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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Q and A

edited March 2012 in BoyzStyle
Jujur aku baru 3 kali pacaran. dan ketiga mantan BF ku itu dateng sendiri, jadi aku enggak ada nyari bf. paling kenalan2 PLU dapetnya krn mereka add facebookku.
dari tiga kali pacaran itu aku nyimpulin tiga tujuan pacaran Man2Man, masing2 satu untuk tiap mantan.

1. Sex only.
2. Love.
3. Sex and Material.

aku baru tiga kali pacaran jadi baru nemu tiga ini. nah, aku cuma mau survei sedikit. temen-temen disini dari sekian kali pacaran, tujuan pacaran yang paling utama apa sih? jawabannya gak harus 3 opsi diatas, jawab aja sekenanya. i'm expecting honest answers, no offense. :) TY


  • Love and Material :-bd

    kata guru biologi ane dulu waktu curhat tentang pacaran....
    "cinta doang mana cukup, kalo gak ada material gimana mau hidup bahagia ?? makan tuh cinta"
  • @gray_side love and material, no sex? la la la la *naik2inalismata
    itu guru biologi harusnya curhat masalah reproduksi biar muridnya lebih ngerti.. bukan curhat pengalaman pribadi bahaha.
  • Jonathanx wrote:
    @gray_side love and material, no sex? la la la la *naik2inalismata
    itu guru biologi harusnya curhat masalah reproduksi biar muridnya lebih ngerti.. bukan curhat pengalaman pribadi bahaha.

    sex second thing,
    hubugan didasari sex terkesan kurang benar bagi wa, hahahahah

    owh tanpa di curhatin pun kami sudah paham betul, :p

  • id love to have a relationship with a man just like most of man have with women. i mean like i really wanna meet someone who doesnt care of gender and takes me like man takes a woman and i'll do the same thing to him. but in such a relationship and the social situation here, i think its like almost impossible to get.
    so far, i've had someone who really loved me, he's my bestfriend, just unluckily i didnt love him bcak, so it was just a "one week pre-relationship" relationship :D
    my first ex was a perv and he's so famous, he slept with so many guys already, like plenty of fish in the sea. :D
    my 3rd one, i guess what he wanted was only sex and material, too bad he's the one i fall for . *curcol bahahhaahhahah
    how about you @gray_side
    i guess you're looking sort of kind businessman who got the attitude and money ? :P no offense
  • Jonathanx wrote:
    id love to have a relationship with a man just like most of man have with women. i mean like i really wanna meet someone who doesnt care of gender and takes me like man takes a woman and i'll do the same thing to him. but in such a relationship and the social situation here, i think its like almost impossible to get.
    so far, i've had someone who really loved me, he's my bestfriend, just unluckily i didnt love him bcak, so it was just a "one week pre-relationship" relationship :D
    my first ex was a perv and he's so famous, he slept with so many guys already, like plenty of fish in the sea. :D
    my 3rd one, i guess what he wanted was only sex and material, too bad he's the one i fall for . *curcol bahahhaahhahah
    how about you @gray_side
    i guess you're looking sort of kind businessman who got the attitude and money ? :P no offense
    wow u read mind, u are creepy
    richard gere in pretty women just perfect :D

    owh i called that "simply in love condition," i always wishing i have that with a woman,

    why don't u give a try ??

  • @gay_side i dont read minds, i trick them :P jk

    haha..well i sometimes consider my self as a bisexual altough i never had sex with a girl. i ever fell for a girl... well it happened twice i guess and the same number also for men
    i dont force my self to love, whether a girl or a guy, when i feel that feeling, well i'll just accept. love something you couldnt deny because you heart talks more than your mind. when i like a girl well then i'm in love with a girl and i'll try not to involved in any business with guys, and the same thing happens when i'm in love with a guy.
    that sounds cool "simply in love condition" well i guess i'll name it that way also :D
  • Oh good... I think all of bi have that thing we mention...

  • so... @gray_side do you have any bf or gf?
  • No i've been single 4ever,
    Lol :-D
  • em i see
    *blusing *itches
    you.. em
    so, @gray_side
    you wanna hook up with me?

    baahahahaha anyway do you know the "Born This Way Foundation" is seeking a perfect design for their poster? well i just found out and i'm interested in joining the contest.. but i have no idea what kind of poster to design
    it;s something that reflect my "born this way" and something that brings people to the understanding and help them to come out and be brave of what they are. do you have anything in mind gray?
  • Wow, why so sudden, no warming up question, i'm not ready...

    Hm... I don't have anything in mind, i'm still a discreet...
    Make a new thread about it for help :-D
  • why not ready @gray_Side ? this is not a war nor a public speech contest.. :P
    well love doesn't come with notifications. it hits you like BAM!! and you dont pick, you don't make options, no clue. and i think i got that with you. :D tehehehe

    did i make good words to pursue someone? :D

    well i'm afraid that some people wont like thoughts inside my head. i'm thinking of Gaga and i'm thinking of Jesus at the same time which is her virtue, and philosophy she brought about Him is giving me idea, its just i'm not that good in visualizing this idea. nevermind i'll work on it, i guess my environment is supporting, except my tiny screen on my notebook which is irritating me everytime i work on PS.

    anyway gray, whats your real name? any real or nick name? i like calling you gray but i just wanna know
  • and gray i sent you a message about my idea. i know its not a good one but i want you to picture it in mind and tell me what do you think about it and what to fix
  • Names, thats what i mean warming up question :)
    I can't tell u here... :p

    I do believe in love at the first sight, but we're not even seing each other here... Lol...

    Thanx for loving me... Very much appreciate it...
  • edited March 2012
    haha you know i was just kidding :P
    i'm not silly, how could even i fall for someone i dont even see or hear his voice :) but i could like people of things they say on the net.. some people have great thoughts, i can say

    warminhg up question eh? lets make it more seductive @gray_side ... its a fore play question haha :">
    well you can't tell me here. tell me on another spot of this site or out of this site :D :D
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