I'm a bisexual manga otaku (manga otaku = sebutan bagi penggila manga)
gw kenal dunia ini lewat manga, per-tama2 dulu nggak tau apa itu shonen-ai/yaoi (genre boys love) tapi sering baca gitu aja deh terus lama2 tertarik dan muncul keingintahuan yang gitu deh pokoknya
dengan "keingintahuan" itu gw mencari dan mencari akhirnya nemuin genre yg lebih heboh yaitu bara (hard yaoi)
pas lihat beginian, gw terpesona banget! i want to do this, i want to do that, intinya gw pngen bener2 ngelakuin itu di dunia nyata dengan seseorang
Dan saat itulah gw mulai pengen ngeliat adegan itu dengan peran yang nyata
dan setelah tau, the real thing, bukannya muna ya, tapi beneran gw jijik --"
kissing is fine by me, tapi doing "this" and "that" kayaknya nggak banget
terkadang gw juga bingung kenapa suka sama cowok (secara pikiran str8 gw masih lebih dominan)
dan itu masih terjadi sampe sekarang
menurut lo gimana?
elu blm dapet yg tepat aja kali.
ntar klo uda dapet yg tepat, pasti nagih.
anyway, mau dong bara-nya. gw punya yg (agak2) yaoi cuma ai no kusabi doang.
tapi nggak kepikiran tuh buat begituan, that's gross --"
eniwei, gw disini nggak promosi bara ya, tolong --"
nyari di aarinfantasy sana lho banyak --" (tuh kan malah jadi promosi)
ummm, nda kepikiran wat gitu? waaahh, janag2n elu frigid. hahaha
yes, i'm indeed a frigid guy (very unfriendly, not sexually unresponsive )
ya uda, minta linknya ajah.
gw nggak pernah nyimpen link-nya cuz mesti pake private tab klo browsing kesana
ah, elu mah pelit ya pelit aja.
pake ngat2in orang segala. :P
terserah lo dah, capek gw ngata2in lo --"
Kedengerannya kasus lu rada beda nih. IMHO, mungkin kaga perlu juga merasa harus langsung mau yg heboh2 gitu, you're still so very young, just do what you enjoy for now, and let time teaches you the rest.
Kalau gue sendiri, malah terbalik, awal2nya kissing and touching another guy's penis were a "no go" to me. I'm a butt guy, whether it is with guys or girls, I've always been a butt guy. But I think you live you learn, the only thing to remember is to keep an open mind.
Ngomong2 pacarlu ada minta lebih ngak dari sekedar kissing? Kalo enggak yah there's nothing to be worried about for now, so just enjoy what you have with him.
Btw, kalo boleh sedikit explicit, trust me, guys give much much better head! Oh my goodness, there's no competition at all! Guys win any time!
Duh ngomongin beginian jadi kepikiran nih, lol
actually I'm asking you if it's okay if I don't do such things --"
well, dia nggak berani macem2! klo sampe dia berani ngelebihin batas, i'll kill him right away xD
oke, what should I call you? it would be very rude of me to use "lo-gw", i should address you properly xD
should I call you old man (haha kidding xD) or aniki/nii-san (both of them means big bro in japan) or whatever you want me to
You're making me feel even older now! lol
Well, you know me quite well now, I'll leave it to you how we should address each other. Jadi seneng nih dapet dede kecil yg bisa dijagain, ha ha ha..
By the way, a word of advice from your older brother, be nice to your boyfriend ok, he's a guy too, and most guys are very physical, so if he asks for something for more, don't shut him out, but talk it over with him with open mind, it's better for him to ask you instead of somebody else, right?
I have friends that broke up with their girlfriends just because the girls didn't want to accommodate the guys' needs.
And the answer to your question is, yes, of course it's ok for you not to things that you don't want to do, the only thing to remember is that you're not single, so do consider your other half too. Don't feel pressurized to do anything you categorically don't want to do, but perhaps you can try to find a middle ground.
Met bobo yah de! :-)
tp kalo eksekusi nya belum pernah...dan apa iya separah itu -,-a