BoyzForum! BoyzForum! - forum gay Indonesia

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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

Forum ini diabadikan untuk kepentingan sejarah. Tidak akan ada konten baru di forum ini. Silakan menikmati forum ini sebagai potongan dari sejarah queer Indonesia.




  • iam_REBEL wrote:
    sandy_kam wrote:
    sandx wrote:
    100% gay ni orang.

    setuju banget.

    keliatan kok.

    :wink: :P :) :D

    masa si?
    menurut gw malah Vj yg baru itu yg lebih keliatan G nya.

    si vj robby purba yak ? katanya sih dia beneran gay , gue pernah denger dia obsessed with evan sanders gitu . . CMIIW :D

    eh ko jd bahas dia yak ?
    ayo dong pic ben lagi , ,hehehe
    gue add fsnya gak bisa2 sih . . :bigcry:
  • riobi wrote:
    @afkarist : i can't add him by his last name and he doesn't give his email address on his friendster , so i just can't do anything .

    the message's restricted too .

    so what should i do now ?

    di facebook ada khan, namanya ben kasyafani. coba aja diadd, semoga anda beruntung. aku ud ngeadd dia bbrp waktu yang lalu, tapi gak diapprove juga tuh. ya nasib.. hehehe..
  • dddion wrote:
    riobi wrote:
    @afkarist : i can't add him by his last name and he doesn't give his email address on his friendster , so i just can't do anything .

    the message's restricted too .

    so what should i do now ?

    di facebook ada khan, namanya ben kasyafani. coba aja diadd, semoga anda beruntung. aku ud ngeadd dia bbrp waktu yang lalu, tapi gak diapprove juga tuh. ya nasib.. hehehe..

    he is really disgustin'
    why would u guy like to add him???

    my goodness
    i will never do that unless they pay me for adding him :lol:
  • afkaristan wrote:
    dddion wrote:
    riobi wrote:
    @afkarist : i can't add him by his last name and he doesn't give his email address on his friendster , so i just can't do anything .

    the message's restricted too .

    so what should i do now ?

    di facebook ada khan, namanya ben kasyafani. coba aja diadd, semoga anda beruntung. aku ud ngeadd dia bbrp waktu yang lalu, tapi gak diapprove juga tuh. ya nasib.. hehehe..

    he is really disgustin'
    why would u guy like to add him???

    my goodness
    i will never do that unless they pay me for adding him :lol:

    what makes u think that he's disgustin , bro ? well once again it depends on our personal taste laa .
    i find him so attractive so i admire him .

    no offense yea , just my two cents :D :P
  • riobi wrote:
    what makes u think that he's disgustin , bro ? well once again it depends on our personal taste laa .
    i find him so attractive so i admire him .

    no offense yea , just my two cents :D :P
    now look...
    he's not that attractive
    but, still
    he won't let u guys view his fs

    he supposed to let u view it
    as he was a public figure, wasn't he?
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