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Miss Universe Organization and LGBT

edited August 2013 in BoyzStyle
This past few weeks we were bombarded by news, photos, and articles about the anti-gay law implemented by the Russian government in their country.
Gay activists around the world condemned this homophobic law and even Ireland sent a
formal protest to Russia which was signed by Irish politicians and LGBT organizations.
Amidst all the controversies, some call for a boycott of Miss
Universe 2013 which will be held in Moscow, Russia this November.

What do you think about this news?
Seperti yg kita (atau mungkin saya :P ) ketahui bahwa MUO sangat pro dgn LGBT dgn diizinkannya transgender mengikuti kontes Miss Universe Canada 2012. Dan juga mayoritas penonton adalah para kaum LGBT terutama dr negara2 Latinas, filipina, thailand, . . . . .


  • Olivia Culpo Wins Miss
    USA 2012 After Answering Question About Transgender

    In the final round to determine the winner, Culpo was asked to answer a question submitted by a pageant follower on Twitter. "Would you feel it would be fair that a transgender woman wins the Miss USA title over a natural- born woman?" so the question read.

    "I do think that that would be fair but I can understand that people would be a little apprehensive to take that road because there is a tradition of natural-born women, but today where there are so many surgeries and so many people out there who have a need to change for a happier life, I do
    accept that because I believe it's a free country," she answered.

    The question came hot on heels of controversy surrounding the participation of Jenna Talackova
    in Miss Canada. The contestant,
    who went under the knife for
    gender reassignment at the age of 19, was initially disqualified from the competition but was later allowed to compete again.
    She didn't win the contest, but
    took home Miss Congeniality title.
    By Agua Maldita

    "Every time in Russia a gay
    teenager is forced into suicide, a lesbian 'correctively'
    raped, gay men and women
    beaten to death by neo-Nazi
    thugs while the Russian police
    stand idly by, the world is diminished and I for one, weep
    a new at seeing history repeat
    itself." - Sebastian Coe
    There is a petition against the Miss Universe Organization. 6000+ and going have signed.'s leading advocate, Francesco Pascuzzi launched this human rights
    campaign against Paula Shugart and Donald Trump. Mr. Pascuzzi's petition begins,
    "Many Miss Universe fans,
    myself included, identify as
    LGBTQ...And surely many
    employees of the organization
    are, as well. How are any of
    these people, who might want
    or will have to attend the
    event, supposed to travel to
    Russia under these new laws
    and feel safe, when they could
    (and likely will) be beaten,
    arrested and/or detained on
    the spot for being who they
    are? Clearly, there is more at
    stake here than the
    organization’s reputation. With
    this petition, we are asking
    the Miss Universe
    Organization to send a strong
    message in favor of equality
    and human rights by pulling
    out from hosting the 2013 Miss
    Universe pageant in Moscow."
    From San Francisco to New
    Yok, from London to Tel Aviv,
    protests have taken place on
    the door-steps of the
    Embassies of Russia. People
    have been demanding ANY
    organizations to disallow
    Russia from holding world
    events until it complies with
    the universal civil rights for
    all. Some countries are
    thinking about boycotting the
    Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014.
    The very first test for such a
    boycott is the Miss Universe
    2013 Pageant to be held in
    Moscow, the city notorious for
    anti-LGBTQ laws.
  • Petisi yang meminta MUO memindahkan pelaksanaan Miss Universe 2013 dari Moscow ke tempat lain karena ketidakadilan
    yang diterima kaum LGBT di Russia kini sudah menyebar mencapai Amerika Serikat, negara
    asal Miss Universe, dan didukung 6000 orang.

    Bila tahun lalu MUO
    mengabukan tuntutan kaum LGBT agar kaum transgender boleh berkompetisi di Miss
    Universe, apakah tahun ini MUO akan kembali mengabulkan tuntutan kaum LGBT untuk memboikot Russia sebagai tuan rumah MU 2013???

    Sc : via Times of Beauty

  • Naik jadi 19.000 setuju dengan petisi, Russia makin terancam batal jadi tuan rumah Miss Universe 2013 ->
  • takadakah pageant lover disini.____. *krikkriik krik krriiiikk*
  • Menurut berita dari E! Online, host langganan MUO, Andy Cohen, menolak tawaran MUO untuk menjadi pembawa acara final Miss Universe 2013 di Moscow, Russia, karena khawatir dengan keselamatan dirinya.

    Andy Cohen adalah seorang gay sementara saat ini Russia tengah diguncang kontroversi karena hukum anti LGBT yang diresmikan bulan lalu.

    Sebegitu pengaruhnyakah?? Iyaaa *nanya sendiri jawab sendiri* #purikrikriik wkwk
  • up up up :P :P =))

    LGBT is one of the important element why Miss Universe is still popular after all these years.. I hope the organization should really think twice on pushing the pageant in Russia..

    NEW YORK, Aug. 20, 2013 / PRNewswire/ -- The Miss Universe
    Organization believes in equality for all individuals and is deeply concerned by the laws recently
    enacted in Russia and currently in
    place in several other countries.

    Both the law, as well as the violence experienced by the LGBT community in Russia, are diametrically opposed to the core values of our company. Our organization has always embodied a spirit of inclusion and is a celebration of people from all
    countries and walks of life.
    It is our hope this year's Miss
    Universe contest in Moscow will
    help foster a common understanding and appreciation
    of the rights of all individuals,
    regardless of their nationality,
    race, religion or sexual orientation. In our sixty year history we have
    witnessed, and been a party to,
    many social changes including
    those within the LGBT community.
    It has been our experience that
    the Miss Universe pageant provides a forum through which contestants from more than 90 countries, as well as their families
    and friends, forge bonds with
    citizens of a host country, helping
    to serve as a catalyst for social change.
    The safety of our contestants, staff and crew is of the utmost importance and we are working with our Russian hosts to ensure
    the security and well-being of
    those traveling to Russia for the

    SOURCE Miss Universe
  • mungkin dengan diadakannya miss universe di moscow nanti bisa bikin rusia jadi sedikit selow dengan masalah lgbt karena nanti pasti mereka sadar kalo lgbt berperan banyak banget sama event kayak gini dan event2 lainnya..
    sedih banget denger kabar tentang rusia ini soalnya gue suka rusia..
  • Bukannya final desicision tetap diadakan dirusia? Tp alternatifnya katanya sih di london. Gatau kenapa kayanya opa trump tahun ini ngebet banget pengen MU diadain dibenua eropa . Tp yah smg aja smua acara berjalan lancar deh . Rusia itu salah satu negara yang awesome sih . Banyak lokasi2 dan tempat2 yang memukau .
  • edited October 2013
    The controversy is coming (again)!

    Setelah Andy Cohen yang menolak menjadi host Miss Universe 2013 karena ada Undang-undang anti-gay di Rusia. Sekarang host penggantinya pun, Thomas Roberts seorang gay. Namun kali ini Thomas tidak mundur.

    Miss Universe 2013 Host.
    Thomas Roberts, who's openly gay, sees the
    international beauty pageant as a
    platform to bring hope to LGBT youth around the world. Thomas Roberts has
    said yes to hosting the upcoming Miss Universe pageant, a controversial gig a sit is being held in Russia this year amid the controversy over that country's
    recently passed anti-gay legislation.
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