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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
it has been 10.000 years, and theres no alternative version of this meditation and no one dare to make one!!
you need to pass another 5 levels of airbending skill in order to get a tattoo, dont you want one?
*nahan tangan bro @khieveihk
that forest is full of dark spirits and thats the only path you need to pass through get to the nearest town!
come back here, lets talk this thing through....
malah jadi drama gini )
*tangan bersilah membentuk gerakan*
*mengambil udara dari dalam tubuh bro @khieveihk *
*membentuk air sphere*
go in peace
*menahan air mata*
ps : buat momod ditutup aja threadnya )
*memusatkan panas matahari di atas kepala mereka berdua..
PERAMAL NIH @DarkLullaby hihihihi..
Dan aku memilikanya...
peluk nekochan....