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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Singing a Song



  • Bengawan solo..
    Riwayatmu duluuuuuu..
    dah ga tau lagi
  • Bila masih mungkin kita menorehkan batin
    Atas nama jiwa dan hati tulus ikhlas
    Mumpung masih ada kesempatan buat kita
    Mengumpulkan bekal perjalanan abadi

    Kita pasti ingat tragedi yang memilukan
    Kenapa harus mereka yang tertimbun tanah
    Tentu ada hikmah yang harus kita petik
    Atas nama jiwa mari heningkan cipta

    Kita mesti bersyukur bahwa kita masih diberi waktu
    Entah sampai kapan tak ada yang bakal dapat menghitung
    Hanya atas kasihnya hanya atas kehendaknya kita masih bertemu matahari
    Kepada rumpun di lalang kepada bintang gemintang

    kita dapat mencoba meminjam catatanNya
    Sampai kapankah gerangan
    Waktu yang masih tersisa
    Semuanya menggeleng semuanya terdiam semuanya menjawab tak mengerti
    Yang terbaik hanyalah segera bersujud mumpung kita masih di beri waktu

    by Ebit G. Ade
  • Tak sulit mendapatkan mu
    Karena sejak lama kau pun mengincarku

    Tak perlu lama-lama
    Tak perlu banyak tenaga
    Ini terasa mudah

    Kau terima semua kurangku
    Kau tak pernah marah bila ku salah
    Engkau selalu memuji apapun hasil tanganku
    Yang tidak jarang payah

    Jangan cintai aku
    Apa adanya

    Tuntutlah sesuatu
    Biar kita jalan
    ke depan

    Kau terima semua kurangku
    Kau tak pernah marah bila ku salah
    Engkau selalu memuji apapun hasil tanganku
    Yang tidak jarang payah

    Jangan cintai aku
    Apa adanya

    Tuntutlah sesuatu
    Biar kita jalan
    ke depan

    Aku ingin lama jadi petamu
    aku ingin jadi jagoan mu

    Jangan cintai aku
    Apa adanya

    Tuntutlah sesuatu
    Biar kita jalan
    ke depan
  • I sing a song
    a song that I
    sing sing sing
    song song song
    sing... kong

  • My Chemical Romance - Sing
    Sing it out
    Boy, you've got to see what tomorrow brings
    Sing it out
    Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs
    For every time that they want to count you
    Use your voice every single time you open up
    your mouth

    Sing it for the boys
    Sing it for the girls
    Every time that you lose it sing it for the
    Sing it from the heart
    Sing it till you're nuts
    Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
    Sing it for the deaf
    Sing it for the blind
    Sing about everyone that you left behind
    Sing it for the world
    Sing it for the world

    Sing it out, boy they're gonna sell what
    tomorrow means
    Sing it out, girl before they kill what
    tomorrow brings
    You've got to make a choice
    If the music drowns you out
    And raise your voice
    Every single time they try and shut your

    Sing it for the boys
    Sing it for the girls
    Every time that you lose it sing it for the
    Sing it from the heart
    Sing it till you're nuts
    Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
    Sing it for the deaf
    Sing it for the blind
    Sing about everyone that you left behind
    Sing it for the world
    Sing it for the world

    Cleaned-up corporation progress
    Dying in the process
    Children that can talk about it,
    Living on the railways
    People moving sideways
    Sell it till your last days
    Buy yourself a motivation
    Generation Nothing,
    Nothing but a dead scene
    Product of a white dream
    I am not the singer that you wanted
    But a dancer
    I refuse to answer
    Talk about the past, sir
    Wrote it for the ones who want to get away

    Keep running!

    Sing it for the boys
    Sing it for the girls
    Every time that you lose it sing it for the
    Sing it from the heart
    Sing it till you're nuts
    Sing it out for the ones that'll hate your guts
    Sing it for the deaf
    Sing it for the blind
    Sing about everyone that you left behind
    Sing it for the world
    Sing it for the world

    Got to see what tomorrow brings

    Sing it for the world
    Sing it for the world
    Girl, you've got to be what tomorrow needs
    Sing it for the world
    Sing it for the world
  • Anda - Menghitung Hari

    Menghitung hari detik demi detik
    Menunggu itu kan menjemukan
    Tapi ku sabar menanti jawabmu
    Jawab cintamu,,,

    Jangan kau pergi harapkan padaku
    Seperti ingin tapi tak ingin
    Yang aku minta tulus hatimu
    Bukan pura pura,,,

    Jangan pergi dari cintaku
    Biar saja tetap denganku
    Biar semua tahu adanya
    Dirimu memang punyaku

    Jangan kau pergi harapkan padaku
    Separti ingin tapi tak ingin
    Yang aku minta tulus hatimu
    Bukan pura pura

    Jangan pergi dari cintaku
    Biar saja tetap denganku
    Biar semua tahu adanya
    Dirimu memang punyaku

    Belum pernah aku jatuh cinta
    Sekeras ini seperti ini seperti padamu
    Jangan sebut aku lelaki
    Bila tak bisa dapatkan engkau
    Jangan sebut aku lelaki
  • Hujan - Utopia

    Rinai hujan basahi aku
    temani sepi yang mengendap
    kala aku mengingatmu
    dan semua saat manis itu

    Segalanya seperti mimpi
    kujalani hidup sendiri
    andai waktu berganti
    aku tetap tak'kan berubah

    Aku selalu bahagia
    saat hujan turun
    karena aku dapat mengenangmu
    untukku sendiri

    Selalu ada cerita
    tersimpan di hatiku
    tentang kau dan hujan
    tentang cinta kita
    yang mengalir seperti air

    Aku selalu bahagia
    saat hujan turun
    karena aku dapat mengenangmu
    untukku sendiri

    Aku bisa tersenyum sepanjang hari
    karena hujan pernah menahanmu disini
    untukku ooohhh...
  • Lingsir Wengi
    Lingsir wengi
    Sepi durung biso nendro
    Kagodho mring wewayang
    Kang ngreridhu ati
    Mung sembrono njur kulino
    Ra ngiro yen bakal nuwuhke tresno
    Nanging duh tibane aku dewe kang nemahi
    Nandang bronto
    Kadung loro
    Sambat-sambat sopo
    Rino wengi
    Sing tak puji ojo lali
    Janjine mugo biso tak ugemi
  • iuss wrote: »
    Anda - Menghitung Hari

    Menghitung hari detik demi detik
    Menunggu itu kan menjemukan
    Tapi ku sabar menanti jawabmu
    Jawab cintamu,,,

    Jangan kau pergi harapkan padaku
    Seperti ingin tapi tak ingin
    Yang aku minta tulus hatimu
    Bukan pura pura,,,

    Jangan pergi dari cintaku
    Biar saja tetap denganku
    Biar semua tahu adanya
    Dirimu memang punyaku

    Jangan kau pergi

    harapkan padaku
    Separti ingin tapi tak ingin
    Yang aku minta tulus hatimu
    Bukan pura pura

    Jangan pergi dari cintaku
    Biar saja tetap denganku
    Biar semua tahu adanya
    Dirimu memang punyaku

    Belum pernah aku jatuh cinta
    Sekeras ini seperti ini seperti padamu
    Jangan sebut aku lelaki
    Bila tak bisa dapatkan engkau
    Jangan sebut aku lelaki

    Kayaknya aneh BERI deh
  • Btw, itu lagu favorit andee loh,,, ;))
  • edited December 2014
    @andi_andee emang beri.. salah copas itu..

  • @andi_andee emang beri.. salah copas itu..

  • Jon McLaughlin - Four Years

    They tore my high school to the ground and
    Put a new wing in the east lot
    On my old parking spot
    It stands reminding me of how
    I wish that I could travel back in time
    Change my state of mind

    So if you're still in your teens listen to me

    It's hard to see beyond these walls
    Of who you hope and hope not to be

    Maybe you're in or you're out
    But in the end when all your hats are in the air
    Nobody's gonna care
    So featherweight
    Freshmen hold on
    It's only four years long
    Then it's gone
    And the queen of the nerds and the king of the prom get a job
    Look at them now
    She's living her dreams while he sleeps with his crown
    So be cool, be hot, be weird
    It's just four years
  • When I was a child
    I could see the wind in the trees
    and I heard a song in the breeze
    it was there, singing out my name But I am not a girl
    I have known the taste of defeat
    and I have finally grown to believe
    it will all came around again
    And though I may not
    know the answers
    I can finally say I am free
    And if the questions
    led me here,then I am who I was born to be And so here am I
    Open arms and ready to stand
    I've got the world in my hands
    And it feels like my turn to fly
    And though I may not
    know the answers
    I can finally say I am free
    And if the questions
    led me here,then I am who I was born to be
    When I was a child
    there were flowers that bloomed in the night
    Unafraid to take in the light
    Unashamed to have braved the dark
    And though I may not
    know the answers
    I can finally say I am free
    And if the questions
    led me here,then I am who I was born to be
    I am who I was born to be
    I am who I was born to be.
  • i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
    i just wanna say i love you
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