I just wanna pull out my mind, I talk to myself
It happent for that time in day...
I leaned down the hall as same time someone tapped my shoulder behind me
I turned my head, spotted a guy around my age but taller smiling on....
"what happen?" I mumbled slightly but smile back
"you don't remember me, huh??" he rised his eyebrow at me
"I had knew you...I think..." I sending smirk.
He chuckled
"if you know you will not put 'I think' at the end =_="
"sorry..I think I know your face.." I try to make him up
"no worry..." he mumbled with sad face, I feel mistake. How could I forgot someone nice it, front of me...
"I'm so sorry, I tried hardly to remember but it doesn't work anyway.."
He walked closed to me and went said
"actually I don't know you too and we just met, I just wanna tell your bag was opened" he laughed out
"that's not funny at all, why didn't you go straight" I said as walking down the hall. I don't know why but I'm a bit angry
I don't like trap, I hate people who make a joke of me...
*inglis ku remedi semua soale -..-
Kayaknya cuma ngingetin tasnya ts kebuka deh.
ofcourse no...
hihihi...iya yah salah aku
yes..sorry im too much as shit
maav...aku bukan.a show off...
ehmm.... no, acctually i love everyone as long as they good personality ^^
you right..:$ I feel embarrasse now
I'm the one who bad
no that..I'm sorry if you get offence...maybe I could delete this trit but..I don't know how way is :-(
maav lain kali nggk gtu lagi :-(... i have not good in any language
thank you ^^
iya ^^ all guys in my point of view always look nice as long as they.ve good personality
ya ^^ sdh di answer