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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Ada Cerita, Cerita Kita Semua



  • malem @adacerita.. baru nyampe rumah n beres2 nih.. td sekitar jam 7.30, bf bbm "ngegym sayang?". replied "enggak lagi males, ini baru mau pulang, aku lgsg pulang ke rumah ya". Jd malem ini gak pulang ke apt bf, tapi pulang ke rmhku sendiri. Suer beneran mau langsung pulang, tapi bukan dari kerjaan, dari nongkrong sm temen2 kerja. Sorry love, lagi males dengerin nasihat utk berhemat. lagi pingin chit chat n ngakak sama temen, awhile being distracted from tons problem.
    Ee di jalan kok macetnya minta ampun, mau lewat jalan tikus kok denger di radio lagi banjir. ngelewatin plang pijat refleksi lgsg puter balik mampir, kebetulan kupikir punggung kiri atas deket pundak kok lagi sakit.
    jadilah jam segini baru nyampe rmh.
    ini ceritaku malem ini, semoga ntar mimpi indah #mimpi dpt duit 1 M... hehe...
    night @adacerita...
  • @dantososo jangan bunga bangke,, bunga desa ajj biar sekalian threesome wkwk =))
  • @WYATB sama aku juga baru smp kosan temen, mau pulang kerumah jauh bgt

    mudah2an dapat 1 Milyar nya di dunia nyata lah mas, kan bisa traktir aku
  • @WYATB sama aku juga baru smp kosan temen, mau pulang kerumah jauh bgt

    mudah2an dapat 1 Milyar nya di dunia nyata lah mas, kan bisa traktir aku
  • Cerita hari ini seneng aja, walau cape bermacet macet ria, tapi bisa ketemu itu sesuatu pake bgt :)
  • opo iki emut emutan ? :p
  • @dantososo... hahaha...
  • @adacerita: thx doanya... amin1000x. kalo entar keturutan, aku traktir di jalan sabang dari ujung ke ujung deh... hehehe...
  • @dantososo boleh2 santai aja, mas aku kirim PM yah
  • @dantososo td pengennya perempuan sih,, tapi takut ntar dia ngambek dianggurin,, jadi yg pria ajj deh kembang desa nya,, biar makin heboh mainnya =))
    Udah ah ngantuk mau bobo,, ntar malam aku tunggu ya,, awas jangan sampe gagg datang,, ngambek loh haha ‾ƪ(‾⌣‾ )
  • Stang motor de @riidzsyhptra biar awet gak habis :D
  • @WYATB sering ke jalan sabang (jakarta) ya mas, banyak tempat makan tuh di sana
  • edited June 2013
    WYATB wrote: »
    a great member called me that after I told him I was flirting with someone. no this member is not my bf, we were just close to each other in this forum.
    it made me so sad, not bcoz the fact he calls me like that, but bcoz he judged me after my explanation, so I am sad bcoz lossing a great friend.
    no need to talk behind my back. or is being coward always be your character? dan nggak usah juga ngomong berjuta dalih. nggak usah debat kusir. arsip curhatan loe di ym gw masih lengkap, betapa loe tidak pernah puas, menghina dan selingkuh dari bf loe. loe flirt dan ngajak ketemu gw. dll. gw nggak peduli kebiasaan loe ons. gw cuma concern pada bf loe yang loe tipu dan nunuti itu. "your" house is out of town, far away from where you work, lewat jalur macet pagi-sore. then again in "your" house your mother lives and you don't get along fine with her most of the times. do you really think you want to move? silly. you don't love your bf. you only love the status and his apartment. and perhaps you already gave your bf std or hiv, but he doesn't realize it yet.

    cut it @wyatb. loe mau sadar atau tidak bukan urusan gw lagi. selama ini gw cuma berusaha mengingatkan teman, but i no longer consider that we're friends anymore.

    modus: chit-chat, curhat, flirt, ons.
  • Gud nite eperibadih! Gud nite om ba'im!
  • @adacerita: gak sering2 jg, cmn hampir selalu sm kantor diinepin di sekitar situ kalo lagi ke jakarta.
    @dundileo: lots of missunderstanding, but no need for more explanation. I agree about we no longer friend, and thx a lot for everything. Oh ya, 1 more, I was typing that not to mention you, I was just explaining it to someone who asked me.
    Bro @adacerita sorry for the chaos in your thread. Oh ya pls dont ever think that I am flirting for you, even though my words might be sounds like that. Thats my fault I think, when I am feeling close to some one, I am easily opens my self, including opens the impolite words. FYI, I have some gayfriend in bb list, some have been in years, when I texted them I can be so lust, but I never have or want to even just a ons with them. when I decide to make a good friend with, it will be forever friend. The recent one, I brought him to apt for meeting with my bf. Thx to him, my bf could change from that bad habit. I miss him now, he now move out from sby. so bro @adacerita: please be a good friend for me. when i do a mistake, dont be hesitate to tell me, but please dont judge me before you kkow the truth, or even mocking me in public. it hurts. but I believe times will always be the best friend for curing that wound.
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