata seorang petugas call center bank swasta tersebut kepada detikFinance, Senin (8/9/2014).

    Dengan demikian, para pemiliki kartu ATM harus membayar lebih jika melakukan transaksi selain di mesin ATM penerbit kartu. Besaran kenaikan berkisar Rp 1.000 sampai Rp 2.500 untuk setiap transaksi.

    "Cek saldo ada kenaikan biaya dari Rp 3.000 ke Rp 4.000, lalu transfer atau tarik tunai ada kenaikan dari Rp 5.000 ke Rp 7.500," sebutnya.

    Selain itu biaya transfer antar bank juga naik dari Rp 5.000 menjadi Rp 7.500, juga biaya transaksi tidak berhasil karena saldo tidak cukup Rp 3.000.

    Namun sayang pihak bank tidak bisa memberikan alasan naiknya biaya administrasi ini. Perbankan hanya sebatas menerima pemberitahuan dari pengelola jaringan ATM Bersama dan ATM Prima.

    "Kami hanya diinfokan kenaikan. Kenapa naik, kami belum diinfokan. Mungkin bisa telepon dekat-dekat sebelum kenaikan atau cek di website kami," ujarnya.

    Tidak semua perbankan sudah memberi tahu rencana kenaikan ini kepada nasabahnya. Customer service bank swasta lain yang coba dihubungi detikFinance mengaku belum mendapat informasi dari pusat mengenai rencana kenaikan tersebut.

    Bullies dump urine, faeces and spit on autistic teen during ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
    Sep 06, 2014 15:27
    By Alex Wellman

    Police and school authorities have launched an investigation into the disgusting attack on the 15-year-old boy

    Cruel bullies dumped faeces, urine and spit on a 15-year-old boy with autism who thought he was taking part in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, his family have claimed.

    Police and school authorities are investigating after footage emerged which allegedly shows the teenager standing in his pants in a driveway while a bucket of bodily fluids was thrown on him.

    The 15-year-old, who has not been named, was reported to have been asked to take part in the challenge by a group of other young people.

    His mother Diane said: “I want these kids held accountable for what they did to him and they targeted somebody who just didn’t really understand what was going on.”

    The footage was discovered by the boy’s family on his mobile phone after those responsible uploaded it to the social media site Instagram.

    PURE EVIL! Dan orang yang bercanda dengan bilang "Autis banget sih lu daritadi anteng maenin ...." kudu di sumpal mulutnya pake sampah toxic.

    translate kalau ada waktu lenggang nanti siang
  • menunggu syalalala
  • nulis artikelnya sendiri?
    owh, ga ding..

    knapa pilih artikel berbahasa inggris?
  • Udah lama gak main ke Pottermore
  • @yuzz Belum bisa tulis sendiri. Jadi, cuma copas + cantumin sumber aja, hehehe...

    Kenapa artikel berbahasa inggris?, Soalnya terbiasa liatin situs komunitas luar yang posting artikel dari berbagai sumber. Kalau dari Indonesia, belum nemu. Tapi, nanti bakal seimbang porsinya(insha'Allah). Ini baru percobaan sih. Sekalian belajar menerjemahkan artikel.
  • Juara AS Terbuka, Serena Raih Gelar Grand Slam Ke-18

    Serena Juara Setelah Kalahkan Wozniacki Dua Set Langsung
  • Yeyeye @Puchive akhirna bikn trit berita :D
    Berita apa saja bole dishare dsini y?
  • Aku males kalau di spoiler gitu, di uc browser sulit di buka.
  • Aku males kalau di spoiler gitu, di uc browser sulit di buka.
  • Waw trit keren :)
  • Sangat boleh @veloz . Hanya mem-posting berita yang menarik untuk diri sendiri juga gak apa-apa. Siapa tau ada yang suka juga tentang berita tersebut. Contohnya seperti @ruby diatas, mem-posting berita tentang Tennis.
    (*cmiIw* sering lihat ruby posting di trit Tennis)
    Judulnya udah di hyperlink kok, mas sinjai. Kecuali yang SSB itu, soalnya sumbernya lebih dari satu, hehehe ...
    Cari artikel tentang manfaat membaca berita buat ditempel di atas, dapetnya ini:
    Laporkan Berita Fitnah, Harian Saudi Akan Perkarakan Media Inggris
    Harian The Independent dituding salah menerjemahkan artikel
    VIVAnews - Wakil Pemimpin Redaksi harian Arab Saudi, Makkah, Mowafaq Al-Nowaiser, sedang mempertimbangkan kemungkinan untuk mengambil langkah hukum terhadap harian Inggris, The Independent, yang dianggap menyebar berita fitnah soal rencana pemindahan makam Nabi dari Masjid Nabawi. Sebelumnya, Mowafaq menuding media Inggris itu telah mencuri artikel yang ditulis oleh salah satu jurnalisnya.
  • Anak Lahir di Luar Negeri, Bagaimana dengan Status Kewarganegaraannya? Buat yg memutuskan menikah di luar :))
  • #souljahGig : 19 Sept 2014 Feskama 2014 Universitas Negeri Malang 21.30 Graha Cakrawala Htm : 25rb
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