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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Singing a Song



  • Girl you are so beautiful
    Ku mahu kau tahu
    Kenapa mahu malu
    Kau memang cantik begitu

    Girl you are so beautiful
    Harusnya kau tahu
    Tapi kau memang tak pernah
    Percaya bila ku kata

    Kau cantik tak terkata
    Itu hakikatnya
    Kau harus percaya kau beautiful
    Kau cantik tak terkata
    Itu hakikatnya
    Believe me when I say you’re beautiful
  • I wish I could
    Sit here all alone
    Thinking this is okay
    Don't need anybody tonight
    Just complete silence and the candle light
    And I'd drink my coffee
    I wouldn't worry at all
    I wouldn't worry at all

  • Well, That Day, That Day.
    What a mess.
    What a marvel.
    I walked into that cloud again and I lost myself.
    And I'm sad, sad, sad
    Small, alone, scared
    Craving purity
    A fragile mind and a gentle spirit.
    Well, That Day, That Day.
    What a marvelous mess.
    This is all that I can do
    I'm done to be me.
    Sad. Scared. Small. Alone. Beautiful.
    It's supposed to be like this.
    I accept everything.
    It's supposed to be like this.

  • You're a painting with symbols deep, a symphony
    Soft as it shifts from dark beneath
    A poem that flows caressing my skin
    In all of these things you reside and I
    Want you flow from the pen, bow and brush
    Then paper and string and canvas tight
    With ink in the air, to dust your light?
    From morning to the black of night

  • Sejauh mata hati menerawang
    Sejauh mata memandang
    Menembus cakrawala
    Membawa anganku terbang

    Kutatap seraut wajah tercermin
    Tak kudapati bayangku
    Terhapus ruang waktu
    Terhapus masa lalu
    Terhapus lembaran kisahku

    Beribu bintang yang berkerlip riang
    Tak satu pun tersenyum padaku
    Kosong terasa di dalam relung hati
    Dan jiwaku terasa...
    Kosong di dalam diriku
    Kosong di dalam hati
    Kosong di dalam jiwaku

    <3 lagu ini, dari pertama kali denger
  • Ayun berayun pikir mengalun
    beterbangan khayal keinginan
    lelah memilih arah terpasti
    jelaga malam halangi
    Oh raga
    masih jauh perjalanan kita tempuh
    Saujana, samudra membentang sambut layarku
    saujana, hidup di seberang gerlap mimpiku
    mungkinkah merapat ke sana?

  • It’s all because of you
    Yeah you oh you yeah you
    It’s all because of you
    Oh you yeah you
  • I want to run but I can't hide the feeling grows inside
    Love always find its way
    I want to turn but it's too late
    Love always conquer hate
    Just one kiss then I'm Ok

    I want you to be my Avalon
    The sweet unknown
    Come on over and take on me
    I want you to see my Avalon
    The love has grown
    From here to eternity

  • If friendly face would drop by and rescue me
    But I lost my faith as I lost my breath
    It's not the street that's made of concrete
    It's you, it's you
    Guess I try to penetrate it with this point of view
    I had never taken more than I give to you
    I was Led Astray and I lost my way
    Never felt so alone
    Stripped naked and cut to the bone
    Lost my faith in high on my own
    With no queue by the door to my home

  • we're beautiful now now now now now now now now now
    let's sleep tonight like fireflys
  • I wanna live, I wanna live my life today
    Make a better way for me and you
    When the sun woke up, I got on my knees to pray
    Let the injustice be solved and mended today
    Do you live for the lo-ove?
    Do you live for the hate? Ohh
    It's like you make it, then they take it
    And you can't get it back, o-oh!
    Do you believe in the creator?
    Do you even know anymore?
    It's like you make it, then they take it
    And you can't get it back, o-oh

  • We disappear and pass the crown
  • I was young but I wasn't naive
    I watched helpless
    As you turned around to leave
    And still I have the pain I have to carry
    A past so deep
    That even you could not bury if you tried
    After all this time
    I never thought we'd be here
    never thought we'd be here
    when my love for you was blind
    But I couldn't make you see it
    Couldn't make you see it
    That I loved you more
    Than you'll ever know
    And part of me died
    When I let you go

  • But tell me, did you sail across the sun?
    Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
    And that heaven is overrated?
    Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star–
    One without a permanent scar?
    And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?

  • Kurindu disayangi
    Sepenuh hati
    Sedalam cintaku
    Setulus hatiku
    Kuingin memiliki
    Kekasih hati
    Tanpa air mata
    Tanpa kesalahan
    Bukan cinta
    Yang melukai diriku
    Dan meninggalkan hidupku
    Tolonglah aku
    Dari kehampaan ini
    Selamatkan cintaku
    Dari hancurnya hatiku
    Hempaskan kesendirian
    Yang tak pernah berakhir
    Bebaskan aku
    Dari keadaan ini
    Sempurnakan hidupku
    Dari rapuhnya jiwaku
    Adakah seseorang
    Yang melepaskanku
    Dari kesepian ini

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