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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.

Ada yg kenal sama sexy Dancer ini ga?



  • Shank wrote:
    jejakasby wrote:

    Apollo tuh di jakarta ya ...

    (waduh I have to go to jakarta nih!)

    so where you now? :?:

    In the same theritory with u... i think...

    so, get him... :P LOL
  • Shank wrote:
    jejakasby wrote:

    Apollo tuh di jakarta ya ...

    (waduh I have to go to jakarta nih!)

    so where you now? :?:

    In the same theritory with u... i think...

    so, get him... :P LOL

    Oh ya? Really?
    how can you know?


    but it is not My Purpose to my earlier question
  • kok mukanya kayak rezky aditya ya..


    keren !..
  • afkaristan wrote:
    to : afkar tan

    sometimes we will spending anything to get what we want, could we say it 'immolation'?

    that's not a faultness indeed :D
    well, i got it
    i used to be like that

    means that u'll be in Jakarta next time to meet this sexy dancer :P ?
    maksudnya gw juga sering gitu

    do everything i could to get what i love
  • Shank wrote:
    Shank wrote:
    jejakasby wrote:

    Apollo tuh di jakarta ya ...

    (waduh I have to go to jakarta nih!)

    so where you now? :?:

    In the same theritory with u... i think...

    so, get him... :P LOL

    Oh ya? Really?
    how can you know?


    but it is not My Purpose to my earlier question

    berarti pertanyaannya yg ambigu bang.... hihihihi.....
  • Gu3_LeM wrote:
    kok mukanya kayak rezky aditya ya..


    keren !..

    Bukaaaan.... beda banget....
    Dia lebih cakep dari Rezky Aditya...
    hahaha... :D
  • yups, sexy
    namanya juga sexy dancer

    u can try to look for his information at facebook maybe, through the apollo page

    good luck

  • g3m1n1_g4y wrote:
    yups, sexy
    namanya juga sexy dancer

    u can try to look for his information at facebook maybe, through the apollo page

    good luck


    wow... kok ngga kepikiran yah....

    thanks yah :P
  • jejakasby wrote:
    siapa tau ada yang kenal, hehehe...


    namanya siapa yah?

    gw liat dia perform bulan kemaren di Apollo :D
    cakep yah :D

    Apollo tuh di jakarta ya ...

    (waduh I have to go to jakarta nih!)

    secepatnyaa :lol: :lol:
    tar pergi brg yak... :lol: :lol:
  • ke Apollo yuuuuk :D
  • PoLLuX wrote:
    ke Apollo yuuuuk :D

    kayanya kebetulan waktu itu kalo ngga salah acaranya concierge production deh....

    jadi mungkin yg nanggap tu sexy dancer bukan apollo tapi concierge nya...

    mending loe ikutin even nya concierge deh... siapa tau ketemu lagi, hihihihi...
    terakhir gw ngeliat the sexy dancer lagi di Musro tgl 25 april, tapi cuma temennya doang...

    si manis ini ngga ada... kuciwa lah gw akhirnya....
  • kakkoii86 wrote:

    sexy dancer yg ini emang sexy....

    u just make me think that u have ever saw the sexy dancer before... bener ga koi??


    jd pengen ikutan acara concierge prod, blom perna...
  • afkaristan wrote:
    afkaristan wrote:

    tapi, apa ngga terlalu keras ya? :roll:

    ngga terlalu keras???
    maksud loe apanya tan yg keras???
    ya body nya...

    kesannya pendek dan pipinya tembem
  • zar wrote:
    afkaristan wrote:
    afkaristan wrote:

    tapi, apa ngga terlalu keras ya? :roll:

    ngga terlalu keras???
    maksud loe apanya tan yg keras???
    ya body nya...

    kesannya pendek dan pipinya tembem

    Haha... BIG wrong darling...
    orangnya lumayan tinggi kok... :D
  • keren , pernha nyadar gak sih? apa sexy dancer semuanya gay? ato mereka cuman gay for pay?
    dalam artian mereka gay buat dibayar
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