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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Ngobrol: ALL ABOUT BOYZFORUM AWARDS 2014!! - Special from "Banned Generation" Pg 111



  • tadi pagi aku buka...
    ada notif dari kang @abiyasha
    kubuka akhirnya
    lho...jebul tulisanku menang yo...wuahhh nggak nyangka banget.
    beneran...sejak aku masuk nomie...aku jadi males banget lihat tread ini, kalau nggak salah sejak dibuka polling aku cuma buka dua kali, habis itu nggak lah

    walau masuk nomie udah sangat kusyukuri tapi yagn jelas bersanding dengan dua penulis favoritku disini (@abiyasha dan @jay_dody)...udah deh...minder yang jelas

    dan nggak nyangka banget 'gara-gara kontolku panjang' bisa menang menjadi favorit, aku setuju...ini bukan best lah...ini favorit pembaca saja.

    ggkp ini merupakan tulisan pertamaku di bf...
    dulu sekali tahun 2005, aku masuk jadi anggota bf, tapi waktu itu belum serame ini, baru sekedar forum cari teman saja.
    akhirnya secara diam-diam aku pergi dari forum sebelah.
    di forum sebelah aku nulis sekitar 8 judul..
    lumayan terkenal waktu itu aku disana
    dan selama aku nulis di forum sebelah...aku nggak pernah nengok bf...
    baru sekitar awal tahun 2013...aku nengok bf
    mulai memindahkan 'eidelweis di taman hatiku' ke sini

    aku ingin sesekali mumpung di bf, aku menulis sebuah cerita yang lain...cerita yang murni fiksi
    yah...akhirnya kutulis ggkp., sekitar awal maret 2013

    bagi member forum sebelah...mungkin sudah hafal betul dengan bentuk tulisanku yang jelas menyalahi pakem teknik menulis yang baik
    tapi di bf....
    banyak yang baru kali ini membaca tulisanku
    aku maklum..kalau awal-awal mereka kaget dengan bentuk tulisanku yang tak biasa
    pemenggalan kata yang karuan
    tanpa tanda baca...

    banyak lahyang mencerca tulisanku
    awal baru nulis saja, udah ada yang bilang 'ini tulisan sampah'
    trus banyak banget yang ngebantu aku
    dan teruslah...
    selalu ada cercaan terhadap tulisanku.

    aku heran saja...bahkan beberapa hari lalu sampai ada debat panjang menegenai tulisanku.

    ggkp bercerita tentang...dua cowok keturunan arab yang tinggal di semarang
    keduanya mempunyai kontol yang panjang
    ternyata...punya kontol panjang ada juga susahnya
    sang kakak pernah diculik dan diperkosa gay
    sang adik dilecehkan dan di kejar-kejar oleh seorang gay

    pada dasarnya cerita ini cuma cerita komedi saja..
    tujuan aku nulis cuma satu...biar banyak pembaca yang tersenyum...bukan sedih
    itu saja kok...

    dan saking panjangnya ceritaku....banyak juga yang ngefans sama empat tokoh utama
    makanya...ketika @rendifebrian mengkritik bahwa tokoh-tokoh di ceritaku seperti cewek berkontol banyak banget yang ngamuk
    bagaimana mungkin tokoh yang mereka sukai tiba-tiba dikatain sebagai cewek berkontol
    yahhh...aku paham kok kritik dari rendi..
    maaf ya rendi jika ini jadi polemik bagi kamu hingga gara-gara ggkp kamu di nominasikan sebagai the hate...heheheh

    terakhir dari pidato panjangku ini...
    makasih untuk semua yang telah mendukung ggkp hingga menjadi pemenang
    sungguh tak mengira...
    sebagai hadiah...mendapat pelukan satu-satu dari sang penulis hehehhehe

    maaf pula jika ada pihak-pihak yang tersudutkan karena ggkp...

    sekali lagi makasih banget untuk semua terutama untuk panitia award ini

  • bikin trilogi dalam setengah tahun itu keren loh bang @tamagokill
  • ak kalah dari mbok tum???
    *ga percaya *pingsan lagi
  • aw aw aw best writer n best story udah pada pidato next best2 laennya :D
  • atazku udah apa
  • aku jg udah, taukan pi
  • Jancuk wrote: »
    Kategori The Most Hate Member

    Kepada @JonatJco kami persembahkan gelar The Most Hate Member!! member yang paling dibenci dalam tahun 2013, karakternya yang unik membuat para warga boyzforum menjadi 'gemaz' kepada Juara kita kali ini.

    Sungguh perolehan yang tak di duga mengalahkan mister penebar bibit cabe yang melegenda @Littlepigeon yang hanya sanggup meraih posisi Runner-up

    posisi selanjutnya oleh @Marybloody370 @Rigil dan nominee termuda @Rendifebrian


    Kategori The Most Dramatic Member

    Wawww..... sungguh-sungguh tak disangka.. ternyata kisah cintanya yang terkenal di boyzforum ini, intrik yang terjadi setelah kisah asmaranya yang indah dan membuat iri warga boyzforum lainnya kandas, membuat @JonatJco UNTUK KEDUA KALINYA meraih Juara dalam BOYZFORUM AWARDS 2013 sebagai The Most Dramatic Member 2013!!

    Daann..... Gelar Runner-up diraih oleh @Andhi90 sebagai penghuni tetap trit curhat, disusul oleh penghuni lainnya @hananta dan pemilik trit di kawasan elite @McLaughlin dan satu lagi penghuni trit curhat lainnya @Dedau

    [IMG] the racoon/ali_020.gif[/IMG] Horey... Rey... rey... rey...

    Akhirnya menang juga....
    Dua kali lagi


    Hi everyone and welcome to my comment and i'm still honored to be here to meet all youth leaders from all around the world, but not only can change the world but well genes to want to become a better place, as the party young generation i myself don't have a story of my own that i'd like to share. Afterall this problem is about sharing your story. at least my first comment when i was six years old i was
    a reader and actress post so that really have
    been in the sentiment is this for on the stand
    yes, few years ago i think when i was on
    nineteen or twenty years old i was passed by
    the press the asme right after i received one
    of the words, “jonat what do you want in
    your life?” it seems like you got it all on our
    site, just like a childhood dreams to become
    a doctor i said “i wanna wait my first
    grammy!” however when i first grammy
    awards are really going to national i want to
    go global. at that time, i didn't realize how it
    could create such a huge controversial just
    by talking about my dreams and for do i get
    some harsh comments people role in the
    tabloids in on tv, talk about how arrogant
    alice to even power back to me to even think
    that i had a chance deployed to go
    international, “what do you know when you're
    talking about you're just an indonesia!” i was
    young and i was kind of shocked that you
    could create such huge problems despite
    saying what you want there are a lot of
    people saying how inspire their life but
    they're also a lot of people hating me for
    knowing what i want in life and “not afraid to
    have a big dream” at that time i just
    remembered what my mom used to tell me
    held onto that she said what is the two
    women a true leonard is someone who not
    only win but face our problem solving and
    still get getting out of it as a winner that is
    the truth in it for some political arrogance
    from ny it's going to mean the confidence the
    parents and the dryer elevate to the next level
    “for some people they say it's arrogance at
    the bull to keep yourself focused on the
    journey into keep on track” “universal will you
    no matter how good your cell did the best
    instead things” “then i began to create the
    slogan dream believe and make it happen” i
    said that i wanted to int into interviews on
    stage in our like when i receive an award and
    i began to notice and took more time to
    ampere tension to what other people might
    think about this at first i thought that the
    hardest thing would be that making it happen
    but it turned out it's interesting that many
    people are struggling with the first to you the
    dreaming and the believing the mindset i met
    a lot of people who believe that it was the
    best that they can have they got used to
    mediocrity and built a mindset of good
    enough that good enough is enough the
    circumstances around them the povert
    parents choose food over education force
    them to believe that this is the best that they
    can half so somehow mediocrity has become
    their standard and their comfort zone but
    that that's what i want to show you guys few
    years ago i dreamed of going international
    i've bought this it's a true story about a huge
    pink folder and i said compiling whom i
    wanted to be working with dancers, singers,
    songwriters, prouducers and the first page in
    that folder is timberland name and in two
    thousand him i get a chance to meet and
    work with ten million two thousand twelve, i
    can release a song with and not only that
    this song will be a part of this particular
    huge global youth movement about making a
    change! so it's not impossible after alistair
    this week you got all the privileges that we
    don't have but less than “helen keller
    wouldn't be helen keller she was in blind and
    deaf i wish all the law” and my friends in
    indonesia all around the world that it starts
    from a very simple thing mindset cure-all
    affect everything around you is once
    someone's visions someone's hope in the
    past what you see around you even yourself
    any was once our moms and dads dreams
    everything is somewhat reallocation of
    dreams and imaginations every allegation of
    what once considered impossible yes
    possible after all fighter airplane ideas like
    equal rights democracy the cure of cancer
    you know robotic space travel martin luther
    king set i have a date in sixteen sick in
    nineteen sixty three and then fifty years later
    barack obama said yes we can can you get
    dan if at that time i can not taking did not
    have a dream barak obama wouldn't be the
    first african-american president of the united
    states etc you know that what you made by
    human rights did not just happen to be there
    people back menu supporter as a common
    language article to get what they want and it
    was somewhat legal people use it all the
    time of course you know far asking people to
    do something out of the ordinary people say
    you hear your out of place to what make it
    happen because it's just not normal you
    know human rights are the concept of being
    humane was once not be our at alland and it
    was created it was it became a concept
    meaning logically it is created it was once
    not dareit was once reader it was once
    considered impossible were different that's
    why we need to shake things up and question
    is this really “the best that we can have is
    this good enough really good enough live up
    to our expectations” anymore do more than
    what it takes to make it happen it only takes
    one the first step to one of my life not
    affected “dream believe and make it happen”
    good lesson after all “miracles appalled
    miracles because they're all ones not
    believe”, thank you [IMG] the racoon/ali_116.gif[/IMG]

  • google translate pidato.
  • jeung tararengkyu yang udin pilih aye *kibas selempang semoga yey pada masuk surga lelekong seksih 8->
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