BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

To all pontianakers and Jakarters

edited April 2010 in Nusantara
kEitO wrote:
Wah orang2 nya super sadis XD

Hehe..di Australia sadis ade ukurannye XD, di Ponti MD kaleee !! Weqweq


  • 282828 wrote:
    kEitO wrote:
    Minta bantuan ama 282828 aahhh....
    (mencari bala bantuan mode: ON)

    I`m Here! I`m Here~
    Ciakakaaa....!!! 8)

    Hehe bukannye I am here tapi Ayam Goreng kaleeee !! weqweq
  • kEitO wrote:
    Helo all Keito neh,

    I will be going back to Indonesia (to be precise, Jakarta and Pontianak) for a two-week holiday. I am just wondering if there is anyone out there who are keen for meeting up. Probably for a cup of coffee/ lunch or something like that. For my pictures, just browse Boyzalbum.

    I don't have many friends in Indonesia, so anyone who are sincere and interested to be friends are much welcomed

    Just drop me a line or something and I will definitely reply you.


    Waaaah pake kunci inggris ehh bhs inggris, apa pula artinya tu? Lam kenal deh pokoknya gitu!
  • kEitO wrote:
    282828 ketawanya lebay deehh

    Hehe 282828 ketawa lebay dan kEitO ketawa bawang bombay weqweq
  • Hehe all of my friend going for holiday so I am going to Ginseng Country for somedays, byebye
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