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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.


  • edited March 2013

    I overheard your phone conversation with Mike last night about your plans to come out to me. The only thing I need you to plan is bring home OJ and bread after class.
    We are out, like you now.
    I’ve known you were gay since you were six—I’ve loved you since you were born
    PS: Your mother and I think you and Mike make a cute couple


    Aku tidak sengaja mendengar pembicaraan teleponmu dengan Mike kemarin malam, tentang rencanamu untuk mengaku kepadaku bahwa kamu gay. Satu-satunya yang kau perlu rencanakan adalah jangan lupa membeli Jus Jeruk dan Roti setelah pulang sekolah, kita sedang kehabisan (out), sama seperti kau sekarang sudah ketahuan (out).

    Aku sudah mengetahui bahwa kamu gay sejak kamu masih 6 tahun. Dan aku menyayangimu sejak kamu lahir.
    - Ayah.

    PS: Ibumu dan aku berpendapat bahwa kamu dan Mike adalah pasangan yang serasi.


    Andaikan coming out ke ortu segampang itu... Iri juga sama orang barat yang kulturnya jauh lebih open-minded dari kita... :)
  • Awwwww cuteness overload ini
  • cobain ahh..
    #nelpon bf dpn nyokap
  • It's make world like heaven.. Keluarga yg harmonis banget pasti. Lha bokap gw.... Benci bgt sm kaum plu, he says bad word if he heard about plu at movie or news. He didn't know that his son part of that world :))
    For my dad : Dad I hate ur ego, I knew ur badness I knew ur goodness. But still u r my dad
  • yeah that's a reason why i so envy with new york's teen. they've many chance to coming out with their parents. not like us .our culture still close minded abouy gayness. semudah itu coming out kebayang kalo gue coming out bakal murkanya papa gue. apalagi dia homophobic. :poor me:
  • @jonaldo iya bikin makin envy... Kalo mereka ngaku gay, palingan ortu mereka cuma bilang "Oh, oke. By the way kamu laper ga? Mau makan diluar? Ajak aja cowokmu sekalian"

    ^:)^ salut, salut.
  • Wonderful letter! So casual, yet so relieving... No matter what their son turned out to be, parents would always love them. In US or any open-minded country, reaction like that shows their support for your choice. To choose your own way of living.

    Tapi di Indonesia, mindset orangtua berbeda. Disini orangtua ingin yg terbaik untuk anaknya. Meskipun terkadang mereka cenderung melihat hanya dengan sudut pandang kacamata mereka sendiri, perspektif mereka sendiri. Tetapi yakinilah bahwa semua itu hanya ekspresi cinta orangtua pada anaknya, dengan bahasa yang berbeda.

    Cintai orangtuamu, seperti mereka mencintaimu...
  • sometimes I get confused by parents in Indonesia. they Just think that "gay" is bad. they do not want their children to be gay. and they let their children make relationship with girls. and ya, of course there is Free sex inside. but what is their parents' reaction? Nothing!

    so, what is the difference beteween Gay and Free sex(straight)?
  • edited March 2013
    I dont think they are-parents who wants their children to be trapped in to free sex-exist because I believe every parents want the best for their children. If they let them to have a relationship with others, that means they believe you're already mature enough to have one.

    And believe me, there's still this stigma over our society to not to talk with our parents about our personal relationship. Parents would be the last to know in certain cases because their children dont think telling them in the first place would be necessary. So have you be honest to yourself and your own parents?
  • Mine are like that too..sorta.
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