Mau curhatan aja... gw knal ma ni cwo ud 3 tahun, basically he is straight and he knows i am an open minded person... i think we know a lot about each other and that feeling started to bloom.. he once told me that he is straight and he won't like guys.. well, i kinda like him but i know it won't b like what i want so i was trying to move on. It was so hard and i couldn't resist him when he needed me.. i tried to keep a distance but he kept nearing me, but when u got near him, he kinda took a step back.. what do u think i should do?
(sorry mix nulisnya, aku blasteran.. agak lum biasa nulis full indon.. lol)
Dulu gw juga (sempet) kaya gitu, suka ngumpetin segala hal, dari perasaan, dompet orang, uang, mobil, motot, dll dah. Tapi sekarang gw udah move on tuh. Ga ngumpetin lagi, soalnya udah jadi hak milik pribadi. #eh
@peeniss_everdark yea nicki....
w sii skrg mencoba buat dewasa aja... lgian dy jg ga suka ma gw, sm aja nunggu yg ga pasti.... wkwkwk