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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
We;d been together for 3 years and both of us felt that it was the right time for us to legalize our union.
Rencananya sekrg kita mu punya anak, tapi we still don;t know yet apakah akan melalui adoption atau surrogacy.
All of our parents prefer surrogacy method, but we still haven;t decided yet. It's quite expensive! :-)
My hubby's from Lampung.
masnya tinggal di NY sekarang?
Argghhh pingin..!!
Rasanya gmn awal2 mo merid secara agan laki n laki..
sry klo nyinggung.. Pingin tahu..