Hi, i'm willy. Actually, that's not my real name. I still living a very discreet life. I live in a very religious community. Until now i still don't know about my sexual preference coz i like cute girls, but somehow i cannot connect myseIf with them. I even had gone to see a psycholog and she couldn't define my sexual orientation. I told my bestfriend about my curiosity and she was surprised coz i am a guy who can easily talk to a girl. I am a midtwenty guy, live in bandung. I still believe in the Lord, (yeah i am christian). I'm chinese. Anyway deep down in my heart i need someone whom i can talk to. Someone who have a same problem with me. I just wanna share about my feeling and try to figure out myself.
tapi jujur gw ga terlalu suka k*nt*l,gatau kenapa.
Akhir-akhir ini gw juga ga suka kontol. Soalnya gw tersugesti bahwa buat apa sih cowo suka kontol, kan udah punya kontol sendiri.
Terus sekarang gw kurang tertarik sama cowo yg style nya sama kaya gw. Mungkin gw tersugesti bahwa manusia itu cari yg beda dengan dirinya. Kalau liat Cowo yg style nya sama kaya gw, misalnya rambut diponi pinggir, gw jadi ngerasa liat diri gw sendiri. Jadinya dia terlihat membosankan.
Rzkprp gimana cara nyobanya hehehe
Hm, semenjak gw kurang begitu suka lg ma cowo. Gw ga tau pasti cowo seperti apa yang bisa bikin gw "bahagia" baik secara lahiriah maupun batiniah hehehe
Sukanya apa y? , mungkin gw udah tersugesti oleh cowo2 normal bahwa ML ma cewe itu nikmaaat banget. Gw jadinya penasaran kan, apa betul ML ma cewe itu seenak yg mereka bicarakan.
Lebih jauh dari itu, gw jadi berfikir kenapa cowo str8 suka ma toket dan memek tapi kalau cowo gay sukanya ma kontol. Padahal kan onderdil cowo str8 dan gay sama aja.
Mungkin kalau ibaratnya komputer, hardware sih sama tapi software nya beda hehehe