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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Korea Utara vs Korea Selatan



  • kaya kuek tok lalalala

    kayak kuek tok lalala yow wez ben
  • rigil wrote: »
    kaya kuek tok lalalala

    kayak kuek tok lalala yow wez ben

    kenangapa rika? @rigil
  • Saya sempet ngobrol sama orang Korea Selatan udah bapak2 gitu
    Saya bercandain " Where do you come from ? North Korea ? "
    Trus dia ngejawab dengan lantang dengan logat Korea
    " No, Nort Koria is not a konturi, its a kingdomu, they make nukurir "
    Ternyata setelah ngobrol orang Korsel benci banget sama Korut
  • my undergraduate thesis

    North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un had 80 people publicly executed on November 3, according to Korea’s Joongang Daily News. It’s the first known public executions since he took power after his father’s death.

    In seven cities across North Korea, people who had watched South Korean videos, “pornography” or possessed Bibles were killed. The executions took place in Wonsan in Kangwon Province, Chongjin in North Hamgyong Province, Sariwon in North Hwanghae Province and Pyongsong in South Pyongan. According to the newspaper, about ten people were killed in each city.

    The newspaper reported:

    “In Wonsan, eight people were tied to a stake at a local stadium, had their heads covered with white sacks and were shot with a machine gun, according to the source.

    According to witnesses of the execution, the source said, Wonsan authorities gathered some 10,000 people, including children, at Shinpoong Stadium, which has a capacity of 30,000 people, and forced them to watch.

    “I heard from the residents that they watched in terror as the corpses were riddled by machine-gun fire that they were hard to identify afterwards.”

    The Wonsan victims were mostly charged with watching or illegally trafficking South Korean videos, being involved in prostitution or being in possession of a Bible. Any family members or “accomplices” were shipped off to prison camps.

    Kim Jong-un appears to be attempting to stamp out opposition by holding public displays of such violence. Any hint of sympathy toward South Korea or its western style government is brutally enforced. South Korea has a large population of Christians, and is host to the largest church in the world, an instant intimidation factor for Kim Jong-un.

    Dr. David Paul Yungi Cho, or Paul Yonggi Cho, is Senior Pastor and founder of South Korea’s Yoido Full Gospel Church, the world’s largest congregation with a membership of over 1,000,000. According to Wikipedia, “Cho still conducts two services of the seven the church holds a day; they are so heavily attended that people often must arrive an hour early to have a seat.”

    With massive numbers like that it’s no wonder that the Communist dictator views Christianity as a threat. Back in August of 2013, MisguidedChildren reported that the North Korean regime strictly prohibits the possession of Christian videos and Bibles, often calling them “pornography.”

    It is deeply saddening to see that the citizens of North Korea can be murdered for trivial offenses. It is also troubling that this dictator can force 10,000 people to watch the horror in person.


    Kasihan mereka. Benar2 biadab pemimpin yang satu ini
  • kmren sepupuku liburan skol ke bali , ketemu ama orang korea . . Katanya dari korea selatan. . . Ditanya ama sepupu . . Emang beda ya korsel dan korut . . . Dia gak jwb tp menunjukan mimik marah
  • jangan menyalahkan korut atau korsel..

    salahkan yang memisahkan mereka dengan membuat 38th parallel pada tahun 1948..
    salahkan mereka yang menghasut hingga dimulainya perang 25 juni 1950 dan hingga sekarang tidak ada perjanjian damai..

    korsel dan korut hanya korban dari hegemoni dua ideologi yang dulu ingin menguasai dunia..
  • hananta wrote: »
    jangan menyalahkan korut atau korsel..

    salahkan yang memisahkan mereka dengan membuat 38th parallel pada tahun 1948..
    salahkan mereka yang menghasut hingga dimulainya perang 25 juni 1950 dan hingga sekarang tidak ada perjanjian damai..

    korsel dan korut hanya korban dari hegemoni dua ideologi yang dulu ingin menguasai dunia..

  • @dxavier =))
    Titit kembang kempis kaya gimana yah om??
    Kaya otot diafragma pas manusia bernafas apa kaya otot jantung pas memoma darah??

    Si om bisa aja ih bikin istilah dgn titit
  • Korea Utara sama Korea Selatan sama kayak permainan Basara dan Dynasty Warrior. Sama-sama satu tanah tapi sama-sama rakus ingin mengambil kekuasaan.

    Korea Utara sama Korea Selatan bisa disamakan seperti Israel dan Palestina. Why we don't life in peace? Because, when the world life in peace, the end of the world will get closer...

  • @dxavier jadi penjelasannya titit kembang-kempis itu gimana?
    aw aw aw.. sayang aku gak pintar.. hihihi...
  • Ada kepentingan Russia (pecahan Soviet) China, dan AS yg sepertinya tidak punya niat untuk mendamaikan mereka. Ada kisah lucu. Terjadi kelangkaan biskuit coklat yg diimpor dari Korsel ke Korut. Harganya jadi melonjak jauh. Korut sempat membuat duplikat aka KW-nya tapi nggak laku karena terlalu manis. Terpaksa bertahan untuk impor dari Korsel.
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