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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Boyfriend Battle!!

edited January 2014 in BoyzStyle
Semalem liat Jason Statham di TV. I was like “God, he’s HOT!”
Udah lama BGT c suka ama dia. Sejak transporter 1, suka BGT ama tuh orang.
Trus gw mikir, andai aja dia jadi cowo gw. But, nah... He’s straight.
Trus mule dekh kepikiran, let’s do a Boyfriend Battle!!!
And of course, they’re gay!
*well, except for Leo. He’s Bi. hehe

First, the candidates!

1. Leo Giamani
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He’s my first crush on gay porn. The Body.. euuuuuhhhhh bikin lemes!!! Tapi bikin salah satu bagian badan ini mengeras.. You know what it is.. right? Right? Heheheee

2. Levi Poulter
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I think he is the most beautiful person in the whole universe!!! He’s so beautiful! He’s beautiful in red, beatiful in blue, he’s even more beautiful when he’s NAKED!! Hahahaa

3. Neil Patrick Harris
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The Unicorn!!! This guy is a miracle! He’s so bloody handsome, he can dance, he can sing, he can act, and he’s also has a wonderful life! Nikah ama org yg dia cintai + punya anak pula! I know every gay person also wants to have kids!

4. Eli Lieb
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Mungkin ada sebagian org yang belom tau ama ni cowo. He’s so fucking bloody BEAUTIFUL!!!! He can sing!!! Have a lovely love and a lovely family!! Dia deket bgt ama keponakan kecilnya... he’s so warm!! Check out his “Wreckingball” cover on youtube! Bloody awesome! Also check out his “Young Love” video! Keren BGT!!! Never seen something like that before.

Now, let’s do the battle!!
Leo Vs. Levi
Ehmmmmmmm.... Quite hard. Leo is sooooo HOT. So does Levi.
Leo’s got a big dick, levi’s got an average one.
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