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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Singing a Song



  • Oh bulan mana bintang
    Mana dia kekasih sorang
    Bantulah aku, aku dah buntu
    Bintang di langit janganlah bersembunyi
    Usahlah membisu bilang dia rindu aku

    Ku tak perlu semua hadiah dari mu
    Ku cuma mahu kau ada depan ku
    Ku tak perlu semua hadiah dari mu
    Ku cuma mahu kau ada di depan ku

    Terlalu rindu, terlalu rindu
    Jujur aku terlalu rindu
    Tiada lain selain rindu
    Terlalu rindu, terlalu rindu
    Jujur aku terlalu rindu
    Tiada lain selain rindu
  • Gurindam lagu bergema takbir
    Tiung bernyanyi pohonan jati
    Bertanam tebu di pinggir bibir
    Rebung berduri di hati

    Laman memutih pawana menerpa
    Langit membiru awan bertali
    Bukan dirintih pada siapa
    Menunggu sinarkan kembali
  • Janji lungo mung sedelo
    Jare sewulan ra ono
    Pamitmu naliko semono
    Ning stasiun balapan soloo~

    Jare lungo mung sedelo
    Malah tanpo kirim warto
    Lali opo pancen nglali
    Yen eling mbok enggal baliii~
  • 「溢れ来る思い出を一つずつ花びらに乗せて暗闇に落としていく





  • Im dancing in the mirror
    and singing in the shower
    ladiladalada :v
  • AHH wrote: »
    Im dancing in the mirror
    and singing in the shower
    ladiladalada :v

    rasa rasanya ga gini lirik nya.
  • Did you ever really love her
    Or was it that you feared letting go
    You should have known that you could trust her
    But you pretend like I don't know
    I ain't no angel, I never was

  • Oh you shine bright
    Brighter than all the stars
    Brighter than fireworks
    So I give you all my love
    And your perfection even in your mistakes
    Give affection even when your heart aches
    When I'm away
    You're who I'm thinking of, because

    You are my home, home, home
    Wherever I may roam
    You are the place where I can rest my weary bones
    You are my home, home, home
    You are my home, home, home...


    You're a diamond
    Brightening my cloudy sky
    Sparkling all through the night
    Light me up like fireflies
    See you shining even in the darkness
    Stand beside me when I don't deserve it
    That's why I say
    I give you all my love, because

    You are my home, home, home
    Wherever I may roam
    You are the place where I can rest my weary bones
    You are my home, home, home
    You are my home, home, home...

    You're my number 1, there's no doubt
    And we stick together throughout
    Like boy scouts we are 'bout
    All for one till life out
    So Dave, where you at?
    Wave your hands, front to back
    Everybody take a look around
    At my dad, up in the crowd
    (I love you Dad)

    You are my home, home, home
  • Kau yang terbaik
    Wanita-wanita cantik di seluruh duniapun
    Tidak ada yang menandingimu

    Kau yang terbaik
    Cinta adalah berlian milik diri sendiri
    Kita bisa temukan sendiri

    Value kita masing-masing....
  • We're only getting older, baby
    And I've been thinking about it lately
    Does it ever drive you crazy
    Just how fast the night changes?
    Everything that you've ever dreamed of
    Disappearing when you wake up
    But there's nothing to be afraid of
    Even when the night changes
    It will never change me and you
  • esoknya ku pikir rasa itu akan menghilang dengan seiring waktu
    namun ternyata tak berubah
    aku makin tergiur pada dirimu
  • Just you... you
    That's all you ever thought about
    You... you
    No one matters like you do
    what goes around comes around
    You should know by now

    Bet you never thought that I could break you
    Did you think that i would look the other waaaaaa aay
    Yeah you had it all figured out
    But tell me who's the one who's crying nooow
  • You don't have to feel like a wasted space
    You're original, cannot be replaced
    If you only knew what the future holds
    After a hurricane comes a rainbow

    Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed
    So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
    Like a lightning bolt, your heart will glow
    And when it's time you'll know

    You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
    Just own the night like the 4th of July

    'Cause, baby, you're a firework
    Come on, show 'em what you're worth
    Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah"
    As you shoot across the sky-y-y

    Baby, you're a firework
    Come on, let your colours burst
    Make 'em go, "Aah, aah, aah"
    You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe

    Boom, boom, boom
    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
    It's always been inside of you, you, you
    And now it's time to let it through-ough-ough
  • Pernahkah engkau coba mengerti
    Lihatlah ku disini
    Mungkinkah jika aku bermimpi
    Salahkah tuk menanti
  • In the morning when you wake up
    I like to believe you are thinking of me
    And when the sun comes through your window
    I likee to believe you've been dreaming of me
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