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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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10 Guys You See At The Gym..

edited April 2012 in BoyzStyle
10 Guys You See At The Gym

This is a list of 10 guys you see at the gym.

The list includes: people that think they're personal trainers,

people that waste time on machines playing on their phones,

new people at the gym,

people that are there 24 hours,

those guys that love to grunt and yell,

guys that don't wear shirts,

guys that like to get too close when spotting you,

guys that don't put away their weights,

the guys on steroids,

and the old guys that hang out in the locker room

This is a video response to JennaMarbles "People That Piss Me Off At The Gym" and "How Diets Work"

@gray_side @tobleron @Irawan01 @bondi @ghaniprijatna @blueguy86 @bintang5 @Agustde99 @createsometrouble @zimad @seek_you @gray_side @maiky_bsx @alabatan @happylanderz @alex1982 @har_in @Boyzt @erf_rey22 @Boyorg @mllowboy @awi_77 @Adhrii @tommywebby @lain @alex1982 @Charon @dilemma_man @ @yusef_chang @mllowboy @awi_77 @tommywebby @lain @alabatan @samme @devano_mahiswara @boljugg @BBB @tyo_g @carpediem1977 @ben_salvador @shinshin @arcoiluz @simelekete @andromeda @alfaharu @mr.pokerface4242 @ @ryan_feelgood @michell @metropolichz @rich @Maure123 @peacelover @bi_ngung @keep @


  • mksdy?

  • Published on Apr 8, 2012 by mike007king

    This video is designed to explain the benefits of Online Dating over traditional forms of meeting people at the bar or other social gatherings.

    Benefits include a larger selections of people to date, easier time management, better search of interests, ect.

    I figure Online Dating worked for me, so I might as well inform other people about it.

    Uploaded by mike007king on Dec 4, 2011

    This is a rant video on how people make excuses for being racist. It isn't acceptable to be racist no matter how you try and justify it.

    People always making racist jokes and comments but for some they don't think they're racist.

    Uploaded by mike007king on Nov 13, 2011

    This is a list of 10 things I hate about YouTube.

    Obviously YouTube is a great place to upload videos, but there are a few things I don't like about it.

    This is just a humorous take on the things that bug me.

    The list includes things like, fake thumbnails, excessive annotations, buffering issues, ect.

    Off The Pill - Judgement Off The Pill - Judgement Off The Pill - Judgement Off The Pill - Judgement Off The Pill - Judgement Off The Pill - Judgement Off The Pill - Judgement Off The Pill - Judgement nigahiga

  • I don't care about those 10 guys..
    The only one that I care is that the guy talking on the video is hot..
    hehehe :))
  • @blueguy86

    thats the reason I put it here anyway....

    asians r cool....

    eh gimana lelaki yg di busway itu apakabr;
    more stories pls...?...
  • @boljugg
    ahh.. gw udh ngelupain dia bro..
    gak pernah keliatan lagi..

    gw sekarang lg fokus sama seseorang..
    tapi yah, you know lah masalah yg dihadapi semua gay discreet..
    gw lagi dilanda dilema dan kegalauan ni sekarang..
    udh sebulan ini gw uring2an.. huhuhu
  • @blueguy86

    uring2 an?
    cinta tak berbalas?

    untg itu tak terjadi pd ku..

    gw selamat hahaaa...

    namabah bnyk aja tuh jerawat bin kukul nya uhh....

    more nuts plisss;...kacang mksd nya....
  • edited April 2012
    bukannya tak berbalas..
    sebenarnya berbalas sih, tapi terbatas..
    jadi ya gitu2 aja, no progress..
    cinta yg terpendam.. sama2 memendam..
  • @blueguy86

    tar gw gali dah itu cintanya, terus gw pasang di social network
    pasti laku langsung


    jugg, tambahi sekelompok PT PT yang 'mengintimidasi' anak-anak
    alayers yang tidak 'sanggup' membayar jasa mereka
  • @createsometrouble

    tidak "sanggup"?
    maksd nya?..nggk jelas bgt deh...;..yg gtu akn luas bgt interpretasi nya...
    @tobleron tau bgt cara membayar PT2 itu...

    he s very good about it...

    si @Irawan01 juga PT loo....ughh....juga @tommywebby
    @happylanderz juga
    ghani pinoy juga ; @alex1982 juga
  • @boljugg
    tidak "sanggup" maksud saya adalah alayers/newbie/geek yg
    tidak dan sanggup untuk membayar jasa para PT, tetapi memilih
    untuk belajar sendiri dengan beberapa kesalahan yang menurut saya
    tidak pantas "diintimidasi" oleh para PT. Cara mereka mengintimidasi?

    1. ketawa cengegesan dari jauh melihat kesalahan newbie
    2. menunjukkan sikap tidak suka saat newbie yg ingin join alat
    3. sikap marah yg berlebihan saat newbie mengambil alat yang sedang
    mereka gunakan

    mereka lupa kalau mereka dulunya juga newbie/alayers/chubby/geek

    *pengamatan sehari-hari di gym hehehe

    tetapi setelah mereka mengetahui bahwa alayers/newbie/geek tsbt
    memiliki kemampuan finansial yg baik, perlakuan mereka berubah
    drastis hahaha

    PT-PT gym saya tidak ada yg seperti bayu hanif atau sejenisnya
    jadi tidak berminat untuk mendekati mereka wkwkwkw

    @irawan01 jauh
    @tommywebby fansnya banyak, malas antri
    @happylanderz maunya diajari tommy wkwkw *gosip
    @ghanipinoy punya si @ben_salvador
    @alex1982 taken

    hari ni latihan dada ah biar mbuntel kwkwkwkw

  • engga ngerti bahasa enggeris oom, lebih sering pake bahasa banci soalnya... *kasih liat kamus 1001 bahasa banci

  • @createsometrouble

    serahkan @tobleron aja urusan yg gtuan

    dia pakar bgt urusan cengek2 kyk gtu

    soalnya dia biasa ada main ama mereka2 itu...

    joking lo Cak;
    as usual....

    dada mu aplot sini dong;
    buat makan malam....
  • @boljugg
    tar yeee jugg kalu da bisa ngalahin peserta L-men dulu wkwkw

    skrg masih tuts piano semua kwkwkw
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