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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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Ganjar Pranowo

edited June 2009 in BoyzStyle
OMG i dunno if this is appropriate or not to be posted here in BoyzStyle, but i seriously can't help it. I just watched that program called Parlemen something on TvOne. and the guest speaker was a man who has a position in parliament (i can't recall what it is, coz i kept focusing on his gorgeous face which is SOOO HAWWT). i mean, i'm totally apathetic when it comes to politics or politician or all that crap. but this politician, GOD, i just can't resist him! his name is Ganjar Pranowo, graduated from Law UGM and, sadly, married with one child. and not that i'm into "gadun" or something. but it's just i've never witnessed a politician who is SO CUTE!! too bad he's straight. if he was gay then maybe he could be like Harvey Milk and i would be his number one supporter!

anyway what do you think gays? is he CUTE?






  • Woy...Ini bukan forum bule
  • i bet he looks yummy on his late-teen-early-twenty age X)
  • arisa wrote:
    i bet he looks yummy on his late-teen-early-twenty age X)

    yep i bet he did!

    and geez.. lots of pepol have read this thread but they didn't even comment. is he not cute? oh whatever. anyway here is another pic:


    ps: i'm so sorry Pak Ganjar, i made this thread coz i admire your look (YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!) so it has NOTHING to do with any party u're involved in. :)
  • Looks like mas JEJAKASBY, hehhehe :lol:
  • Shank wrote:
    Looks like mas JEJAKASBY, hehhehe :lol:

    really? but JEJAKASBY is probably younger, right? :?:
  • aghie,,, wrote:
    Shank wrote:
    Looks like mas JEJAKASBY, hehhehe :lol:

    really? but JEJAKASBY is probably younger, right? :?:

    RIGHT lah.... (*kalo gak gw di JOTOS mas JAKA)
    hahahahha...... :lol:
  • Hes cute and all,but im just not into him darling.
  • Hes cute and all,but im just not into him darling.

    i know he's not as hot as other mature men esp celebs. i was just pointing out that he is the ONLY politician who is HOT compared to others.
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