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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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My Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

To whom it may concern, whomever that may be.

Terkadang aku berfikir, apa yang membuatku benar benar merasa hidup
Terkadang aku berfikir, mungkin hidup ini hanya sekedar mimpi, dimana nantinya terbangun dan memulai semuanya dari titik 0 lagi

Orang bilang hidup itu semudah melihat katalog belanja, kita bisa memilih apa yang kita inginkan
namun ada juga yang bilang, hidup itu tidak sesederhana 1+1 = 2

Terlepas dari itu semua hidup itu harus dijalani
Terlepas dari itu semua tidak penting jalan mana yang kita ambil, seseorang harus terus berjalan
Terlepas dari itu semua, keputusan harus diambil

I was once, thinking about i would never fall in into another one's gravity

I've never been so wrong..

when you're having an issue
when your thoughts when you're awake
and dreams when you're asleep
is, the one, tiny,little thing,
the part of countless speck of dust you've always underestimate..

suddenly your stomach feels like a maze
your mind, spirallized
like a labyrinth, twisting, turning, with no end
until finally you realized,
where are you, in that middle of nowhere, you are now

I might be the master of my head
but not my heart

If only affection was a math
we don't need winners

because we all do..

i finally learned one the most important lesson, you indirectly taught me

you feel like you are in neverland
you feel like you can fly
you feel like you're in the top of world
soar across the marvelous sky
swimming trough the pacific ocean

but you stay on the ground..
keep the mode set on low profile..

being.. spotless overtime.

Begitu banyak hal yang ingin kubagi denganmu sekarang ini kawan
Betapa aku begitu memuja dirimu sekarang
Betapa aku merasa bodoh sekarang
Betapa egoisnya aku mengejar sesuatu yang akhirnya jatuh sebagai indecent obsession

tersirat aku tulis semua ini, bukan untuk dirimu saja
mungkin juga bisa berguna untuk dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi orang yang sedang mengalami krisis indentitas seperti aku sekarang ini

Pesanku untuk pembaca

jangan sia siakan, semua kesempatan yang pernah diberikan
kesempatan mungkin akan terus datang silih berganti
namun seperti anak manusia, kesempatan tidak akan datang dalam bentuk dan akhir yang sama

jadilah peka

and untukmu kawan,

aku selalu bilang there's always a price to pay..

aku tidak bisa menjanjikan banyak hal, genius
namun aku janji, i'll make my self pay for it
aku janji

Jujur, mungkin karena usiaku yang belum cukup untuk mengerti ini semua, namun
yang jelas, aku jatuh, sejatuh jatuhnya.. aku sudah tidak peduli dengan pencitraan, kekalutan ini sudah cukup banyak menyita pikiran jernihku

it's official that i'm grateful i finally found you
the first, the actual one

i'm fully understand how absurd it is
but i'am

basically i'am fucked, and it's worth to suffer

dan tak lupa peluk dan rangkulan terhangat ingin kusampaikan pada teman teman dekatku yang bersedia mempertahankan kesadaran ini, terimakasih untuk nasihatnya dimasa masa yang krusial bagiku. Tanpa kalian, it's predicted, that the end could have been worse..

Thankyou, sunshine ;D

pertahankan sifat rendah hatimu ya!

.. 8 ...


  • Ouch, aku yang rendah hati, aku yang rendah hati....
    *menatap nanar k hatiku yg tenggelam perlahan dalam lautan kolak pisang*
  • ini puisi atau apa? btw keren tulisannya, boleh ijin copy bang?
  • You r not fucked...

    It is a blessing

    Live your life fullest and do good...always
  • hakenun wrote: »
    Ouch, aku yang rendah hati, aku yang rendah hati....
    *menatap nanar k hatiku yg tenggelam perlahan dalam lautan kolak pisang*

  • hakenun wrote: »
    Ouch, aku yang rendah hati, aku yang rendah hati....
    *menatap nanar k hatiku yg tenggelam perlahan dalam lautan kolak pisang*

    haha5 wrote: »
    ini puisi atau apa? btw keren tulisannya, boleh ijin copy bang?

    Hanya sekedar tulisan, abstrak..
    ga bebentuk, monggo wae mas haha :D
    goyescas wrote: »
    You r not fucked...

    It is a blessing

    Live your life fullest and do good...always

    Nothing.. as easy..
    as it looks :D
    blender wrote: »
    hakenun wrote: »
    Ouch, aku yang rendah hati, aku yang rendah hati....
    *menatap nanar k hatiku yg tenggelam perlahan dalam lautan kolak pisang*


  • waaah bagus juga nihh :D
  • Ganti username lo tok?
  • iyaa ganti biar sedikt misterius haha
  • Like a speck of dust, blown by the wind. He's coming back from the top.
  • edited August 2013
    to embul or who it may concern :)

    What is predicted?
    It just a fancy word about something we plan that should go as we wished

    And when it isn't
    Once that you feel like flying to the top
    Soaring in the air
    will lose the balance and start to fall
    as the wing can no longer hold the sky

    But as you fall down
    the world is turning
    and will always keep on turning
    It won't stop just for you

    even as thousand of child’s heart
    clinging to their dream

    It will still keep on turning

    And as the wheel is turning
    The blazing will shakes it away
    the unprepared hand
    that wasn't ready to begin with

    It's a cruel thing I must say
    But it's the way of the world

    And life will goes on
    As part of countless speck of dust that you've always underestimate
    will start to unravel..

    and you will see..

    an illuminated path
    that will show you to the peaceful dawn
    that I was once saw

    the petals of the dawn will cease to splendor the sky
    But it's okay
    Cause you already know where to find it
    And it will comes again tomorrow

    along with the eternal sunshine

    It might not be perfect
    cause you can't see it every time you want it

    but it's alright
    because the world itself is not perfect to begin with
  • to embul or who it may concern :)

    What is predicted?
    It just a fancy word about something we plan that should go as we wished

    And when it isn't
    Once that you feel like flying to the top
    Soaring in the air
    will lose the balance and start to fall
    as the wing can no longer hold the sky

    But as you fall down
    the world is turning
    and will always keep on turning
    It won't stop just for you

    even as thousand of child’s heart
    clinging to their dream

    It will still keep on turning

    And as the wheel is turning
    The blazing will shakes it away
    the unprepared hand
    that wasn't ready to begin with

    It's a cruel thing I must say
    But it's the way of the world

    And life will goes on
    As part of countless speck of dust that you've always underestimate
    will start to unravel..

    and you will see..

    an illuminated path
    that will show you to the peaceful dawn
    that I was once saw

    the petals of the dawn will cease to splendor the sky
    But it's okay
    Cause you already know where to find it
    And it will comes again tomorrow

    along with the eternal sunshine

    It might not be perfect
    cause you can't see it every time you want it

    but it's alright
    because the world itself is not perfect to begin with

    Well, the truth is

    It is more, way moreee than "just" thing

    Learn to appreciate art, It'll change your life
  • kayak ngerti art aja ni anak ck ck ck

    define art:..


  • If he's worth it, it's worth fucked up.

    *naon atuh da sayah mah bubuk rangginang..*
  • kayak ngerti art aja ni anak ck ck ck

    define art:..


    Kaya sendirinya ngerti aja bro
    Cari korelasinya lah.-.
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