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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Karakter Orang Berdasarkan Zodiaknya



  • sekedar analisa ane tentang aquarius : klo punya masalah sepele segera selesaikan, atau mereka bakal marah kadang ngga terkendali. masalah yang akan timbul, kita bakal dicuekin/dijauhin aquarius.
    aquarius paling ngga suka dibohongin, alias ditipu. sekali kejadian aja bakal jadi masalah besar.
    aquarius itu orangnya penyayang banget, bahkan dia bakal lakuin apapun buat orang yang dia sayang agar bahagia.
    aquarius sering terlihat dingin diluar, tapi aslinya didalemnya hangat banget.
    pemikiran aquarius bak lautan luas, semakin dalam kita ikut campur masalahnya, maka semakin kita ikut hancur.

    Gw serasa ditelanjangi baca ini. Ga bermaksud mengiyakan bahwa semua Aquarius gini, tapi yg tertulis di atas ini menjelaskan sedikit karakter gw. Damn, I felt naked haha
  • uhm ...

    Jadi alfa seperti itu yaw , ok ok ok
  • gue virgo dan jujur, virgo itu gue banget. sometimes, emg gue hrus sedikit tidak menjadi org yg semua2 serba perfect. udah dicoba, hasilnya mangel sendiri hahahahz
  • iuss wrote: »
    AQUARIUS (20 Januari - 18 Februari)
    Yang paling menonjol dari orang-orang
    Aquarius: mereka itu … quirky. Banyak
    yang bilang: aneh.
    Which is kinda true.
    Aquarius itu gampang banget
    terdistraksi sama hal-hal kecil. Misal:
    lagi sibuk ngerjain A, bisa mendadak
    pindah ngerjain B.
    Kualitas (atau kutukan) buat Aquarius:
    impulsif. Beneran, deh. Impulsif nya
    Aquarius gak ada yang ngalahin.
    Aquarius itu gak judes. Mulutnya gak
    jahat. They don’t tell you what you
    wanna hear. They tell you what they
    think is the truth.
    Impulsif itu apa? Contohnya, ada yang
    mendadak ngajak: Lex, jadi penulis, yok.
    Tanpa mikir lagi, langsung jawab: AYO.
    Padahal yang diajak saat itu punya
    konter handphone. Tapi udah langsung
    oke sama ajakan jadi penulis. Itu
    impulsif namanya.
    Ciri khas Aquarius lain: deep thinker.
    Amit-amit deh kalo ini. Mikirin hal
    Karena deep thinker, Aquarius jadi suka
    nyusahin dirinya sendiri. Because they
    think too much. And too deep.
    Mau adu argumen sama Aquarius? Jago
    kalo sampe bisa menang. Mereka akan
    nguber ke sampe ke point elo gak bisa
    ngomong lagi.
    Kalo sampe Aquarius membiarkan elo
    memenangkan argumen, alasannya
    adalah: mereka males meladeni elo. Elo
    gak penting. )
    Mau adu gengsi sama Aquarius? Good
    luck, ya. Egois dan gengsi dan Aquarius
    itu satu kesatuan. Sepaket. )
    Mau main cuek-cuekan sama Aquarius?
    Yak. Elo akan kalah. Mereka itu zodiak
    yang paling cuek sedunia. )
    Punya sahabat seorang Aquarius?
    Selamat. Aquarius akan sangat
    menghargai dan menjaga persahabatan
    itu. You’re lucky. :’)
    Walaupun Aquarius cuek, tapi kalo
    mereka udah peduli, akan amat sangat
    peduli dan perhatian. So .. don’t worry.
    We’re cool.
    Aquarius itu pemaaf. Tapi dia akan
    menggunakan kesalahan elo sebagai
    senjata. Yep, Aquarius identik dengan …
    Ya, segitu dulu deh bahas Aquarius.
    Intinya: banyak kekurangan yang justru
    membuat Aquarius itu awesome. :3
    Gak setuju sama tweet gue tentang
    Aquarius? Ya gpp juga. Sini sih cuek aja
    dan gak peduli sama pendapat elo.
    Aquarius cemburuan gak? Oh,
    cemburuan. Banget. Tapi mereka kan
    gengsian. Cuek. Jadi … cemburunya
    Kalo Aquarius nanya-nanya dan
    kesannya gak tau apa-apa, bisa aja
    mereka lagi mancing. Jadi … hati-hati
    That awesome moment when you lie your
    ass off and I know it and I decide to play
    dumb to hear more lies from you..
    Awesome. <— Aquarius!

    sebagian besar benar.... hahaha :)
  • virgo gue banget nget!
    ditambah gol. darah gue A

    :( hmmm
  • Aries nya pas bgt :D
  • yang taurus byk benernya, tp gw ga suka dandan, apalg lebih rempong dr cewek spt yg disebutin d atas :-P
    gw suka tampil apa adanya. your outer beauty reflects your inner. that's it.

    soal kontradiktif, bener bgt. gw kalo udah care, caaaare bgt. tp klo udah cuek, cueeek bgt.

    tp kayaknya ada yg belum disebutin deh, taurus itu gak punya byk teman, krn mereka memilih sedikit teman yg penting bkualitas :-)

    ohya TS @iuss , itu sumbernya dr mana ya? biar agak ilmiah dikit, tlg sebutin ya :-)
  • Your love is my love and my love is your love. It would take an eternity to break us, and the chain of Amistad couldn't hold us.
  • sagitarius di review lagi donk
  • sagitarius di review lagi donk
  • @jack_white5 duh.. lupa dulu ngambilnya dari mana.. kalau ga dari blog ya kaskus deh.. atau malah dari fb??

    Hmm.. coba tak ingat dulu..
  • edited March 2015

    These individuals often have a very forceful
    confrontational voice. The are fiercely independent, extremely competitive, freedom-loving, adventurous, enthusiastic, bold, ambitious, athletic, impulsive, reckless, dynamic, powerful, overly-confident, loud, blunt, hasty, hard-headed, stubborn, strong-willed, hot-tempered, rude, selfish, impulsive, enterprising, risk- takers, and achievers. Aries tend to act first and think later.


    They are very sensitive (with unpredictable moods), romantic, nice, sweet, caring and nurturing, motherly, homey. Cancer individuals like home-cooked meals and quality family time; they are socially conservative, and withdraw from the scene when hurt or offended.
  • Taurus

    People born under this sign love nice things; they can come across as extremely materialistic, or as people who enjoy the finer things in life. They are sometimes slow to act, great at managing money, lovers of the outdoors (and of doing outdoor activities such as farming or gardening), very practical and down to earth. Taurus people typically dislike change.


    Geminis are usually good arguers, witty, adaptive, flirtatious, playful (but may come across as offensive), tricksters, inconsistent, easy to please, intellectual, chatty, quick-witted, social butterflies, knowledge-seeking, changeable. They typically like reading, writing, and mental games, and are great
    at multitasking.
  • Leo

    Leos are loving and sensitive leaders. They love children, enjoy luxury and jewelry, have a bigger-
    than-life dramatic attitude. Leos are ambitious, dominant, charismatic, very demanding, smart, arrogant, athletic, pompous, physically powerful, conceited, temperamental, competitive, intelligent,
    loud, loyal, strong-willed, and usually laid-back, but can be highly aggressive. They typically want to be the center of attention and have a tremendous sense of vitality. Leos are usually depicted as highly attractive people with a distinctive thick
    mane of hair.


    These individuals are usually considered perfectionists, critical, detail-oriented, fastidious,
    practical, intelligent, sharp-witted, with keen intellect and powers of observation, shrewd, and penetrating. They have great mental dexterity and try to live healthy lifestyles. They can be judgmental, opinionated, naturally shy, and organized. Virgos often like order and cleanliness,
    and they know how to effectively prove their point in an argument.
  • Libra

    Those born under the sign of Libra are indecisive,
    flirtatious, frivolous, graceful, and diplomatic. They like equality, justice, beauty, and beautiful things. They are usually considered social butterflies, polite, gracious, pleasantly mannered,
    idealistic, attractive, and peaceful.


    Scorpios are secretive, passionate, confident, loyal, athletic, hyper-sensitive, mysterious, penetrating, investigative, powerful, sexual, resourceful, jealous, controlling, hot-tempered, magnetic, strong-willed, resilient, and revengeful. They typically have high levels of self-mastery in all


    They are adventurous, independent, friendly,
    enthusiastic, broad-minded, overly- optimistic, brave, intelligent, charismatic, flirtatious, rebellious, and freedom- seeking. Sagittariuses dislike restrictions. They are talkative, natural entertainers, impulsive, exaggerating, over-indulgent, blunt, risk-takers, with a child-like wonder. Sagittarius people are always hungry for
    knowledge, opportunistic, philanthropic,
    and philosophical.
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