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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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ALL about FASHION DESIGNER .. kalian suka siapa



  • @FAITH
    Hana Soukoupova? serius? wah gw suka bgt sama dia, kaki nya itu lho. jd inget masa2 Victoria Secret show masih ada dia :\">
  • @ jokie :
    True ! Kemarin di acara FNO itu the stars were out in full force deh.
    Ada Karlie Kloss di DKNY dan Juicy Couture ( jualan cookies nya..haha ), Anna Wintour dan Victoria Beckham di Bergdorf, Kim Kardashian di L&T ( she looks fat, IMHO ), Coco Rocha di Longchamp, Naomi Campbell etc.

    We can all thanking Anna Wintour for championing this event back in 2009 to help the retail industry during recession. Bravo !
  • @ jokie :

    dengar dari salah seorang fashion insider disini, katanya di bulan Sept 2012 ini akan ada salah satu majalah lifestyle dari Jakarta yang mau datang kesini dan membuat fashion show bersama dua orang designer dari Jakarta.
    Judging dari guest list nya looks like the event will be major,. Guests nya adalah the VIPs seperti Diane Von Furstenberg, Tommy Hilfiger etc, My friend even said that Mrs. Jolie-Pitt a.k.a Angelina will also be there!
    That's hugely impressive ! Anyone know about this ?
  • FAITH wrote: »
    @ jokie :
    True ! Kemarin di acara FNO itu the stars were out in full force deh.
    Ada Karlie Kloss di DKNY dan Juicy Couture ( jualan cookies nya..haha ), Anna Wintour dan Victoria Beckham di Bergdorf, Kim Kardashian di L&T ( she looks fat, IMHO ), Coco Rocha di Longchamp, Naomi Campbell etc.

    We can all thanking Anna Wintour for championing this event back in 2009 to help the retail industry during recession. Bravo !
    COCO ROCHA! SHUT UP!!!! ARGGHHH!!! I"M SUPER JEALOUS NOW!!! *I need to calm down*
    gw bisa gila kl sampe bisa ketemu coco rocha
    gw ngefans sama dia, she should marry me, I EFFING LOVE HER. please tell her, if you ever meet her again.

    and i dont really care for Kim Kardashian, such a waste of space.
    btw lo kerja di dunia fashion ya???
  • @ Jokie
    No, I'm not in fashion world at all. I'm just a slave in a banking world,
  • @ jokie :
    Do you know the name of Indonesian's lifestyle / fashion magazine that will be having a fashion event here in NY ? Any info ?
  • @FAITH jadi penasaran juga sama desainer Jakarta itu.... Biyan Wanaatmadja sih yg bagus banget dan konsisten kalo di sini... Memantau FNO dan NFW lewat dunia maya dan seru parah ya...
  • @FAITH
    sorry gw ga pny info nya. tp gokil ya tamu2 nya
    wah moga2 abis itu Indonesia lsg naik ya pamornya. seinget gw cm Gucci di Spring 2010 yg kata nya terinspirasi dari batik Indonesia. Lebih dari itu gw ga tau lg major brand yg terinspirasi sama Indonesia
  • @ Adam08 :
    I'm pretty sure it;s not Biyan
    @ jokie :
    Gucci used an ikat cloth from Sulawesi, custom- made for them by the ikat weavers from that area.

    I'll soon find out the name of the magazine and the designers from Jkt. :-)
  • edited September 2012
    FAITH wrote: »
    @ jokie :
    Gucci used an ikat cloth from Sulawesi, custom- made for them by the ikat weavers from that area.

    I'll soon find out the name of the magazine and the designers from Jkt. :-)

    kok bisa ya mereka main2 sampe Sulawesi
    si Frida Gianini liburan ke bunaken kali ya?
    pertama kali liat di runway gw lsg komen "dih patternnya kyk Indonesia punya"
  • @ jokie :
    I got the info ! yaay...:-D
    The magazine from Jakarta that will be having a fashion here in NY is InStyle magazine ( I didn't even know that indonesia has InStyle magz ! I thought it's only in the U.S and U;K ! )
    The designers are Prio and Sebastian. Are they good?
  • @FAITH
    yes we do hv InStyle. I nvr read it tho :D
    but basically itu bkn majalah asli indonesia. so no wonder mereka bs ngadain event itu.
    kl Prio gw ga tau. Tp kl sebastian, kl yg dimaksud itu Sebastian Gunawan, ya dia well known designer disini, high fashion. coba aja google. gw ga terlalu ngikutin designer2
  • Priyo Oktaviano dan Sebastian Gunawan, dua desainer yg masih muda yg sudah punya karya yg bagus walau blm sampai ke taraf Biyan.. Iya, googling aja.
  • entah kenapa suka miucca prada :"> wearable
  • @hernu92
    wah si doi muncul disini
    prada? kok gw ga ngeliat style lo kearah2 prada ya. soalnya menurut gw prada itu stylenya agak ke arah feminin
    kl modal jaket kulit biasanya gucci, krn stylenya aga2 rock n roll
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