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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Lucu Bangekk...

TRIBUNJATENG.COM, PEKALONGAN -Ada kejadian unik dan menarik yang terjadi di Kota Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah. Seorang anak tanpa disengaja mencuri motor milik ibunya sendiri.

 Bagaimana bisa? Begini ceritanya, suatu ketika, Ryan  setelah main game online kemudian pulang ke rumah sekitar pukul 02.00 pagi.  Muncul niat pelaku yang benama lengkap Hilarius Ryan Gunawan (20), itu untuk mencuri motor penghuni kos yang berada di rumahnya.

 Diketahui, rumah pria tamatan SMP itu digunakan sekaligus oleh sang Ibu untuk usaha koskosan. "Disanaada empat sepeda motor, tiga dukunci stang. Dia mengambil satu motor yang tidak dikunci stang," kata Kapolsek Pekalongan Utara, AKP Zurianto, Jumat (25/4/2014).

 Ryan tidak menyadari kalau motor matic berplat nomor G2606EH yang dicuri itu adalah milik ibunya sendiri. Sebab, lanjut AKP Zurianto, ada kemungkinan Ryan tidak fokus setelah lebih dari sepuluh jam bermain game online di warnet.

 Berdasarakan pengakuan, Ryan bermain game online di warnet sejak Rabu (23/4) jam satu siang, hingga Kamis pagi (24/4). Motor hasil curian itu pun untuk sementara dititipkan ke warnet langganan yang berada tak jauh dari rumahnya, dengan cara didorong.

 Siang harinya, ketika bangun dari tidur, Ryan mendapati ibunya pulang dari membeli makanan menggunakan sepeda ontel.
"Motornya dimana Bu, " kata Zurianto, menirukan Ryan yang heran sang ibu pulang tanpa sepeda motor. Ibunya menjawab, kalau motornya tertinggal di kost, dan hilang.
"Lucunya. Ryan lah yang meminta ibunya segera lapor polisi," kata Zurianto.

Menurutnya, saat itu Ryan masih belum sadar jika motor yang dicuri adalah motor ibunya. Awalnya ibu Ryan tidak bersedia melaporkan ke polisi. Namun, karena Ryan mendesak, akhirnya sang ibu kemudian melaporkan ke Polsek Pekalongan Utara.

Setelah diselidiki dengan memeriksa beberapa saksi, kata Zurianto, memang benar pada Kamis jam dua malam ada yang melihat Ryan sedang mendorong salah satu sepeda motor di komplek kos mahasiswa. "Waktu ditanya, Ryan tidak mau mengaku jika yang ia curi adalah sepeda motor milik ibunya," kata Zurianto.


Setelah diperlihatkan sejumlah barang bukti, kata dia, Ryan kemudian dengan malu mengakui tindak pidana yang dia lakukan.
"Ryan terancam 367 KUHP. Pencurian dengan pemberatan, atau pencurian dalam keluarga," kata Zurianto.

Zurianto menambahkan, dari keterangan sang Ibu, Ryan merupakan anak hasil adopsi. Dia memang sering menjual barang-barang yang ada di rumah. Ibunya tidak tahu uang habis digunakan untuk apa. (


  • =))
    namanya aja Hilarius Ryan Gunawan
    pasti orangnya jago bikin kita ngakak kaya sekarang ini :))
  • boyzlove banget? XD
  • wkwkwk..

    koplak deh.
  • aku aja gamer yang suka main game ol ngga gitu2 amat, tapi tuh anak kok parah gitu. anak g tau di kasihani itu. ckckckck
    bego lu nak.
  • Drama keluarga yg penuh cinta emang cocok di boyzlove #lol
  • iya

    hillarious arti nya kocak dan lucukk;

    jdi anak nya kocak dan lucukk

    kyk hillary clinton...

  • Hakhakhakhak =))
    *ngakak guling2 diatas genteng
  • hahaha sesuai namanya ya
  • @JonatJco wrote: »

    ya ampun ngakak =))
  • bhahahahaha. =))
  • Ahahahahahahahahhaaa,,,,
    So sweet!!!
  • “No goods, no evidence; no evidence, no crime” must be what some thieves live by. If stolen goods are not found in their possession, then there would most likely be no case against them. This is probably what the thieves below had in mind.

    Did it work for them?

    Dariusz Piotrowski, 39,  was arrested after he was seen fleeing a home he burglarized in Warsaw, Poland., reports Daily Mail.

    He was taken into custody by authorities. While in the cell, he must have felt an intolerable stomach pain which prompted officers to call the police surgeon.

    After check ups and x-ray, the surgeon was amazed at the scan results — there were foreign objects inside the suspect’s stomach, which prompted an immediate operation that took several hours.

    It turns out that  Piotrowski had swallowed cigarette lighters, six watches, a fork, a spoon, a pair of nail clippers and a pen -  in his attempt to hide incriminating evidence.

    He admitted his unusual ability to swallow different objects which had apparently helped him in his life of crime.

    The court referred for Piotrowski to undergo psychiatric treatment after it was proven the swallowed watches were stolen.

    (Photo Credit:
    - – -

    Another shocking story involves an Indian businessman, 63, who was admitted to hospital in Delhi early this month due to a few days of vomiting, pain and trouble defecating.

    He claimed to have accidentally swallowed a water bottle cap and wanted to have it removed from his body. He had to undergo a three-hour surgery which doctors described  as “tedious,” reports the Guardian.

    However, instead of a plastic bottle cap, the doctors were stunned after finding 12 gold bars, each weighing 33g, in his stomach.

    The $16,000 worth of gold was safely removed from his stomach and were promptly confiscated by the police after custom officials stepped in.

    Investigations revealed the businessman swallowed the gold bars in an attempt to smuggle the precious metal past Indian customs.

    Dr C S Ramachandran, a Senior consulting surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi, disclosed: “We got an X-ray done and it didn’t appear to be a cap. As the gold bars got stacked one behind the other it appeared to be a metal. We were shocked to find not one but 12 gold biscuits in his abdomen.”

    According to the surgeon, if the gold bars have not been removed for a couple days more,  severe bleeding and rupture of the intestine and septicemia would have occurred.


    In December of 2013, a certain Joseph Ramos, 21, was made to stop for reckless driving.

    However, the authorities subsequently discovered that the car the young man was driving had been stolen during the December 10 burglary of a Safety Harbor home.

    As he was being booked into a county jail, some personnel spotted “a large dark mass near the suspect’s stomach area” which turned out to be   necklaces that the suspect had swallowed before he was taken into jail.

    Ramos  had admitted to swallowing two necklaces as per an arrest affidavit, reports The Smoking Gun, and these were immediately removed from his stomach via surgery.

    The necklaces were later identified by the victim of a burglary which took place in a Florida home,” an investigator noted.

    Another story involves a woman in 2008 who stole two 14-karat gold bracelets worth  US$2000 each from a pawn shop by swallowing them.

    41-year-old Norma Porchas-Robles who had been a regular customer at the pawnshop for more than four years was charged with retail theft after a surveillance video proved she  has, indeed, swallowed the goods in question.

    News Source(s) :
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