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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Naruto_World without Infinite Tsukuyomi



  • Kak @daviez_alfarizy , mana bisa hujan di site gini .. Kecuali kalo maknanya beda
  • @RyoutaRanshitou @RandyCyruz ngakak aja dahhh... hhahaha**

    @daviez_alfarizy whts goin on?
  • @RandyCyruz, yg buat komik BL Cwo juga ada ko biasanya sih mereka para fudanshi...

    @mendeleev, udah ngakak salah ketik nama ku lagi.. haha
  • ohahahaha @RyoutaRanshitou skrg namanya hahahaha...

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Yaoi,[nb 1] also known as Boys' Love, is a Japanese popular term for female-oriented fictional media that focus on homoerotic or homoromantic male androphilic sexual relationships, usually created by female authors. An article in the Guide describes it as having begun as homegrown fan fiction between male cartoon characters. As these depict males, there is an androphilic male audience as well; however, manga aimed at a gay male audience (bara) is considered a separate genre. The main characters in yaoi usually conform to the formula of the seme (top or attacker) who pursues the uke (bottom or receiver). The material that would be classified into this genre primarily involves gay relationships between the handsome or cute (male) characters, usually erotic.
    Although the genre is called Boys' Love (commonly abbreviated as "BL"), the males featured are pubescent or older. Works featuring prepubescent boys are labeled shotacon, and seen as a distinct genre. Yaoi (as it continues to be known among English-speaking fans) has spread beyond Japan: both translated and original yaoi is now available in many countries and languages.
    Yaoi began in the dōjinshi (fan fiction) markets of Japan in the late 1970s/early 1980s as an outgrowth of shōnen-ai, also known as "Juné" or "tanbi" (which contain platonic relationships between pubescent or pre-pubescent boys), but whereas shōnen-ai were original works, yaoi were parodies of popular shōnen anime and manga. Yaoi came to be used as a generic term for female-oriented manga, anime, dating sims, novels and fan fiction works featuring idealized homosexual male relationships.
    Most yaoi fans are either teenage girls or young women. The female readership in Thailand is estimated at 80%,[1] and the membership of Yaoi-Con, a yaoi convention in San Francisco, is 85% female. It is usually assumed that all female fans are heterosexual, but in Japan there is a presence of lesbian manga authors[2] and lesbian, bisexual or questioning female readers.[3] Recent online surveys of English-speaking readers of yaoi indicate that 50-60% of female readers self-identify as heterosexual.

    so seperti mbah wiki berbicara, yaoi adalah karya para wanita untuk kaum wanita sendiri :D

    @mendeleev @Reiga @RyoutaRanshirou

    nah kalo yang buat komik bgituan cowok, namanya berubah jadi Shounen Ai kyk @Reiga bilang tadi..
  • @RandyCyruz, hihi iya biasanya mereka fudanshi sama kaya fujoshi lah...
  • abis nya, ada pelangi di atas ku.

    :* @RyoutaRanshirou

    makanya, kirain disini abis hujan :)
    @randycyruz @reiga @mendeleev
  • GAJE ALERT!! @daviez_alfarizy

    kamu kubanned ke negeri hujan utk selamanya gaii!!

    #ketok palu
  • @daviez_alfarizy gombal ke @RyoutaRanshirou ga mempan, Masbro..
    liat aja gombalan gw,, ga ada 'nyetrum' @RyoutaRanshirou Hhaha,,
  • @daviez_alfarizy, owh hahah
    pelangi dihati mu kah? ^^
    @mendeleev, haha nyetrum?
    Ada-ada ja nih...
  • Oi guys, Naruto 617 udah keluar tuh. Naruto & shinobi aliansi berhasil nyerang obito & madara. & sasuke & orochimaru udah sampe di tujuan.
    Colek @randycyruz @mendeleev @daviez_alfarizy @zimad @ryoutaranshirou @suryaren de el el deh hehehe
  • @Hitam_Terlarang iya,, makasih dah diingetin,, keren ceritanya ya keadaan berbalik,, hehehe
    Gagg sabar pengen liat ayank sasuke,, wkwkwk ҉~(‾▿‾҉~) (~҉‾▿‾)~҉
  • @Hitam_Terlarang chapternya kerennnn!!! setuju banget kata @suryaren

    Naruto keren banget di chapter ini,, dia bahkan udah melampaui Minato dan Kushina! Kurama aja mengakuinya, wow!!

    eh, mungkin ga sih tempat yg dituju Oro, Sasuke, Suigetsu sama Jugo itu markasnya Madara?? yg ada patung sel Hashirama itu lohh... #just_feeling
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