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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Because This is Just An Act of Despair...

edited November 2011 in BoyzLove
When did it all begin? How could we become who we are now? No, precisely... How could I become who I am now? Is this what I want? Or... is it just an act to run from reality...

Those,, none of mortal alive could offer a proper answer,, nor myself could.. Still, my soul still resides within my body. There's no need to stop.

- My Prologue -


  • If this is truly what people called 'love' why do I only want to make him suffer, just to fulfill my desire? Or to make him feel the same amount of suffer that I experienced.
    True, he was the one whom invoked this incident, raised the unspoken lust between us... But, the incident also made me aware of the community's consciousness, that condemn anything different from it. Myself, for instance, and him, only if I drag him away to where I reside now...

    No, I can't believe him anymore. He said that he loved her girlfriend, but why does he still remember the incident? Whilst expecting me to forget everything about it. For these 4 years, I've been trying to escape from your shadow, but fate said the other thing.. It made the distance between us become closer,, far closer. You know that I only need one sentence of betrayal, telling her what have been happened.

    Ironic, though.. Because what happened between us was just a small fry, compared to what happened to the others. Yet, both of us cautious to each other. I do not know if you have betrayed me, but I will have my time to claim my vengeance upon you, once you break the unwritten law between us. A law of carnage and despair.
  • This is the reason why it was said "there's a very thin layer between love and hatred".
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