BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Tuangkan Isi Hatimu Saat Ini



  • Oh God Why I didn't wash my favorite clothes carefully, it still looks somehow dirty. . I never wanting a white T-shirt cause it is freakin' hard to keep it shine, but I want to take care of you. . . Well not because you're expensive, but you're my treasure. .
    People might yell to me cause I'm wearing a clothes of a popular artist, but whatever. . .
  • Everybody here, I'm sorry if I just made a junk by commenting 4-row , but I just want to yell it out. . Can't possibly find any person to talk with..

    I dunno whether writing could be an effective catharsis, I enjoy writing, blogging, tell about what's in my heart by write it down. . People might end up confuse with what I wrote, but this is all I can do, there might be some of my friend who will listen to me, but I'm not sure they're really understand what happen. .

    This thread is free for anyone right? As long as you didn't harm anyone, so please let me to write down anything I want. .
  • I hope this is the last one for today. .
    For you who might be realize that I'm talking about you. .
    I'm sorry if I let you to live in sorrow alone, I just can't accept when you're ask me to search for other in order to freed yourself from someone who disturb you . . Are you really that selfish? I don't know, I hope you aren't. .

    I leave you not because I have no more love for you, but because I think you deserve a better life without me . .Almost no days without thinking of you, but you told me that you can't be with me don't you? Then go for anything you want dear, no it is not called love if I keep tied you with me. .

    Please take care, sou warusenai de hitori janai yo kimi no sobani iru yo. .

  • #Percakapan dengan teman seseorang yang ga ada#

    dia : "eh lu lebay banget si jadi orang"
    gue : "iya emang, terus kenapa?"
    dia : "lu gausah sok ngegalau gitu deh, masih banyak orang yg lebih galau daripada lu"
    dia : "judul tritnya aja tuangkan isi hati, jadi gue bebas kan nulis apapun yg ada di hati gue?"
    dia : "iya sih, tapi lu ga usah se-lebay itu lah"
    gue : "whatever lah, yang penting gue tetep keep living on tomorrow's way"
    dia : ". . . . . ."
  • apprends-moi l'lamour
  • I'm feeling romantic today
  • Udah lama gak gathering, kangen sama anak2 forum yang lama.. :')
  • djiniel wrote: »
    Udah lama gak gathering, kangen sama anak2 forum yang lama.. :')

  • djiniel wrote: »
    Udah lama gak gathering, kangen sama anak2 forum yang lama.. :')

    erteeeee !
  • edited September 2013
    krik krik
  • weekly event selanjutnya berarti tanggal 12.
    hmm.. semoga minggu depan yg keluar cyber dj collection sama nrc. eh yang lain juga deh..
  • uhm ...

    Nyemil apa yaaa ??
  • walau kaya protein, aku dah tahu dari dulu, namun tetep aku gak bisa mencerna nya. Meski halal yaa,

    #Aduuh jadi mual !
  • Nyidam Mie ayam #elus2 perut
  • Cewek di sebelah gw mirip waria yg jadi model di video klip Call Me Maybe Bangkok version =))
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