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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Melinda Dee di Iklan AXIS.....

edited May 2012 in BoyzStyle
Melinda Dee di Iklan AXIS.....

udah pd liat iklannya?

what do u think?
gw lucu aja liat nya;...ide nya bagus bgt dan nyleneh

selama ini Axis kalo bikin iklan mmg lumayan beda tp seger bgt

kyk yg versi lama dulu ngejar2 layangan di area Jogjakarta....

gw coba nyari link nya nggk nemu euyy;
tp palg nggk ide nya udh s4 nyangkut....

kasi komen yh;
lucu euyy....

jgn2 ko Alex nih yg create?...ngakuuu....

@gray_side @tobleron @Irawan01 @bondi @ghaniprijatna @blueguy86 @bintang5 @Agustde99 @createsometrouble @zimad @seek_you @gray_side @maiky_bsx @alabatan @happylanderz @alex1982 @har_in @Boyzt @erf_rey22 @Boyorg @mllowboy @awi_77 @Adhrii @tommywebby @lain @alex1982 @Charon @dilemma_man @ @yusef_chang @mllowboy @awi_77 @tommywebby @lain @alabatan @samme @devano_mahiswara @boljugg @BBB @tyo_g @carpediem1977 @ben_salvador @shinshin @arcoiluz @simelekete @andromeda @alfaharu @mr.pokerface4242 @ @ryan_feelgood @michell @metropolichz @rich @Maure123 @peacelover @bi_ngung @keep @joejoe131980 @goyescas @ALI99 @k-leon @yogan28 @nukakarakter @Putihaja @lenterahijau @syahrian @pria2dunia @escargots_lune @shouga @bujangbt @rahasia_nakal @boycurrant @cleosa_ @nip_eel @dundileo @muscleworshipper @dikagrogol @ @ @ @ @ @ @



  • yang versi berpelukan (group hug) ? itu mah Malinda Dee kw 2. Ada juga tokoh laen yng diselipin.

    di menit 1:19
  • @bi_ngung

    ini yg tayang di tivi bukan? yg ada tarzan ama armies sgl itu?...

    MD pake item2 gtu deh

    gw males streaming;

    lelet bgt euyy......
  • @boljugg yo'i mas.

    ni yang seri peluk2an. ada guru-murid2, army-kompeni-tarsan, petani-kebo, dll
  • Gak pernah liat tv ...
  • Hahaha.. Tipi gw beda channel..
  • kw 2 tetep aj sexy bgt.....ehee....

    artikel yg aneh.....

    Menyadap handphone pacar anda

    ok bro pada postingan kali ini gw mo ngereview software yang keren banget ,software ini bisa memata-matai handphone pacar anda atau Menyadap handphone pacar anda software ini untuk handphone bersystem operasi symbian, setelah anda menginstall usahakan anda menaruh icon program ditempat yang tidak langsung terlihat dan matikan fungsi delivery report agar pacar anda tidak curiga.

    gambar samping contoh tampilan setingan pada aplikasi
    meskipun bukan sepenuhnya disadap dalam arti kita tidak menyadap percakapan yang dilakukan pacar kita melainkan sms yang diterima oleh pacar kita,jadi cara kerja software ini adalah setiap sms yang diterima pacar anda akan diteruskan atau di forward ke nomor yang kita inginkan dalam hal ini misalnya nomor anda selaku pacarnya
    untuk setingan di bagian ACTIVATED ubah menjadi ON untuk mengaktivkan di bagian DESTINION NUMBER masukan nomor telphone tujuan untuk memforward contohnya nomor anda dibagian SMS CODING pilih UNICODE setelah itu sms yang diterima pacar anda akan di forward ke nomor anda ,ok kawan-kawan sampai disini review softwarenya sampai ketemu di postingan berikutnya

    Posted by belajar bareng
    Labels: software

  • ga nonton TV hahahahahahaha

    adanya nonton youtube + download bokep ;))
  • asli lah cacat iklan axis..
    mana yang paling ngehek yang bilang "aku difollback"
    gw ngakak disitu :D
  • @RzkPrp

    awam bnyk lo yg awam folback...

    gw aja ngajarin yg denger gtu;
    gw bilg aja itu istilah twitteran...

    gw aja gk twitteran kok;..bukan seleb nor artis figuran...
    gk kyk si @rye
    si rye kepaksa twitteran soalnya fb nya ber kali2 di acak2 orang....
    what a reason...

    begitulah akibatnya kalo fb aja minta dibikinin org lain;
    manja bgt dasar huhh....

    tp plg nge jreng ya keluar nya si Melinda dee itu...

  • @boljugg iklan axis memang nyeleneh, gw paling ngakak yg iklan internet axis yg bapak2 joged pas meeting.. asli ngakak guling2 =))
    btw untuk yg BB ada gak
  • 380179_315805815160134_126894987384552_723219_2097993334_n.jpg

    Neil McCormick Yep - sounds legit to me.....
    2 hours ago · Like
    Jamila Nari OMG that is 100% true!!! Guys should memorize those XDD
    2 hours ago · Like
    Sandy Farris Behnke Love this. Reposting on my wall!
    2 hours ago · Like

    Anna Doty The most deadly mistake is when he points these words out to the woman. That's where the wow comes in. xP
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
    Sharon Willick There are actually more which you need to figure out and respond accordingly...
    2 hours ago · Like
    Andrew Jabbour Why are females so confusing? Just say what you mean, derpfaces. xD
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
    Jeni Fredericks Haha
    I just copied this one the other nite for the hub when he gets in trubs :)
    2 hours ago · Like
    Waiza Al-Elwany LOOL true story
    2 hours ago · Like
    Amanda Ruppe OMG...if that ain't the honest true..I don't know what is
    2 hours ago · Like

    Kadi Annion Thats correct!
    2 hours ago · Like
    Dawn Jones Jimenez Love this! ;)
    2 hours ago · Like
    Scott L Scheibal I bet daryl get these responses alot
    2 hours ago · Like
    Karen Coley Brilliant!
    2 hours ago · Like
    Hamza Chawki ‎Zineb
    2 hours ago · Like
    Bella Barbie Somebody has that down to a T.. Haha
    2 hours ago · Like · 1

    Kathy Cosgriff I don't do any of these things. If I'm mad I tell you right then and there and exactly why. I don't like this passive aggressive crap
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
    Sandy Wade completely true....including the bonus word..usually with ..... before and after as in:
    2 hours ago · Like

    Jack Williams ‎"Go a head"make my day.
    2 hours ago · Like · 1

    Paul Senters right
    2 hours ago · Like
    Zineb Ballouch ‎Hamza Sounds more like you. no offense lol
    2 hours ago · Like
    Jamie Homeyer Oh do true!
    2 hours ago · Like
    Stephanie Robinson YEPP.!!!!
    2 hours ago · Like

    Andrew Ghee WOW as in WOW I can't believe you mispelled "will" in the "that's okay" explanation...
    2 hours ago · Like

    Fern Camacho Dislike. People should say what they mean and mean what they say. No, it's not cute or funny to do this. No, there's no excuse. No, even if your loved one does it and "so will I."
    2 hours ago · Like · 1

    Ashley Goldschmitt Lol true
    about an hour ago · Like
    Jerry Weeks Lmao ive heard each of those from my wife and new the consequences when those were said...... hahaha
    about an hour ago · Like
    Desiree Lemons oh no!! are secrets have bee given away!!!
    about an hour ago · Like
    Desiree Lemons ‎*been
    about an hour ago · Like
    David McKechnie Lol
    about an hour ago · Like
    Chandra Carleton LMAO
    about an hour ago · Like

    Dichihuahua Lovin' All Chi's love
    about an hour ago · Like
    Travis Ridley It's pathetic how true this is of many females.
    about an hour ago · Like · 1

    Washeka Brown Lol love it!!! Repost
    about an hour ago · Like
    Travis Ridley Agree with you entirely Fern Camacho.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Vipul Bhaskar hail.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Lora Kaloyanova so true xD
    about an hour ago · Like
    Brandy Sheets Booth Yep, it is true! hahaha
    about an hour ago · Like
    Sarah Ehlers wow to many of the previous people who commented on this...
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
    Dustin Durain Lol. Thats great.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Phil Gigler you forgot "k"
    about an hour ago · Like

    Chris McGary I don't think any of this is fair to the general population of men. Its not fair because they don't have a list from men. Why are women so set on alienating men. I'm all for a woman having independance but manipulating men through humiliation and propaganda isn't fair to anyone.
    about an hour ago · Like

    Brody Haight Lol
    about an hour ago · Like
    Lynn Hamilton forget my prob this is fab xxxxxx
    about an hour ago · Like
    Christine Walker Wow.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Theresa Sorrell yes and i say all those words
    about an hour ago · Like
    Slooner Days Wow! Whatever you think is best dear. That's ok with me... you just go ahead with that plan. Nothing is wrong... everything is juuuust fine.
    about an hour ago · Like · 3
    Matthew Phillip Nunn Thanks for the help
    about an hour ago · Like

    Linda Stark I just used a few of these this past week!! Perfect!!
    about an hour ago · Like
    Amanda Smith the ones taking this seriously. I think it's hilarious and if you can't take a joke...well, then you just suck...if you can't laugh at something that is meant to be funny then you must have a very boring and unfulfilled life.
    about an hour ago · Like · 3

    Rafael Davidson I guess you'll be ready, LOL!
    about an hour ago · Like
    Cathy Lee Sell Yup its all true men!
    about an hour ago · Like
    Ramon Vargas With a second wife now...believe me I have those 5 commandments engrave in stone!
    about an hour ago · Like
    Beverly Fischbach ‎"sure" shoud be another one
    about an hour ago · Like
    Michael T Calway Ha! Good one
    about an hour ago · Like
    Natalie Hunter Tht is AMAZING !!!!!!! CTFU LOVE IT !!!!!!
    about an hour ago · Like
    Kelly Lynn Don't forget. That's nice. Meaning I'm pissed you did that
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
    Amanda Coronado lol
    about an hour ago · Like
    Frank Modafferi geeeez now i know why she left
    about an hour ago · Like · 1
    Jim Jackson my ex invented these words!
    about an hour ago · Like

    Peter Burnette ‎#1 has been used on me.... and ya, it means to shut up if you have any brains.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Angella Sierra hahahhaha este me lo copio!!!!
    about an hour ago · Like
    Kendra Love Not really true for me i just say it like it is
    about an hour ago · Like
    Kendra Love but then again im not like other girls im different
    about an hour ago · Like
    Pete York It's not evan original. Someone elses words. Why take the credit , knowing you can't think that well
    about an hour ago · Like
    Stanley Furton i always get the last word in my marrage and i've been married for 37 great years ...all i say is {YESS Dear}
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
    Shawn Murphy and dont forget....hmmmm
    59 minutes ago · Like
    Rekha Patel I've used Wow quite a few times myself! Made me laugh! Thanks :)
    58 minutes ago · Like

    Steph Self Hehe
    58 minutes ago · Like
    Rekha Patel And yes it does really mean that!!!
    58 minutes ago · Like
    Sherry Slemmons Gallagher Omg that is so true and hilarious
    58 minutes ago · Like
    Sherry Slemmons Gallagher Gotta steal
    57 minutes ago · Like
    Renier Grace Hmmm
    56 minutes ago · Like
    LiCano Bonds sums up my s thru s.
    55 minutes ago · Like
    Oksana Bardosh Love it!!!! Hahaaaaaaa, ..... Wow! ;-p
    50 minutes ago · Like
    Tomeka Wooten OMG, so true! Take heed!
    50 minutes ago · Like
    49 minutes ago · Like

    Peter Sekas Just explains how complicated women are. It's rather easy to just say what needs to be said. that's why things get done faster when a man does it, there's no pussyfootin around.
    49 minutes ago · Like
    Felicia Cardwell Lmao I use all of these !!!
    45 minutes ago · Like
    Meghan Kearney Schiesser TOTALLY TRUE!!!!!
    40 minutes ago · Like
    Tom Purcell my wife said this is accurate information. I asked her permission to post this.
    36 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Pompeyo Pedroche To be more relevant, Make a list in Tagalog
    36 minutes ago · Like

    Pompeyo Pedroche hindi kasi pang-Pinay ang mga phrases na ito.
    36 minutes ago · Like
    Brenda Miller Roller Fitzsimmons Wow, I have used every one of these.
    36 minutes ago · Like
    Stephanie Stockard Love that!!! So true!!! More men need to know that
    25 minutes ago · Like
    Belinda Porter Men take notes& pay attention
    23 minutes ago · Like
    Cheryl Gamache-Hewson Hmmmm, I do use all these words. LOL!!!
    22 minutes ago · Like
    Chrissy Mitchell hahah love it! :-)
    21 minutes ago · Like
    Johanna Norberg hehehehehe :P
    21 minutes ago · Like
    Leesa Gaster-Poppell That is so true.
    21 minutes ago · Like
    Okeefe Jenkins
    19 minutes ago · Like
    Cardwell Penny True:)
    19 minutes ago · Like
    Jennifer Oneal Gunn And perfect, in some contexts means something too lol!
    16 minutes ago · Like

    Carmen Thomas This is so true, each and every word & statement. Oops they forgot 1. Seriously, Means how could you be so stupid!
    12 minutes ago · Like

    @gray_side @tobleron @Irawan01 @bondi @ghaniprijatna @blueguy86 @bintang5 @Agustde99 @createsometrouble @zimad @seek_you @gray_side @maiky_bsx @alabatan @happylanderz @alex1982 @har_in @Boyzt @erf_rey22 @Boyorg @mllowboy @awi_77 @Adhrii @tommywebby @lain @alex1982 @Charon @dilemma_man @ @yusef_chang @mllowboy @awi_77 @tommywebby @lain @alabatan @samme @devano_mahiswara @boljugg @BBB @tyo_g @carpediem1977 @ben_salvador @shinshin @arcoiluz @simelekete @andromeda @alfaharu @mr.pokerface4242 @ @ryan_feelgood @michell @metropolichz @rich @Maure123 @peacelover @bi_ngung @keep @joejoe131980 @goyescas @ALI99 @k-leon @yogan28 @nukakarakter @Putihaja @lenterahijau @syahrian @pria2dunia @escargots_lune @shouga @bujangbt @rahasia_nakal @boycurrant @cleosa_ @nip_eel @dundileo @muscleworshipper @dikagrogol @ZORROBAYA @ @ @ @ @ @
  • 576518_315986975142018_126894987384552_723675_715918405_n.jpg
  • Ketahuan Goda Iko Uwais, Jane Shalimar "Labrak" Audy

    Jumat, 04 Mei 2012 09:17
    Ari Kurniawan


    jane-shalimarTANPA ragu, Jane Shalimar menyebut nama penyanyi Audy Item sebagai orang ketiga di antara dia dan Iko Uwais.

    Kedekatan tak wajar antara Audy dengan Iko diketahuinya dari Twitter. "Ya itu, si Audy jelas-jelas banget ngomong di Twitter soal Iko. Awalnya aku pikir hanya bercanda, ternyata serius. Dia (Audy) sering banget ngoceh yang menunjukkan dia dekat sama Iko," kata Jane jengkel, saat dihubungi wartawan Kamis (3/5) malam.

    Tak tinggal diam, Jane pun langsung "melabrak" Audy, juga melalui ranah Twitter. Ini dilakukan Jane karena merasa terganggu oleh keberadaan Audy.

    "Aku sempet tegur si Audy lewat Twitter, untuk tanya apa maksudnya. Karena buat aku itu ganggu banget. Aku bilang jangan suka nyebarin yang nggak-nggak," kata Jane.

    "Aku coba urut-urut cerita dan kejadian yang ada, dan ternyata mereka memang pacaran. Aku coba tanya ke Iko, ada apa antara dia dan Audy, tapi dia cuma diam aja, nggak menjawab semua yang aku tanyain," lanjutnya.

  • Kang Mas @boljugg.....kucingnya OMG.....lucu gak brenti ketawa.......panjenengan emang pinter bikin hati bahagia......hihihihihihihihi.......luv u
  • @boljugg
    - quote yang 5 deadly term used by woman, bener banget tuh...
    - nice couple kitty
    - lol ternyata artis juga rebutan pacar.. hehe
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