Diskusi ringan aja brother2, gw kepikir utk masa depan secara tiba2 banget, like an imagination came to me out of nowhere.. For my future, I do have some plans, but how it become reality, still a mystery from God Himself.. Whaddaya think? Would u mind to share a bit of your thoughts with me?
My plans:
1) Future Love: whoever I love, kalau mau ampe jangka panjang, marriage is a must, no matter man or woman coz I love both sides..
and I would be abstinent before marriage, that's also a big must for me.
2) Future Career: I had chosen Fashion Design, I hope this major is the right one for me.. I wanna build my career along with my other plan, to have my own Pâtisserie in NYC..
I love Chocolate fudge and love to learn how to make cakes and anything with chocolate in it.. XD
3) Future Place of Living: Even though I mentioned that I wanna have my own bakery in NYC, I also have a plan to move to Europe.. Europe is just so enchanting, would love to move there someday, especially to Germany or Sweden.. But, I have to make sure my career is a big booming first to make it real..
Maybe it's kinda too much and almost impossible to reach, but I feel like as long as we have faith in God, nothing impossible, right? Maybe in the next 10 years when u read Vogue Magz, u could see my name in it.. Who knows right? Feedback please.. Also mungkin ada yang udah mikirin plan kedepannya kayak apa, n mungkin bersedia share disini? That would be a big thanks from me..
Yang lagi ada di luar Indonesia, gimana dengan kalian? Yang masih di indonesia, apa ada plan untuk keluar negeri merantau?
Kalo gw sendiri yg skrg ini msh di indo pengen studi ke Jepang ato London nantinya. Kalo soal stay sih di mana aj gw bisa merasa comfortable deh... Hehe...
Kl soal pasangan gw gamau musingin deh, apapun yg terjadi nantinya terjadilah... Wkwkwk...
Kl career: harapan gw bs jadi arsitek yg hebat nantinya XD haha...
Bener, gw gamau terlalu musingin pasangan. Hasilnya jadi susah kl gw seperti itu. Jadi bner2 terdistraksi deh. Haha... Pokoknya untuk skrg gw lg gamau mikirin ttg pasangan dulu. Gtau kl nanti seandainya berubah :P
Gmn mestinya bro, mending semua direncanain dari semula kayak diatas, atau biarkan semua berjalan sesuai aliran air aja? Coz plan diatas cuma raw plan, segala sesuatu bisa dtg tiba2 utk menghalangi rencana kita kan..
Menurut gw sih lebih baik ngobrol dulu aj sm pacar lu, diskusi... Daripada ambil keputusan buru2 nanti malah kacau semua... Hehe...
Pusing euy.. Mikirin gini jd sakit kepala..
Makanya kl hal2 seperti ini jangan terlalu banyak dipikirin... Nanti yg ad malah pusing sendiri dan menambah masalah... Wkwk...