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Dengan menggunakan situs ini berarti Anda setuju dengan Aturan Pakai. adalah situs anti pedofilia!
Makanya lo ga perlu tuh ngehina-hina gay, padahal lo sendirinya masih banyak kekurangan kan? Seakan-akan paling sempurna sendiri lo? Lalu lo ngapain kesini? Dasar kurang kerjaan! Belajar inggris dulu sana! Baca tuh isi link, baru balik komentar! Jangan bisanya Google Translate doang!
But anyway. Im your new fans @sherlock_holmes
*Intip komen-komen @sherlock_holmes
Ternyata hater sejati.. Dia bikin akun cuma hanya menggurui dan protes terhadap smua TS.. #memprihatinkan
@xchoco_monsterx @Abiyasha
@Pieterrr @lenterahijau
@zalanonymouz @jay dody
@kharisma_ayubi @MarvelBlue
@jejakasby @chi_lung
@lelakiterindah @gumawoyo
@splusr @be_biant @zea .mays
@lockerA @arcclay
@steverahardian @lee - @adacerita
@metropolichz @garykoolames
@Agustde99 @Heland
@babyfacehunk @rainbow_bdg
@Foreill_V @alabatan @bibay007
@autoredoks @rieyo626 @revian97
@diikaa @afkaristan
@ferlyadiyatama @ElninoS
@Chocolate010185 @sepatu_biru
@veriyanStevan @feffendy
@sandy_suherman @Ian_sunan
@nativiere85 @seek_you @ambigu
@bi_ngung @alby_unyu2 @arsile
@Monster26 @coatwest
@loafer_boy @Arya22
@stephen_frans @Irawan01
@bunny .blue @Littlepigeon
@tea_for_two @mllowboy
@iloveu123 @pokemon
Dan kata-kata kasarnya itu, bikin tangan gatel. Gatel pengen nonjok!
Katakan yang benar memang benar dengan cara yang sopan. Jangan membikin komentar seakan-akan lo paling pintar dan suci di dunia ini!
Hater yang kaya gini bikin mood gw hari ini turun drastis. Sial!
Being loved by guys we love is a marvellous feeling. It's more about feeling to me, body and other things will just follow. Well, isn't love more related to the heart? I'm now in love with, or maybe just have a strong affection to a married guy who's got kids as well. My life's been like hell in that it's so hard to keep insane by working at the same place and meeting him every day. We are both trying to be faithful to our religion, so it's just a mean ordeal. I don't say that he loves me back, especially knowing he's got a gorgeous wife with cute kids. I always try not to show anything to him no matter how hard it is. I hope if I don't show any care, nothing will develop. But even if he starts to notice that I like him, I won't have the heart to hurt him and his family. I know it won't last, and by trying hard to believe that nothing lasts forever, I hope this feeling for him will not last forever either.