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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Singing a Song



  • @hananta basahin dunds :(|)
  • @vian_oei *siram air banjir*
  • @hananta wkwkwk dingin jirr :))
  • @vian_oei tadi minta disiram, sekarang dingin.. labil lo ah..
  • @hananta basahin gak harus siram kali
  • @vian_oei yang penting kan basah-basah juga.. gimanapun caranya..
  • @hananta iya aja deh 8-|
  • edited August 2014
  • Haii gays... :D udah finish try out nya... :)
    tarik @eldurion @hananta @vian_oei @exel_badboy @ruki
    thanks udah ngisi trit ini hehehe
    ada yg punya lagu bagus ngga buat org ptah hati?? Jangan lagu indo :D
  • Lagu ini dari judulnya juga broken banget sih ;))

    Don't leave me in all this pain
    Don't leave me out in the rain
    Come back and bring back my smile
    Come and take these tears away
    I need your arms to hold me now
    The nights are so unkind
    Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

    Un-break my heart
    Say you'll love me again
    Undo this hurt you caused
    When you walked out the door
    And walked out of my life
    Un-cry these tears
    I cried so many nights
    Un-break my heart
    My heart

    Take back that sad word good-bye
    Bring back the joy to my life
    Don't leave me here with these tears
    Come and kiss this pain away
    I can't forget the day you left
    Time is so unkind
    And life is so cruel without you here beside me
  • @avocadoboy kamu patah hati kenapa sayang??
  • @vian_oei judulnya apa? Biar aq download
    @hananta :) q udah CO ke co yg q suka.. N bgtulah rsko gay ya d tolak :)
  • atau ini juga broken banget, dan pas kalo mau teriak2 :))

    She's gone,
    Out of my life.
    I was wrong,
    I'm to blame,
    I was so untrue.
    I can't live without her love.

    In my life
    There's just an empty space.
    All my dreams are lost,
    I'm wasting away.
    Forgive me, girl.

    Lady, won't you save me?
    My heart belongs to you.
    Lady, can you forgive me
    For all I've done to you?
    Lady, oh, lady.

    She's gone,
    Out of my life.
    Oh, she's gone.
    I find it so hard to go on.
    I really miss that girl, my love.

    Come back into my arms.
    I'm so alone,
    I'm begging you,
    I'm down on my knees.
    Forgive me, girl.
  • @avocadoboys lagunya dah aku kirim via wa bebs.. Sini sini mas peluk..
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