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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Singing a Song



  • Tak ku mengerti mengapa begini
    Waktu dulu ku tak pernah merindu
    Tapi saat semuanya berubah
    Kau jauh dari ku pergi tinggalkanku

    Mungkin memang kucinta
    Mungkin memang kusesali
    Pernah tak hiraukan rasamu dulu?

    Aku hanya ingkari
    Kata hatiku saja
    Tapi mengapa
    Cinta datang terlambat
  • We're setting fire to the weight that held us down
    We're burning brighter and you're gonna hear us now
    Cause we're singing whoah, whoah
    This is the road, the road to the throne
  • Kau membuat, ku berantakan.
    Kau membuat, ku tak karuan.
    Kau membuat, ku tak berdaya.
    Kau menolak ku, acuhkan diri ku.

    Bagaimana, caranya untuk,
    Meruntuhkan, kerasnya hati mu.
    Ku sadari, ku tak sempurna,
    Ku tak seperti, yang kau inginkan.

    Kau hancurkan aku dengan sikap mu,
    Tak sadarkah kau telah menyakiti ku.
    Lelah hati ini meyakinkan mu,
    Cinta ini, membunuh ku.

  • Once upon a time, my friends it feels like yesterday
    I was living lonesome in a world of disarray
    Everything was a black and white, there wasn't even gray
    And every morning waking up on groundhog day

    It was all in monochrome without the lies
    Just like a silver screen you walk into my life

    You taught the stars to light up what we find
    I come alive saturated in your charms
    We kiss the sky and dancing towards rainbows
    Now it's all in technicolor with you

    I lived in the blackest house with seven pure white cats
    The bleak eyed look of every day hidden deep inside my heart
    The notes on the piano now remind me of my past
    And now you're here right by my side I hope that we will last

    It was all in monochrome without the lies
    Just like a silver screen you walk into my life

    You taught the stars to light up what we find
    I come alive saturated in your charms
    We kiss the sky and dancing towards rainbows
    Now it's all in technicolor with you

    Yellow, orange, pink, red, and blue
    Let's paint the town, darling us two
    You bring your pallet and I will sing the sub bar
    We are just two birds of a feather

    You taught the stars to light up what we find
    I come alive saturated in your charms
    We kiss the sky and dancing towards rainbows
    Now it's all in technicolor with you
  • "Violet Hill"
    It was a long and dark December
    From the rooftops I remember
    There was snow, white snow
    Clearly I remember
    From the windows they were watching
    While we froze down below
    When the future's architectured
    By a carnival of idiots on show
    You'd better lie low
    If you love me, won't you let me know?
    Was a long and dark December
    When the banks became cathedrals
    And a fox became God
    Priests clutched onto Bibles
    Hollowed out to fit their rifles
    And a cross was held aloft
    Bury me in armour
    When I'm dead and hit the ground
    My nerves are poles that unfroze
    And if you love me, won't you let me know?
    I don't want to be a soldier
    Who the captain of some sinking ship
    Would stow, far below.
    So if you love me, why d'you let me go?
    I took my love down to violet hill
    There we sat in snow
    All that time she was silent still
    Said if you love me, won't you let me know?
    If you love me, won't you let me know?
  • Tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei tei usa usa usa usa usa usa usa
  • Ilusi dari langit senja di dunia sana
    I miss u, i miss u
    i need u, i need u
    sexy sexy

    hey maukah ke sini
    akan ku ceritakan kisah rahasia padamu
    malam yang berkilauan membasahi hatiku
    waktu tak bisa kembali
    come back ,come back, come back

    ilusi yang membara dari dunia sana
    bergoyang bergoyang bergoyang bergoyang
    rasanya bagai di surga

    andaikan kita bisa berjumpa ditempat itu
    i miss u ,i miss u
    i need u, i need u

    sexy sexy

  • Love, look at the two of us
    Strangers in many ways
    We've got a lifetime to share
    So much to say
    And as we go
    From day to day
    I'll feel you close to me
    But time alone will tell
    Let's take a lifetime to say
    "I knew you well"
    For only time will tell us so
    And love may grow
    For all we know.

    Love, look at the two of us
    Strangers in many ways
    Let's take a lifetime to say
    "I knew you well"
    For only time will tell us so
    And love may grow

    For all we know.
  • just get your ass back home
    end where youre going
    i want you komin
  • Pushed us out like a stranger in the crowd
    Could cut so many times I don't bleed out
    And you keep trying but can't hold me down

    I always knew that we could make it through
    But you can have your doubts, you can have your doubts
    I think it's time for you to move along, move along

    We're setting fire to the weight that held us down
    We're burning brighter and you're gonna hear us now
    Cause we're singing whoah, whoah
    This is the road, the road to the throne

    Waiting for us to roll into our grave
    No grief no tears just forgotten names
    You really think that we would go that easily?

    I always knew that we could make it through
    But you can have your doubts, you can have your doubts
    I think it's time for you to move along, move along

    We're setting fire to the weight that held us down
    We're burning brighter and you're gonna hear us now
    Cause we're singing whoah, whoah
    This is the road, the road to the throne

    You said we were worthless
    And how we're not worth your time
    But now you've come running back to us
    But we don't care because we never needed you

    We're setting fire to the weight that held us down
    We're burning brighter and you're gonna hear us now
    We're singing whoah, whoah
    This is the road, the road to the throne

    We're setting fire to the weight that held us down
    We're burning brighter and you're gonna hear us now
    Cause we're singing whoah, whoah
    This is the road, the road to the throne
  • Bahri pun pergi meninggalkan ku di desa
    Pergi ke kota menatap masa depannya
    Bahri selalu bernyanyi "tenang, aku pasti akan kembali"
  • Gelanggang ganas 5:15,
    Di Ahmad Yani yang beringas.
    Sinar kuning merkuri: pendar celaka akhir hari.
    Malam jatuh di Surabaya.
    Maghrib mengambang lirih dan terabaikan,
    Tuhan kalah di riuh jalan.
    Orkes jahanam mesin dan umpatan,
    malam jatuh di Surabaya.
    Selama-lamanya, di gelanggang yang sama..
    Malam jatuh di Surabaya.
  • Berdiri tegak menjulang angkasa
    Panjiku sma * ********
    Mendidik putra putri persada
    Melahirkan penerus bangsa
    Matu** Miga** Mawer***
    Itulah semboyan kita
    Majulah terus pendidikan negeri
    Berdasarkan pancasila
    Dirgahayulah sekolahku tercinta
    Semoga tercapailah tujuannya

    #kangen :(
  • Berdiri tegak membentang
    Menatap kehidupan
    Pesona citamu
    Agung penuh berwibawa
    Laksana surya cemerlang
    Dengan tegak mandiri
    Menyentuh di kalbu
    Dalam peraduan cita
    Wahai bahaduriku
    Maju-majulah s’lalu
    Menyambut masa depanku
    *ikutan kangen*
  • Jd inget nyanyiin ini lagu pas pensi waktu SMA buat cewe, dg suara yg ancur2an :joy:
    The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
    Could it be that we have been this way before
    I know you don't think that I am trying
    I know you're wearing thin down to the core

    But hold your breath
    Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
    Over again
    Don't make me change my mind
    Or I won't live to see another day
    I swear it's true
    Because a girl like you is impossible to find
    You're impossible to find

    This is not what I intended
    I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
    You always thought that I was stronger
    I may have failed but I have loved you from the start

    But hold your breath
    Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
    Over again
    Don't make me change my mind
    Or I won't live to see another day
    I swear it's true
    Because a girl like you is impossible to find
    It's impossible

    So breathe in so deep
    Breathe me in
    I'm yours to keep
    And hold onto your words
    'Cause talk is cheap
    And remember me tonight
    When you're asleep

    Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
    Over again
    Don't make me change my mind
    Or I won't live to see another day
    I swear it's true
    Because a girl like you is impossible to find
    Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
    Over again
    Don't make me change my mind
    Or I won't live to see another day
    I swear it's true
    Because a girl like you is impossible to find
    You're impossible to find
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