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Selamat datang di situs Boyzforum yang diarsipkan oleh Queer Indonesia Archive. Forum untuk komunitas gay Indonesia yang populer ini didirikan pada tahun 2003, dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Desember 2020.

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I have a thin body, it makes me not really comfort actually even all of my friends has the same. I have a dream to try for a gym when I got college, I am 17yo on April 10 later, it will be a long journey, hihi. For all of the members in this forum, I wonder to know about do you ever got fitness? Or now yoo are in exercising to make the curve and program for ur body? Does it hard to do for me a newbie in sport, just for information, I don't really like play sport, but, I just wanna try an individual sport like gym. share !


  • Try calisthenic. Indobarian. You dont have to gym to make abs. And you don't have to wait till college. You can start about now.
  • gay klo udah pergi ke gym pasti udah dan akan ml nantinya
  • setuju atas aing
  • coba dulu aja excercise yg mengandalkan berat perlu capek2 ke gym..nanti malah minder ngeliat yg lain udah pada bagus2 badannya..

    kalo udah bisa ngalahin berat badan sendiri baru deh tambah beban ke gym kalo mau ngegedein otot kayak binaragawan..
  • Try calisthenic. Indobarian. You dont have to gym to make abs. And you don't have to wait till college. You can start about now.

    What the kind of sport those are you said dude? I don't even know about them, forgive my innocent, hihi... Umh, I guess I am not really confident to do it now, even soon is better. And I have a lot of activities at school, still dont have any time to do it. I will realize it later.
  • greensun2 wrote: »
    coba dulu aja excercise yg mengandalkan berat perlu capek2 ke gym..nanti malah minder ngeliat yg lain udah pada bagus2 badannya..

    kalo udah bisa ngalahin berat badan sendiri baru deh tambah beban ke gym kalo mau ngegedein otot kayak binaragawan..

    I dont use it for be an athlete dude. I just want to crave my body so it looks better, but, I dont really freak.
  • jeje00 wrote: »
    gay klo udah pergi ke gym pasti udah dan akan ml nantinya

    Really? How could you say that? explain more.
  • I was 'huge' (with fat) back to 15 years ago. As I was getting older and older, i saw that having a healthy physic would be benefit for older men. That the main reason why I subscribed a local gym membership. No need for expensive trainer.

    After years of persistent training at gym, I am pretty much in better shape (i wouldn't say i am athletic but I'm quite confident with myself), health and happy.

    So, go get an excercise. Any exercise. It must be good for you.
  • I thought it was about chad future lol
  • Gak ngerti kakak bilang apa (:|
  • adhywibawa wrote: »
    I was 'huge' (with fat) back to 15 years ago. As I was getting older and older, i saw that having a healthy physic would be benefit for older men. That the main reason why I subscribed a local gym membership. No need for expensive trainer.

    After years of persistent training at gym, I am pretty much in better shape (i wouldn't say i am athletic but I'm quite confident with myself), health and happy.

    So, go get an excercise. Any exercise. It must be good for you.
    Well, it has just clear now. Really? Did you ever left the days with a fat body? Umhh, I guess you were funny, hihi. I have a friend with an overweight body, he has about 82 Kg. But, should I have to make my body become fatter then now before I go for training? Cause its definitely not ideal body that I have.

    Dude, thanks for support. Thanks a lot, I dont even know whether will can I do that or not, I just have a plan for that. hihi, I am not really desperate.
  • Gak ngerti kakak bilang apa (:|
    Just pretend that you know what I am talking about, hhaha... Nggak apa kok, jangan panggil kakak, aku masih 16yo. You?
  • greensun2 wrote: »
    coba dulu aja excercise yg mengandalkan berat perlu capek2 ke gym..nanti malah minder ngeliat yg lain udah pada bagus2 badannya..

    kalo udah bisa ngalahin berat badan sendiri baru deh tambah beban ke gym kalo mau ngegedein otot kayak binaragawan..

    I dont use it for be an athlete dude. I just want to crave my body so it looks better, but, I dont really freak.

    i should answer it in english ya?
    okay okay..

    i know what you mean. you said that you want to go to gym when you are in college but right now you still in high school, don't you? (I suppose that 17 years old is equal to grade 11 or 12). so, there are several months before you hit that gym.

    to fill that days without any excercises I suggest you to do body-weight-excercise first. it's free, simple and doesn't need any tools. you can do it in your own room whenever you want.

    a lot can happen in just 2 months if you are serious..
  • yg lain pada jago bahasa inggris, gue doang yg ganteng
  • greensun2 wrote: »
    greensun2 wrote: »
    coba dulu aja excercise yg mengandalkan berat perlu capek2 ke gym..nanti malah minder ngeliat yg lain udah pada bagus2 badannya..

    kalo udah bisa ngalahin berat badan sendiri baru deh tambah beban ke gym kalo mau ngegedein otot kayak binaragawan..

    I dont use it for be an athlete dude. I just want to crave my body so it looks better, but, I dont really freak.

    i should answer it in english ya?
    okay okay..

    i know what you mean. you said that you want to go to gym when you are in college but right now you still in high school, don't you? (I suppose that 17 years old is equal to grade 11 or 12). so, there are several months before you hit that gym.

    to fill that days without any excercises I suggest you to do body-weight-excercise first. it's free, simple and doesn't need any tools. you can do it in your own room whenever you want.

    a lot can happen in just 2 months if you are serious..

    English is my favourite and my behaviour I always use it everyday in the school with my friends even they dont understand, but, I am bilingual person, I use Indonesian and English. (just for information). Doesnt it matter? hihi...

    Umh, yeah, thats what the way that I wanna do dude. Its simple and doesnt costs so many times, I think. And I will start it now, just to get more healty life. I am a nerd dude, I am the type of ambivert. Have u ever heard bout it? Just google it ! So, cause of it, all this time I dont really care about sport, read the books is my favourite, also with browse so many things here, it may a lil bit out of topic, hhehe...

    Anyway, have you ever tried for gym?
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